Arhive etichete: Horia Braun-Erdei

Sursa: Erste Asset Management.

Horia Braun – Erdei, CEO Erste Asset Management Romania, speaker of THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2024

Horia Braun-Erdei, General Manager and President of the Board of Directors of Erste Asset Management Romania, is one of the speakers of THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2024.

Erste Asset Management Romania is part of Erste Group and is the largest asset management company in Romania, having over 5.5 billion RON assets under management through 9 Open-end investment funds registered in Romania and discretionary portfolios management. Moreover, the company offers to Romanian customers a range of over 40 Open-end investment funds managed internationally by its parent company Erste Asset Management GmbH.

Horia joined Erste Asset Management Romania in the current position as of November 2019 and Erste Group in 2017, when he was appointed Chief Economist and Head of Research within BCR, the largest Romanian bank at the time. Before that, Horia spent 9 years in NN Group (formerly part of ING Group), where he held various management roles, including that of Investments Head within ING Pensions, the market leader in private pension funds management in Romania, that of General Manager and Chief Investment Officer of the local branch of NN Investment Partners, as well as a stint filling the role of Chief Investment Officer of NN Investment Partners in the Czech Republic, as an asset manager with over 4 billion EUR of assets under management. Horia’s career began within the National Bank of Romania, where he held positions in various departments specialized in macroeconomics and monetary analysis and where he also acquired his first experience in management as head of departments within the newly founded Macroeconomic Modelling and Forecasting Division.

Throughout his career in the financial industry, Horia was involved in a number of important projects among which: the setting up of the required economic modeling, analysis and forecasting framework for the Romanian central bank’s adoption of the inflation targeting monetary policy regime under which it has been operating since 2005, the setting up from scratch of the investment department of the ING Pension Fund, the launch and the bank distribution of the first mutual funds of ING Group invested in the Romanian market, the centralization of the management of insurance and mutual fund portfolios from 4 countries (Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania) on a common, state-of-the-art platform.

On October 10, 2024, THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2024 will be hosted by MIRSANU.RO transaction journal with the support of KPMG in Romania.

The agenda of this exclusively OFFLINE event for business leaders, entrepreneurs, bankers, investors, advisors and other important stakeholders involved in the sustainability chain will be as follows:


09.00 (EEST) – 10.00 Registration and networking

10.00 – 10.05 Welcome message from Adrian Mirsanu, Founder of MIRSANU.RO transaction journal

10.05 – 10.50 Sustainability trends

10.50 – 11.50 ESG in Agriculture, Industry & Energy

11.50 – 12.20 ESG in Transport, Logistics & Infrastructure

12.20 – 12.50 Coffee break

12.50 – 13.40 ESG in Finance & Investments

13.40 – 14.20 ESG in Retail, FMCG & Services

14.20 – 14.30 Final notes

14.30 – 15.30 Lunch & Networking


If you are interested in attending this event or making a partnership, please contact us at:


MIRSANU.RO is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions. MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and founders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and overall the dealmakers community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.

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Horia Braun – Erdei, Erste Asset Management Romania: Interesul nostru pe zona de obligatiuni corporative va fi orientat din ce in ce mai mult catre emitenti cu un rating bun de sustenabilitate, unde poate putem face un pic de rabat in ceea ce priveste lichiditatea. As vrea sa trag un semnal de atentie privind finantarea statului direct de la populatie, care e un pas de dezintermediere financiara si asta poate sa insemne ca avem mai putini bani care se duc catre economia reala

„Cele mai mari intrari le avem acum in fonduri de actiuni sau fonduri diversificate cu o componenta foarte importanta de actiuni. Exista o tendinta in acest sens”, a declarat Horia Braun – Erdei, CEO Erste Asset Management Romania, in cadrul MIRSANU IPO CHALLENGE 2024, eveniment organizat pe 25 aprilie de catre jurnalul de tranzactii MIRSANU.RO pentru comunitatea pietelor de capital.

„Ne intereseaza obligatiuni verzi, in special emise de companii nefinanciare daca se poate. Ne intereseaza si acele green bonds si am investit in titlurile „verzi” ale statului roman, dar aici metodologia noastra tine cont de emitent si nu putem sa construim un portofoliu care sa corespunda cerintelor de raportare de sustenabilitate doar din titluri de stat in momentul de fata, deci ne orientam spre o diversificare”, a punctat acesta.

„Dar, in acelasi timp, avand in vedere profilul nostru de administrator de active si de fonduri deschise in general, fonduri din care investitorii pot iesi oricand printr-o cerere de rascumparare, din acest punct de vedere trebuie sa ne uitam si la aspectul de lichiditate foarte mult.  De asta interesul nostru pe zona de obligatiuni corporative va fi orientat din ce in ce mai mult catre emitenti cu un rating bun de sustenabilitate, unde poate putem face un pic de rabat in ceea ce priveste lichiditatea, dar la cei care nu au aceasta componenta, nu vom face rabat.”, avertizeaza liderul pietei de asset management din Romania.

„Nu poti sa ignori randamentul, trebuie sa existe un echilibru intre randament si profilul financiar, ratingul de credit, dar sa zicem ca orientarea strategica este legata de sustenabilitate, care este o componenta nefinanciara la care ne uitam. Lucru care poate nu se intampla acum 2 – 3 ani. Totalul portofoliului aflat in administrarea noastra la sfarsitul lunii martie 2024 era undeva la 5,2 mld. RON, din care aproximativ 3,2 mld. RON erau fonduri de obligatiuni.  Avem si o componenta de administrare de portofolii discretionare, care este intr-o crestere destul de rapida. Si aici nu ne-am orientat foarte mult spre zona de obligatiuni, iar investitorii au fost mai degraba orientati catre risc mai ridicat, catre actiuni, dar vrem sa diversificam inclusiv portofoliile discretionare, inclusiv in zona asta de sustenabilitate si cu componenta de fix income (venit fix – n.r.) care cred ca este binevenita.”, afirma Horia Braun – Erdei.

„Noi, ca jucator pe piata de fonduri mutuale, avem un portofoliu destul de puternic dominat de fondurile de obligatiuni cu toate ca ponderea acestor fonduri este pe o tendinta de scadere. Ca un exemplu, la finele anului 2022, aveam cam 69% din active in fonduri de obligatiuni, in luna martie 2024 aveam 61%, restul sunt evident produse mai degraba cu investitii pe piata de capital in actiuni, adica in zona de risc mai ridicat. E o tendinta de apetit de risc ceva mai mare din partea investitorilor si in contextul performantei destul de bune a Bursei de Valori de la noi, dar inca obligatiunile sunt o parte importanta a portofoliului nostru si profilul investitorilor de banca, pentru ca ne adresam in special investitorilor care sunt si ai BCR, au un profil ceva mai conservator si se uita si la zona asta de obligatiuni.”, explica reprezentantul Erste Asset Management.

„In continuare, exista intrari si iesiri de astfel de fonduri. Este adevarat ca am avut in spate 2 ani mai putin gloriosi si, mai ales, 2022 a fost un an care a zdruncinat piata de obligatiuni nu doar in Romania, ci si pe plan global. 2023 a fost un an de revenire, dar inca cicatricile sunt acolo. Cu toate acestea, strategia noastra este sa ne uitam din ce in ce mai mult si catre zona de obligatiuni ale unor emitenti care sa poata fi incadrati la zona de sustenabilitate, sa aiba un rating de sustenabilitate bun. Avem o metodologie interna de rating ESG, folosim si surse externe pentru aceste rating-uri, dar inca emitentii din Romania nu sunt pe harta.”, a adaugat acesta.

„Speram sa devina din ce in ce mai interesati de a obtine si rating-uri de sustenabilitate, nu doar rating-uri de credit, pentru ca din punctul nostru de vedere asta este o directie interesanta. Poate ca nu exista inca o baza critica de investitori care sa se uite exclusiv la investitii cu componenta de exclusivitate, dar ceea ce observam la nivel global este ca generatia tanara este mult mai interesata de acest subiect si o sa vina din urma si perspectiva oferirii de produse cu componenta de sustenabilitate mai pregnanta si atunci incercam sa ne adaptam gradual, dar incercam sa gasim si marfa pe piata”, explica seful Erste Asset Management Romania.

„Daca ne uitam si comparam cu Europa la structura financiara, structura bilantului financiar al populatiei pe date de la institutele de statistica, vedem ca equity (clasa de active reprezentata de actiuni – n.r.) nu este atat de putin, ci equity listat este putin. Nu cred ca exista atat de mare discrepanta in ceea ce priveste prezenta capitalurilor proprii sau a investitiilor in capitaluri proprii ale populatiei, dar exista o discrepanta in partea intermediata financiar”, nuanteaza Horia Braun – Erdei.

„As vrea sa trag un semnal de atentie pentru ca am vorbit aici de finantarea statului direct de la populatie. Intelegem totusi ca lucrul asta, de fapt si de drept, inseamna dezintermediere financiara pentru ca statul se imprumuta direct, iar asta inseamna ca ocoleste sistemul financiar. Exista banci in sindicat care faciliteaza aceasta tranzactie, dar, in esenta, este un pas de dezintermediere financiara si asta poate sa insemne ca avem mai putini bani care se duc catre economia reala.”, semnaleaza reprezentantul Erste Asset Management Romania, unul dintre cei mai mari manageri locali de bani.

„A existat in trecut, nu mai este la fel de pregnant, dar exista si fenomenul prin care investitorii care cumpara titluri de stat gen Fidelis sau Tezaur, dar in special Fidelis, scot bani din alte tipuri de plasamente, de exemplu din fonduri de obligatiuni. Daca ies bani din fonduri de obligatiuni, asta pentru mine ca administrator de fonduri inseamna ca trebuie sa vand obligatiuni pe piata secundara ca sa ii dau omului banii si asta pune presiune pe piata secundara ducand costul finantarii mai sus. Nu sunt doar avantaje, ci si anumite aspecte de care trebuie tinut cont. Ideal ar fi ca prin acele emisiuni direct catre populatie, sa se mobilizeze sume care poate erau la ciorap sau in numerar.”, a mai spus Horia Braun – Erdei, CEO al Erste Asset Management Romania, in cadrul panelului Obligatiuni al evenimentului organizat de catre jurnalul de tranzactii MIRSANU.RO.

Partenerii MIRSANU IPO CHALLENGE 2024 sunt Mazars, BCR, Bursa de Valori Bucuresti (BVB). Globalworth si Vetimex Capital sunt Suporting Partners ai evenimentului.



Citeste aici toata seria MIRSANU IPO CHALLENGE 2024

MIRSANU IPO CHALLENGE 2024: Ce aduce si ce tine inca departe companiile antreprenoriale de pietele de capital. „Nu vad de ce Dedeman, compania care produce Borsec sau Cristim nu ar fi pe piata de capital”. Companii din industrie, energie si agribusiness, cu apetit de IPO pe bursa de la Bucuresti. Ce planuri de finantare au companiile si statul roman pe pietele de capital si cum se misca portofoliile investitorilor institutionali

Adrian Tanase, Bursa de Valori Bucuresti: Toate listarile din ultimii 14 ani de pe bursa au totalizat peste 3,3 mld. Euro, am avut peste 50 de listari din 2010 pana acum, din care 15 au fost pe piata reglementata. Semnale de potentiale IPO-uri la companii, mai mult dinspre antreprenori si mai putin dinspre fonduri de investitii care cauta un exit pe bursa

Bogdan Chetreanu, Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiara (ASF): Exista interes foarte mare al companiilor din Republica Moldova sa se listeze la Bucuresti. Pe langa IPO-ul Premier Energy si maib, asteptam in 2024 inca o companie privata din Romania sa se listeze. Vor mai fi listari si din partea statului, avand in vedere obligativitatea din PNRR de a lista cel putin 3 companii

Bogdan Zinca, Ministerul de Finante: Urmatoarea emisiune de obligatiuni verzi pe pietele internationale in functie de alocare va fi in 2025. Exista doua variante de dezvoltare a acestui program, adica putem sa largim cadrul si sa acoperim cheltuieli sociale ale statului la ministere precum Sanatatea sau Educatia, fie emitem pe alte piete, iar urmatoarea piata naturala ar fi cea locala

Cristian Nacu, International Finance Corporation: Desi anul fiscal se incheie in iunie, portofoliul IFC in Romania a ajuns astazi la 2,055 mld. USD, din care 515 mil. USD sunt fonduri proprii si am mobilizat aproape 1,6 mld. USD, ajungand la o rata de mobilizare de 3 dolari la fiecare un dolar acordat sub forma de datorie. „Principala sursa de finantare pentru companii nu sunt bancile, ci creditul furnizor”

Horia Braun – Erdei, Erste Asset Management Romania: Interesul nostru pe zona de obligatiuni corporative va fi orientat din ce in ce mai mult catre emitenti cu un rating bun de sustenabilitate, unde poate putem face un pic de rabat in ceea ce priveste lichiditatea. As vrea sa trag un semnal de atentie privind finantarea statului direct de la populatie, care e un pas de dezintermediere financiara si asta poate sa insemne ca avem mai putini bani care se duc catre economia reala

Florin Ilie, ING Bank: Toti banii care se invart in piata asta – in piata bursiera, in piata de obligatiuni, de equity nu sunt altceva decat credite bancare inca nerambursate

Cosmina Plaveti, BCR: Vedem potentiale IPO-uri la companii din industrie, agribusiness si energie. Avem un portofoliu de obligatiuni de 8,7 mld. RON, din care 55% sunt titluri verzi. Am iesit cu prima emisiune internationala de obligatiuni verzi pentru ca pentru volume mari mergi pe pietele externe, unde sunt si fonduri ESG specializate, iar plaja de investitori este mai larga

Razvan Butucaru, Mazars: La tranzactiile mari, gasesti mai usor investitori care sa investeasca impreuna 1 mld. Euro decat unul singur care sa investeasca aceeasi suma. Din acest motiv, logic ar fi ca piata de capital sa fie mai atractiva si sa poti sa ridici astfel de bani mai usor decat in piata de M&A

Bogdan Chirita, Value4Capital: IPO-ul MedLife este un studiu de caz destul de reusit despre cum poti sa faci un exit pe bursa. Nu am vrut sa mergem pe piata publica, am explorat inainte de IPO o tranzactie privata. Constrangerile unui fond de private equity, care are o perioada de investitie, de crestere a companiei si de exit, ne-au facut sa iesim probabil un pic mai devreme decat ne-am fi dorit

Sorin Petre, PwC: Pe piata de capital, multiplii de evaluare ai companiilor sunt cat de cat mai stabili, deci ar fi o investitie cu un randament mai constant decat pe piata de M&A. Cum difera topul IPO-urilor companiilor antreprenoriale de topul multiplilor PER obtinuti la listarea la BVB

Jan Pricop, Asociatia Administratorilor de Fonduri din Romania (AAF): Fondurile de obligatiuni si cu venit fix au pierdut ca pondere in portofoliile fondurilor de investitii de la peste 66% in 2020 la circa 47% acum. Sunt pe trend investitiile in actiuni si cred ca aceasta dinamica se va pastra inca o perioada

Eugeniu Baltag, Purcari: Prin parteneriatul dintre fondatorul companiei, IFC si fondul de investitii Horizon Capital s-a ajuns la o formula de mijloc si am prins valul IPO in 2018. Dupa listare, ne-am finantat tranzactiile M&A din propriul cash si credit bancar, dar vom folosi pe termen mediu oportunitatile de pe piata de capital pentru a emite actiuni suplimentare si a finanta tranzactii

Laurentiu Stan, exit planning advisor: Antreprenorii la inceput de drum se finanteaza din fonduri proprii, iar dupa ce incep sa creasca au nevoie de finantare de datorie. Ei sunt obisnuiti cu banca si au o preconceptie ca le va fi foarte dificil sa ajunga pe piata de capital, ca sunt prea mici pentru listare pe bursa si emisiuni de obligatiuni

Sursa: Erste Asset Management.

Horia Braun – Erdei, CEO Erste Asset Management Romania, speaker of MIRSANU IPO CHALLENGE 2024

Horia Braun-Erdei, General Manager and President of the Board of Directors of Erste Asset Management Romania, is one of the speakers of MIRSANU IPO CHALLENGE 2024.

Erste Asset Management Romania is part of Erste Group and is the largest asset management company in Romania, having over 4.5 billion RON assets under management through 9 Open-end investment funds registered in Romania and discretionary portfolios management. Moreover, the company offers to Romanian customers a range of over 40 Open-end investment funds managed internationally by its parent company Erste Asset Management GmbH.

Horia joined Erste Asset Management Romania in the current position as of November 2019 and Erste Group in 2017, when he was appointed Chief Economist and Head of Research within BCR, the largest Romanian bank at the time. Before that, Horia spent 9 years in NN Group (formerly part of ING Group), where he held various management roles, including that of Investments Head within ING Pensions, the market leader in private pension funds management in Romania, that of General Manager and Chief Investment Officer of the local branch of NN Investment Partners, as well as a stint filling the role of Chief Investment Officer of NN Investment Partners in the Czech Republic, as an asset manager with over 4 billion EUR of assets under management. Horia’s career began within the National Bank of Romania, where he held positions in various departments specialized in macroeconomics and monetary analysis and where he also acquired his first experience in management as head of departments within the newly founded Macroeconomic Modelling and Forecasting Division.

Throughout his career in the financial industry, Horia was involved in a number of important projects among which: the setting up of the required economic modeling, analysis and forecasting framework for the Romanian central bank’s adoption of the inflation targeting monetary policy regime under which it has been operating since 2005, the setting up from scratch of the investment department of the ING Pension Fund, the launch and the bank distribution of the first mutual funds of ING Group invested in the Romanian market, the centralization of the management of insurance and mutual fund portfolios from 4 countries (Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania) on a common, state-of-the-art platform.

On April 25, 2024, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting MIRSANU IPO CHALLENGE 2024, an exclusively OFFLINE event for entrepreneurs and the capital markets community.


The agenda of this event will be as follows:

08:30 (EEST) – 10:00 Welcome coffee & registration

10:00 – 10:05 Welcome message from Adrian Mirsanu, Founder of MIRSANU.RO transaction journal

10:05 – 10:55 Panel Trends of the capital markets

10:55 – 11:45 Panel IPO

11:45 – 12:15 Coffee Break

12:15 – 13:05 Panel Bonds

13:05 – 13:10 Final notes

13:10 – 14:00 Lunch & networking


Globalworth is a Supporting Partner of this event.

If you are interested in attending this event or making a partnership, please contact us at:



MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions. MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and founders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and overall the dealmakers community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.

Credit foto: MIRSANU.RO.

Horia Braun – Erdei, CEO Erste Asset Management Romania: Investim in produse ESG mai mult ca parte a strategiei de investitii, nu neaparat la cererea investitorilor. Ne uitam atent la aceste oportunitati si aproape 80% din ce am cumparat in ultima vreme sunt obligatiuni verzi sau cu link de sustenabilitate

„La nivelul produselor traditionale, investim in produse ESG sau in emitenti sub forma de instrumente sustenabile, dar o facem mai mult ca parte din strategia de investitii si parte din strategia noastra ESG nu neaparat la cererea investitorilor sau investitorii nu ne cer sa aratam care este ponderea activelor verzi in produsele traditionale. Nu suntem inca in acel punct, nu stiu daca vom ajunge acolo, cred ca vom ajunge acolo la un moment dat, dar mai sunt de parcurs niste pasi si mai este nevoie si de marfa in magazine. Adica atunci cand va exista o masa critica de instrumente in care sa poti investi in sume consistente si va exista si lichiditatea pentru aceste instrumente atunci cred ca vom vorbi despre o alta maturitate a pietei de solutii ESG”, a declarat Horia Braun – Erdei, CEO al Erste Asset Management Romania,  in cadrul THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2023, eveniment organizat pe 26 octombrie de catre jurnalul de tranzactii MIRSANU.RO.

„In cazul nostru poate sa ajunga si la 100% din anumite produse daca exista cerere din partea investitorilor pentru ca pana la urma noi suntem producatorii unor solutii de investitii pe care sa le oferim investitorilor in functie de interesele lor. Daca ar exista o cerere puternica pentru produse sustenabile sau produse ESG si cu expunere pe piata locala, am putea sa construim astfel de solutii dar in momentul de fata nu suntem acolo”, a adaugat acesta.

„In cazul Hidroelectrica, este relativ simplu fiind un activ emitent foarte mare si facand parte din indicii de referinta, avem o expunere cat se poate de mare sau cat ne permite legea sa avem. Este destul de consistenta in totalul portofoliului atat in fondurile mutuale specializate pe actiuni, cat si pe portofoliile individuale cu componenta de actiuni. In zona de obligatiuni verzi, as spune ca ponderea in general nu este mare la nivel de total portofoliu, dar asta este legat mai mult de structura generala a portofoliului, unde preferam in continuare datorita profilului fondurilor mutuale, preferam investitii foarte lichide si titlurile de stat raman cele mai lichide instrumente”, a punctat Horia Braun – Erdei.

„In cadrul portofoliului de obligatiuni corporative, ponderea (de active verzi – n.r.) este in crestere, adica practic am participat la cele mai importante emisiuni de obligatiuni verzi sau de obligatiuni cu link de sustenabilitate de pe piata. Ne uitam foarte atent la aceste oportunitati si aproape 80% din ce am cumparat in ultima perioada fie a fost un green bond, fie a fost un sustainability linked bond. Deci, avem clar o atentie sporita spre active care au componenta de sustenabilitate. Ce as remarca este ca exista in ultima perioada un mic recul in ceea ce priveste interesul investitorilor, vorbesc aici de investitorii retail cu care ne confruntam noi in fiecare zi. Daca poate in 2020 – 2021, exista o efervescenta si, de exemplu, din vanzarile de fonduri internationale cam 20 – 25% erau in fonduri de articol 8 – articol 9 SFDR, adica fonduri sustenabile, in momentul de fata dupa un an 2022 in care toata piata a scazut, zona asta de greentech a scazut destul de mult si mult mai mult decat media pietei. Exista o mica reticenta din partea investitorilor, insa asta nu ne impiedica sa ne pierdem focusul”, afirma CEO-ul Erste Asset Management Romania, liderul pietei locale de asset management cu active sub administrare de peste 4,5 mld. RON.

„Noi continuam sa investim in zona de resurse umane si dezvoltare de proces de investitii pentru a integra criteriile de durabilitate sau de sustenabilitate in procesul de investitii.  Ne vom uita din ce in ce mai mult la aceste aspecte. Avem o metodologie la nivel de grup prin care fiecare emitent va dobandi un rating de sustenabilitate, un rating ESG. In momentul de fata lucrul asta se intampla pentru majoritatea emitentilor internationali, dar vom face lucrul acesta si cu emitentii din Romania pe masura ce informatiile disponibile prin rapoartele de sustenabilitate sau alte tipuri de disclosures vor permite sa facem o analiza mai profunda”, a spus Horia Braun – Erdei.

„Si, nu in ultimul rand, ne vom concentra din ce in ce mai mult si pe componenta de guvernanta din ESG pentru ca  dupa parerea mea in Romania avem niste gap-uri de guvernanta corporativa care nu sunt adresate suficient de explicit si de programatic de catre piata si e loc de multe imbunatatiri in acest sens. Si rolul nostru fiduciar este pana la urma sa aparam interesele investitorilor nostri si vom incerca sa o facem din ce in ce mai clar si mai eficient, chiar daca in anumite puncte de vedere ponderea noastra ca actionar nu este foarte mare, dar o sa incercam sa compensam printr-o strategie de engagement mai inteligenta”, explica acesta.

Intrebat care este dinamica mixului de sectoare din portofoliul administrat, reprezentantul Erste Asset Management Romania a raspuns: „Din pacate stagneaza. Cumva urmarim structura pietei in general si ceea ce se emite pe piata locala in special. E adevarat ca ne uitam partial si pe pietele internationale si acolo unde mandatele ne permit avem expuneri si pe pietele internationale si acolo poti sa faci o diversificare mai mare. Dar inca preponderent activele noastre sunt investite pe piata locala, evident ne si dorim sa investim cat mai mult pe piata locala. Sectorul de energie este prin natura structurii pietei unul foarte bine reprezentat iar in ceea ce priveste portofoliul de instrumente cu venit fix sectorul bancar in cadrul portofoliului de obligatiuni corporative ramane si acolo predominant pentru ca el este cel care a emis in ultima perioada fie ca e vorba de instrumente sustenabile sau green sau alte tipuri de instrumente. Pipeline-ul pentru emisiuni de o anumita lichiditate si o marime relevanta a venit cam de acolo”.

Ce tranzactii cu active verzi sunt asteptate pe piata de capital din Romania?

„In primul rand, trebuie sa trecem de impasul acesta conjunctural legat de situatia financiara si incertitudine. Nu as vrea sa fiu prea pesimist aici. Sper sa dureze cat mai putin dar exista forte structurale care probabil vor tine inflatia si dobanzile ceva mai sus decat ne-am fi dorit. Dar asta nu inseamna ca piata nu se poate debloca. E o chestiune si de mental pana la urma pentru ca, odata ce incepi sa te obisnuiesti cu ideea ca inflatia si dobanzile nu vor mai fi 2% ci poate vor fi 4% sau 5%, daca oportunitatile din economie exista si cred ca vor exista inclusiv legat de tranzitia verde la un moment dat, se vor debloca lucrurile. Poate nu va exista un Big Bang, dar va exista o deblocare graduala si sunt convins ca este nevoie de un push si dintr-o parte si din alta, si din partea emitentilor si a operatorilor de piata si din partea autoritatilor si din partea investitorilor. Aspectul pozitiv pe care il vad legat de 2023 este ca piata locala de capital a avut o evolutie foarte buna, inclusiv legat de IPO-ul Hidroelectrica a supraperformat destul de semnificativ pietele internationale si vedem deja ca urmare a acestui fapt un interes mai mare al investitorilor pentru investitii pe piata locala si atunci pe masura ce aceasta tendinta se va mentine si va creste atractia vor veni bani mai multi catre zona asta se va crea o masa critica la un moment dat pentru a impinge si mai mult activitatea pe piata de capital”., este de parere Horia Braun – Erdei.

Cum evolueaza numarul de companii cu rating ESG in portofoliile administrate?

„Daca va referiti la ratingurile Sustainalytics, noi le monitorizam, avem o evidenta a lor si da, sunt in usoara crestere. Dar nu suntem in punctul in care sa luam decizii pe baza lor pentru ca avem anumite rezerve legate de calitatea acestor ratinguri in masura in care nu sunt finantate in mod recurent si nu stim daca emitentul acestor ratinguri are un commitment (angajament – n.r.) foarte puternic pe piata locala. Chiar daca ne uitam la zona asta de ratinguri oferite prin bunavointa Bursei de Valori pentru emitenti, procesul nostru de investitii are in vedere mai degraba aspecte mai generale de sustenabilitate. Va trebui sa ne facem tema de casa si pana la urma decizia finala este legata de ratingurile interne de ESG, nu neaparat de ratingurile de la o singura agentie de rating. Mai este si aspectul legat de diferentele de metodologie intre diferite agentii de rating si corelatia scazuta intre aceste ratinguri. Este de lucru acolo.”, a mai declarat Horia Braun – Erdei, CEO Erste Asset Management Romania, la panelul Finantare din cadrul evenimentului organizat de catre jurnalul de tranzactii MIRSANU.RO.

Partenerii evenimentului THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2023 sunt Alro, Erste Asset Management Romania, Raiffeisen Bank Romania si Dentons, iar Partener de hidratare este La Fantana.

Sursa: Erste Asset Management.

First View to THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2023. Horia Braun-Erdei, CEO Erste Asset Management Romania: In Romania, particularly, we think that Governance (the G in ESG) is a key topic for both investors and broader stakeholders

„For Erste Asset Management, ESG is becoming more integrated in the investment process and in our product offering. We have recently launched discretionary portfolio solutions that are compliant with the Art.VIII of the SFDR, i.e. their strategies are considering ESG factors in the investment decision making process. We firmly believe that ESG is not a fading investment theme, but it is a mean to align investment financing with broader society’s goals and long-term interests.”, said Horia Braun-Erdei, General Manager and President of the Board of Directors of Erste Asset Management Romania.

„In Romania, particularly, we think that Governance (the G in ESG) is a key topic for both investors and broader stakeholders. Romanian issuers have ample room for improvement in terms of alignment and accountability of management structures and the observation of broader governance principles. Current gaps in the pursuit of governance, along with environmental and social goals, are likely to become subject of institutional investors’ engagement actions as sustainability requirements become an ever increasing part of client mandates and retail client conversations.”, he added.

Horia Braun-Erdei, CEO Erste Asset Management Romania, is one of the speakers of THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2023 in the Financing panel.

On October 26, 2023, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting an OFFLINE event for business leaders, entrepreneurs, bankers, investors, advisors and other important stakeholders involved in the sustainability chain.

The final agenda of this event will be as follows:

08.30 – 09.00 (EEST/GMT+2) Registration & Networking

09.00 – 09.05 Welcome message from Adrian Mirsanu, Founding Editor of MIRSANU.RO transaction journal

09.05 – 10.00 Trends

10.00 – 10.30 One-to-One about Industry & Energy with Marian Nastase, Chairman Alro

10.30 – 11.20 Transport, Mobility & Logistic

11.20 – 11.50 Coffee break

11.50 – 12.50 Financing

12.50 – 13.50 ESG in Consumer industries

13.50 – 14.00 Final notes

14.00 – 15.00 Lunch & Networking

The event’s partners are Alro, Erste Asset Management Romania, Raiffeisen Bank Romania and Dentons. Hydration partner for this event is La Fantana.

If you are interested in attending this event or making a partnership, please contact us at:


MIRSANU.RO is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions. MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and founders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and overall the dealmakers community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.

Sursa: Erste Asset Management.

Horia Braun – Erdei, CEO Erste Asset Management Romania, speaker of THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2023

Horia Braun-Erdei, General Manager and President of the Board of Directors of Erste Asset Management Romania, is one of the speakers of THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2023.

Erste Asset Management Romania is part of Erste Group and is the largest asset management company in Romania, having over 4.5 billion RON assets under management through 9 Open-end investment funds registered in Romania and discretionary portfolios management. Moreover, the company offers to Romanian customers a range of over 40 Open-end investment funds managed internationally by its parent company Erste Asset Management GmbH.

Horia joined Erste Asset Management Romania in the current position as of November 2019 and Erste Group in 2017, when he was appointed Chief Economist and Head of Research within BCR, the largest Romanian bank at the time. Before that, Horia spent 9 years in NN Group (formerly part of ING Group), where he held various management roles, including that of Investments Head within ING Pensions, the market leader in private pension funds management in Romania, that of General Manager and Chief Investment Officer of the local branch of NN Investment Partners, as well as a stint filling the role of Chief Investment Officer of NN Investment Partners in the Czech Republic, as an asset manager with over 4 billion EUR of assets under management. Horia’s career began within the National Bank of Romania, where he held positions in various departments specialized in macroeconomics and monetary analysis and where he also acquired his first experience in management as head of departments within the newly founded Macroeconomic Modelling and Forecasting Division.

Throughout his career in the financial industry, Horia was involved in a number of important projects among which: the setting up of the required economic modeling, analysis and forecasting framework for the Romanian central bank’s adoption of the inflation targeting monetary policy regime under which it has been operating since 2005, the setting up from scratch of the investment department of the ING Pension Fund, the launch and the bank distribution of the first mutual funds of ING Group invested in the Romanian market, the centralization of the management of insurance and mutual fund portfolios from 4 countries (Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania) on a common, state-of-the-art platform.

On October 26, 2023, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting an OFFLINE event for business leaders, entrepreneurs, bankers, investors, advisors and other important stakeholders involved in the sustainability chain.


The agenda of this event will be as follows:

08.30 – 09.00 (EEST/GMT+2) Registration & Networking
09.00 – 09.05 Welcome message from Adrian Mirsanu, Founding Editor of transaction journal MIRSANU.RO
09.05 – 09.50 Trends
09.50 – 10.35 Industry & Energy
10.35 – 11.20 Trasport, Mobility & Logistic
11.20 – 11.50 Coffee break
11.50 – 12.35 Finance
12.35 – 13.20 FMCG
13.20 – 14.05 Retail & Services
14.05 – 14.10 Final notes
14.10 – 15.00 Lunch & Networking

If you are interested in attending this event or making a partnership, please contact us at:



MIRSANU.RO is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions. MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and founders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and overall the dealmakers community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.

Sursa: Erste Asset Management.

Horia Braun – Erdei, Erste Asset Management: Actiunile Hidroelectrica vor fi o bucata mare in portofoliile noastre de fonduri mutuale, dar si pe partea de portofolii individuale. La Neptun Deep, suntem pregatiti sa participam la finantarea pe bursa fie prin emisiuni de obligatiuni, fie prin emisiuni de actiuni noi

„Portofoliile pe care noi le administram pe bursa sau cu expunere pe actiuni au investit in IPO-ul Hidroelectrica. Hidroelectrica stim sigur ca este parte din benchmark-ul nostru (referinta – n.r.), stiam dinainte, deci este normal sa participi la o astfel de emisiune si destul de mult fie am investit in IPO, fie am cumparat de pe piata secundara actiunile de care avem nevoie in concordanta cu viziunea noastra de investitii. Deci da, Hidroelectrica va fi o bucata mare din portofoliile noastre atat pe partea de fonduri mutuale, car si pe partea de portofolii individuale pentru ca administram portofolii individuale pentru investitori privati.”, a declarat Horia Braun – Erdei, Chief Executive Officer al Erste Asset Management Romania, in cadrul evenimentului online ROMANIAN CAPITAL MARKET 2023 NEW HORIZON, organizat pe 13 iulie de catre jurnalul de tranzactii MIRSANU.RO.

„Intr-adevar, Hidroelectrica este un deschizator de usi pentru piata noastra si pentru peisajul financiar din Romania. Este important ca avem investitori noi pe piata, investitori institutionali straini care vad acum ca este usor sa tranzactionezi pe piata din Romania si speram ca vor acorda atentie la ceea ce se intampla aici. Speram sa vedem o anumita imbunatatire a lichiditatii la toate companiile mari blue chip si asta este important pentru noi pentru ca administram fonduri mutuale deschise, iar lichiditatea este un factor important pentru procesul nostru de luare a deciziilor.”, a adaugat acesta.

„Este important, de asemenea, ca acest IPO deschide usile catre comunitatea de investitori de retail. Nu imi aduc aminte un IPO in anii recenti care sa fi primit un asemenea vibe pozitiv de la baza de investitori de retail, desigur ca am avut in trecut IPO-urile Romgaz si Electrica. Era si timpul sa avem o alta poveste care sa energizeze baza de investitori de retail. In Romania, investitorii de retail au investit, dupa parerea mea, prea mult in instrumente si produse cu venit fix si este timpul pentru o diversificare sa se intample catre piata de actiuni la o scara mai mare pentru ca de-a lungul timpului, cu bune si rele, razboaie si pandemii, indiferent de tipul de soc, piata de actiuni a aratat ca este destul de rezilienta in termeni de performanta a pretului pentru investitorii de retail care au investit pe bursa. Pe termen lung, cred ca este un tip de investitie cu un risc mai mic poate chiar decat investitia in instrumente cu venit fix in special daca luam in considerare ca anul trecut a fost un an oribil pentru investitiile in instrumente cu venit fix”, este de parere liderul pietei de asset management din Romania.

„Bineinteles, Hidroelectrica, de asemenea, deschide usile potential pentru un upgrade al pietei din Romania catre statutul de piata emergenta in ochii celui mai mare furnizor de indici ceea ce ar putea fi un semnal important si ar ajuta evaluarea in general a pietei care, mai departe, daca avem o imbunatatire a evaluarii pietei ar trebui sa atraga noi companii private pe piata. Pentru noi, este foarte important sa avem o gama larga de sectoare reprezentate in piata pentru ca, in esenta, noi vindem povestea catre investitori romani ca ei participa la povestea cresterii Romaniei, iar bursa este un foarte bun vehicul pentru a face asta. Din pacate, pana acum a fost o concentrare sectoriala foarte puternica, dar o poveste de succes precum cea a Hidroelectrica ar putea creste increderea pentru alte companii din alte sectoare sa testeze piata si sunt de acord cu faptul ca daca este o poveste buna de investitii si este un moment bun de piata, banii vor fi acolo pentru a investi in astfel de noi emisiuni si astfel de eforturi.”, mai spune Horia Braun – Erdei.

„Hidroelectrica pune Romania pe harta investitiilor sustenabile. Avem acum o companie potentiala care va fi scanata pe radarul companiilor furnizoare de indici ESG care acopera piata. Marii furnizori de indici ESG si administratorii de portofolii ESG se vor uita probabil la companie daca nu au investit deja in ea. Este, de asemenea, important sa vedem investitii sustenabile ca si tema si ca si trend care va continua si credem ca piata din Romania are potential sa ses dezvolte dintr-o perspectiva ESG. Hidroelectrica a adus perspectiva de mediu in lumina reflectoarelor, dar cred ca perspectiva guvernantei este, de asemenea, ceva ce noi, cel putin in Erste Asset Management ne vom concentra din ce in ce mai mult si cred ca este partea din ESG in care piata din Romania ar trebui sa arate semne clare de dezvoltare si imbunatatire si faptul ca am avut un proiect major ca IPO Hidroelectrica care trece prin toti stakeholderii si este un semnal bun ca prin cooperare si angajament din partea stakeholderilor putem realiza lucruri foarte interesante si putem ajuta la dezvoltarea pietei”, afirma acesta.

Ce impact au IPO Hidroelectrica si proiectul Neptun Deep asupra pietei locale de capital?

„Noi am primi foarte bine ca o parte din acest proiect (Neptun Deep – n.r.) sa fie finantata pe bursa fie prin emisiuni de obligatiuni fie prin emisiunea de actiuni noi. Intr-adevar exista informatii mai concrete privind o finantare prin obligatiuni. Noi suntem pregatiti sa participam la orice fel de finantare a proiectului pentru ca scopul nostru este sa ajutam investitorii romani sa participe la cresterea economiei Romaniei in exact astfel de proiecte care pun in fata agenda independentei energetice pentru economia Romaniei. Deci, am sprijini o potentiala emisiune pe piata locala”, a punctat seful Erste Asset Management Romania.

Proiectul Neptun Deep de exploatare si dezvoltare a gazelor din Marea Neagra are un program de investitii estimat la aproape 4 mld. Euro, care ar urma sa fie derulat in cea mai mare parte a lui in urmatorii 3 – 4 ani. Proiectul este detinut in cote egale de catre OMV Petrom, subsidiara locala a grupului austriac OMV, respectiv Romgaz, companie controlata de catre statul roman. Ambele companii, printre cele mai mari din Romania, sunt listate pe bursa de la Bucuresti.

„Au fost emisiuni de obligatiuni in mod special in sectorul bancar, care au deschis destul de mult usile catre investitorii internationali care se uita sa investeasca in obligatiuni senior non preferentiale. Sunt deci povesti de succes, de asemenea. Hidroelectrica a aratat ca este o poveste de succes in termeni de finantare la scara mare in spatiul actiunilor si deci cred sunt toate motivele pentru oricare dintre cele doua companii sa abordeze piata si sa isi planifice o tranzactie de succes. Sunt sigur ca banii vor fi acolo de la intreaga baza de investitori institutionali din Romania si potential si de la investitori de retail pentru ca investitorii de retail si ei se uita la randamente”, explica Horia Braun – Erdei.

„Ne asteptam ca in urmatoarele 12 luni pana la 18 luni, ratele dobanzilor sa se stabilizeze si apoi probabil sa inceapa sa o ia in jos. Atunci ar fi un mediu bun sa vina pe piata si sa atinga interesul investitorilor”, sustine CEO-ul Erste Asset Management Romania.

Potrivit acestuia, pentru investitorii care se uita si la siguranta, la o volatilitate scazuta a investitiilor, un astfel de proiect din partea a doua companii atat de mari precum OMV Petrom si Romgaz, care isi pun bilanturile in spatele acestui proiect, ar bifa toate cerintele la care investitorii se uita.

„Nu stiu exact daca 2023 va vedea mai multe tranzactii”, spune Horia Braun – Erdei.

„Cred ca Hidroelectrica va fi un punct de referinta chiar daca nu va fi un Big Bang, cel putin vom avea un punct de referinta la care sa ne uitam inapoi atunci cand vorbim cu companii care vor sa se listeze, dar si cu investitori care vor sa investeasca. Totusi cred ca prezenta tranzactiilor va depinde de momentumul pietelor de capital nu doar la nivel local, ci si la nivel international. Deci daca vedem un nou boom pe piata in peisajul international asta va ridica cu siguranta barcile pe bursele locale pentru ca este o mare corelatie intre pietele locale si cel putin piata din Europa, iar ceea ce va aduce inapoi un momentum pentru IPO-uri la nivel global, un astfel de momentum, la nivel global va crea un momentum si pe pietele locale pentru investitorii privati”, sustine acesta.

”,A fost deja mentionat ca fondurile de private equity sunt avizate privind timing-ul la nivel international si se uita sa investeasca la evaluari bune si deci timingul pietei este un aspect important. In ceea ce ne priveste, exista un sentiment de investitor si un apetit de investitor care este un pic dependent de peisajul economic. De exemplu, in prima jumatate a anului am vazut o imbunatatire graduala, dar clara a sentimentului, am vazut investitori care s-au intors si au investit in fonduri mutuale mai mult decat pe partea de instrumente cu venit fix, dar in mod clar se uita in perspectiva pe termen lung la fondurile de actiuni de asemenea. Daca acest sentiment continua sa se imbunatateasca si nu avem un soc mare, cred ca va fi o buna oportunitate sa dezvoltam piata si pe partea de cumparare. Si avand un momentum si pe partea de cumparare si avand  prezente in piata si anumite proiecte interesante vor creste sansele sa avem un an de boom in 2024, daca nu in a doua jumatate a lui 2023”, a declarat Horia Braun – Erdei, Chief Executive Officer la Erste Asset Management Romania, la panelul de deschidere privind impactul IPO Hidroelectrica si al proiectului Neptun Deep asupra pietei de capital din Romania in cadrul evenimentului online organizat pe 13 iulie.

Partenerul evenimentului ROMANIAN CAPITAL MARKET 2023 NEW HORIZON este NNDKP.

Sursa: Erste Asset Management.

Horia Braun-Erdei, CEO Erste Asset Management Romania, speaker of ROMANIAN CAPITAL MARKET 2023 NEW HORIZON

Horia Braun-Erdei, General Manager and President of the Board of Directors of Erste Asset Management Romania, is one of the speakers of ROMANIAN CAPITAL MARKET 2023 NEW HORIZON.

Erste Asset Management Romania is part of Erste Group and is the largest asset management company in Romania, having over a billion euro assets under management through 8 Open-end investment funds registered in Romania and discretionary portfolios management. Moreover the company offers to Romanian customers a range of over 40 Open-end investment funds managed internationally by its parent company Erste Asset Management GmbH.

Horia joined Erste Asset Management Romania in the current position as of November 2019 and Erste Group in 2017, when he was appointed Chief Economist and Head of Research within BCR, the largest Romanian bank at the time. Before that, Horia spent 9 years in NN Group (formerly part of ING Group), where he held various management roles, including that of Investments Head within ING Pensions, the market leader in private pension funds management in Romania, that of General Manager and Chief Investment Officer of the local branch of NN Investment Partners, as well as a stint filling the role of Chief Investment Officer of NN Investment Partners in the Czech Republic, as an asset manager with over 4 billion EUR of assets under management. Horia’s career began within the National Bank of Romania, where he held positions in various departments specialized in macroeconomics and monetary analysis and where he also acquired his first experience in management as head of departments within the newly founded Macroeconomic Modelling and Forecasting Division.

Throughout his 20-year career in the financial industry, Horia was involved in a number of important projects among which: the setting up of the required economic modeling, analysis and forecasting framework for the Romanian central bank’s adoption of the inflation targeting monetary policy regime under which it has been operating since 2005, the setting up from scratch of the investment department of the ING Pension Fund, the launch and the bank distribution of the first mutual funds of ING Group invested in the Romanian market, the centralization of the management of insurance and mutual fund portfolios from 4 countries (Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania) on a common, state-of-the-art platform.

On July 13, 2023, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting ROMANIAN CAPITAL MARKET 2023 NEW HORIZON, an ONLINE event for entrepreneurs and capital markets community.



The agenda of this event will be as follows:

10.00 (EEST/GMT+2) – 10.05 Introduction by the event moderator

10.05 – 11.30 Panel The impact of IPO Hidroelectrica and Neptun Deep on the Bucharest Stock Exchange

11.30 – 12.55 Panel New horizon for the Romanian capital market

12.55 – 13.00 Conclusions


The event’s partner is NNDKP. If you are interested in attending this event or to make a partnership, please contact us at:

horia braun erdei tsc2022 main

Horia Braun-Erdei, CEO Erste Asset Management Romania: Ponderea unei companii cu un scor ESG mai bun va fi mai mare in portofoliul nostru fata de una cu un scor mai slab. Daca Ministerul Finantelor ar emite obligatiuni verzi pe pietele internationale ar gasi mult mai usor investitori care sa subscrie de 4 ori suma pe care doresc sa o stranga

“Atunci cand evaluam obiectivele de investitii, adica companiile in care investim sau instrumentele financiare in care investim daca este vorba de instrumente cu componenta ESG – green bonds, sustainable bonds,  ne uitam foarte atent la aceste aspecte si incepem sa construim procese de investitii care sa tina cont de riscul ESG. Asta inseamna ca urmeaza ca, companiile in care investim sa fie evaluate tinand cont de o prima de risc ESG, asta va avea impact asupra modului in care evaluam o companie cu un scor ESG bun vs o companie cu un scor ESG mai slab, ponderea acelei companii cu un scor mai bun va fi mai mare in portofoliu“, a declarat Horia Braun-Erdei, CEO Erste Asset Management Romania, cel mai mare jucator din sectorul local de asset management, in cadrul THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022, eveniment organizat pe 25 octombrie de catre jurnalul de tranzactii MIRSANU.RO.

“Din pacate, suntem inca intr-o zona nu i-as spune de obscuritate, dar nu exista date suficiente pentru a face o evaluare detaliata asa cum am avea nevoie. In Occident, deja exista un ecosistem de agentii de rating, de analize si evaluari de tip ESG asupra universului companiilor listate la bursa de exemplu. In Romania, a existat o initiativa din partea Bursei de Valori Bucuresti si a fost un fel de pilot de ratinguri ESG acordate companiilor listate, dar nu exista inca un proces continuu de evaluare a companiilor listate“, adauga seful Erste Asset Management Romania.

“Exista desigur emisiuni green in care am investit si noi, exista instrumente mai ales in zona de debt care pot fi circumscrise investitiilor sustenabile, dar inca suntem la inceput in acest parcurs. Pe plan international, daca vorbim de tendinte, finantele sustenabile si investitiile sustenabile reprezinta un mamut deja. Vorbim de aproximativ 14% din toate activele in zona de administrare de wealth & asset management sunt dedicate investitiilor sustenabile, vorbim de 18.000 de miliarde de dolari, sunt multi bani si reprezinta practic segmentul de wealth & asset management cu cea mai mare crestere, de peste 40% in ultimii 5 ani. Deci, tendintele internationale sunt foarte clare, la noi inca lucrurile se misca mai incet, piata este ceva mai imatura sa spunem, o piata care inca aspira spre statutul de piata emergenta, dar sunt convins ca zona aceasta de sustenabilitate poate fi chiar un catalizator pentru dezvoltarea pietei, mai ales daca vorbim despre acea companie mare al carei IPO il asteptam cu totii“, afirma Horia Braun-Erdei.

Intrebat daca Hidroelectrica este vazut de catre investitori deja ca un activ verde, acesta a raspuns: “Exista bune sanse ca acest activ sa fie considerat un activ sustenabil. In cazul nostru, exista un proces de analiza, exista un scoring ESG pe o anumita scala, scala este continua si, deci, daca scorul este ridicat, acest activ ar putea fi inclus in portofoliile unor fonduri de investitii sustenabile sau chiar a unor fonduri de articol 9 (prevedere din SFDR/Regulamentul UE privind cresterea transparentei pietei privind produsele de investitii sustenabile – n.r.), adica a unor fonduri cu impact in economie din perspectiva principiilor de protectie a mediului (environmental principles)“.

“Si acum ai acces la Hidroelectrica prin intermediul Fondului Proprietatea, dar diferenta este ca investind in Fondul Proprietatea nu ai un activ verde pentru ca portofoliul este unul mai complex“, explica Horia Braun-Erdei.

“Ideea este ca incet incet trecem dintr-o perioada in care banii erau ieftini si abundenti, vedem ce s-a intamplat pe parcursul anului 2022, ratele dobanzilor au crescut enorm de mult, finantarea devine mai scumpa si cu mai multe conditii atasate acelei finantari. Si, ca exemplu, emisiunile de instrumente financiare pe parcursul anului 2022 au cam secat la nivel global, mai ales dupa un an record 2021, dar emisiunile de instrumente de tip sustenabil se mentin la acelasi nivel aproape ca in 2021. Asta este un semnal ca, chiar si intr-o perioada in care banii vor deveni mai rari si finantarile vor fi mai putin accesibile, pe acest palier al pietei, finantarile sustenabile cred ca vor fi in continuare in crestere. Si asta este si perspectiva noastra si cu siguranta ca active de genul Hidroelectrica vor gasi finantare mai usor dupa cum, de exemplu, daca Ministerul Finantelor ar emite green bonds, mai ales pe pietele internationale sunt sigur ca ar gasi mult mai usor investitori care sa adune de 4 ori suma anuntata“, a mai spus Horia Braun-Erdei, CEO Erste Asset Management Romania, in cadrul panelului de deschidere dedicat tendintelor ESG al evenimentului THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022.

Partenerii THE SUSTAINABLE CHALLENGE 2022 sunt Erste Asset Management Romania, ING Bank Romania, ROCA Investments, Suciu Popa, Colliers, Bursa de Valori Bucuresti, Dentons. Partener strategic este CCIFER, iar Suporting Partner Banca Transilvania.

Sursa: Erste Asset Management.

First View to THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022. Horia Braun-Erdei, CEO Erste Asset Management Romania: Sustainable finance will merge with traditional finance, in the sense that many of the sustainability standards will become, so to speak, mainstream

“The financial system is a capital intermediation system, but today I would say that it is also an information intermediation system. In the case of sustainable finance, there is therefore a role for mediating information on the environmental impact and the social and institutional externalities of economic activity, from the scientific community and from the public to the business community or to other „capital users”. At the end of this exercise, however, I believe that sustainable finance will merge with traditional finance, in the sense that many of the sustainability standards will become, so to speak, mainstream”,  said Horia Braun-Erdei, General Manager and President of the Board of Directors of Erste Asset Management Romania.

“In Romania and in other places, it seems to me that we still look at sustainability as a „fashion”, as a business opportunity or, on the contrary, as a bureaucratic burden, but in reality my opinion is that this trend is a natural and inevitable one in the current climate change conditions, one that will radically change the way we think and act as economic actors. That is why, within the asset management industry and particularly within Erste Asset Management, the concern for sustainable investments becomes a constant for the agenda of any department, starting from sales, product management, legal & compliance, risk management, marketing and of course portfolio management”, he added.

Horia Braun-Erdei, CEO Erste Asset Management Romania, is one of the speakers of THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022 in the opening panel Trends.

On October 25, 2022, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting an OFFLINE event for business leaders, entrepreneurs, bankers, investors, advisors and other important stakeholders involved in the sustainability chain.

The agenda of this event will be as follows:

08.30 – 09.00 (EEST/GMT+2) Registration & Networking
09.00 – 09.05 Welcome message from Adrian Mirsanu, Founding Editor of transaction journal MIRSANU.RO
09.05 – 09.50 Trends
09.50 – 10.35 Transport, Mobility & Logistic
10.35 – 11.20 Industry & Energy
11.20 – 11.50 Coffee break
11.50 – 12.35 Finance
12.35 – 13.20 Agriculture & Food
13.20 – 14.05 Retail & Services
14.05 – 14.10 Final notes
14.10 – 15.00 Lunch & Networking

The event’s partners are Erste Asset Management Romania, ING Bank Romania, ROCA Investments, Suciu Popa, Colliers, Bucharest Stock Exchange and Dentons. The supporting Partner for this event is Banca Transilvania.

If you are interested in attending this event, please contact us at:


MIRSANU.RO is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions. MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and founders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and overall the dealmakers community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.

Sursa: Erste Asset Management.

Horia Braun-Erdei, CEO Erste Asset Management Romania, speaker at THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022

Horia Braun-Erdei, General Manager and President of the Board of Directors of Erste Asset Management Romania, is one of the speakers of THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022, an event organized by the transaction journal MIRSANU.RO and dedicated to changes and challenges generated by sustainability in business models and financing models of the companies.

Erste Asset Management Romania is part of Erste Group and is the largest asset management company in Romania, having over a billion euro assets under management through 8 Open-end investment funds registered in Romania and discretionary portfolios management. Moreover the company offers to Romanian customers a range of over 40 Open-end investment funds managed internationally by its parent company Erste Asset Management GmbH.

Horia joined Erste Asset Management Romania in the current position as of November 2019 and Erste Group in 2017, when he was appointed Chief Economist and Head of Research within BCR, the largest Romanian bank at the time. Before that, Horia spent 9 years in NN Group (formerly part of ING Group), where he held various management roles, including that of Investments Head within ING Pensions, the market leader in private pension funds management in Romania, that of General Manager and Chief Investment Officer of the local branch of NN Investment Partners, as well as a stint filling the role of Chief Investment Officer of NN Investment Partners in the Czech Republic, as an asset manager with over 4 billion EUR of assets under management. Horia’s career began within the National Bank of Romania, where he held positions in various departments specialized in macroeconomics and monetary analysis and where he also acquired his first experience in management as head of departments within the newly founded Macroeconomic Modelling and Forecasting Division.

Throughout his 20-year career in the financial industry, Horia was involved in a number of important projects among which: the setting up of the required economic modeling, analysis and forecasting framework for the Romanian central bank’s adoption of the inflation targeting monetary policy regime under which it has been operating since 2005, the setting up from scratch of the investment department of the ING Pension Fund, the launch and the bank distribution of the first mutual funds of ING Group invested in the Romanian market, the centralization of the management of insurance and mutual fund portfolios from 4 countries (Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania) on a common, state-of-the-art platform.

On October 25, 2022, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting an OFFLINE event for business leaders, entrepreneurs, bankers, investors, advisors and other important stakeholders involved in the sustainability chain.

The agenda of this event will be as follows:

08.30 – 09.00 (EEST/GMT+2) Registration & Networking
09.00 – 09.05 Welcome message from Adrian Mirsanu, Founding Editor of transaction journal MIRSANU.RO
09.05 – 09.50 Trends
09.50 – 10.35 Transport, Mobility & Logistic
10.35 – 11.20 Industry & Energy
11.20 – 11.50 Coffee break
11.50 – 12.35 Finance
12.35 – 13.20 Agriculture & Food
13.20 – 14.05 Retail & Services
14.05 – 14.10 Final notes
14.10 – 15.00 Lunch & Networking

If you are interested in attending this event or making a partnership, please contact us at:


MIRSANU.RO is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions. MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and founders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and overall the dealmakers community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.

horia braun erdei erste am main

Horia Braun-Erdei, Erste Asset Management Romania: Nu lipsesc neaparat sectoare de pe bursa, ci reprezentanti de calibru. Industrialul, sectorul manufacturier, bunurile de larg consum, serviciile din sfera consumului, tehnologia, energia verde – sectoare cu reprezentare slaba, dar interesante pentru investitori. Erste Asset Management va lansa un fond care va investi in fonduri de private equity

“Cuvantul de ordine in acest an a fost diversificare din partea clientilor in produsele noastre. A fost primul an in care flow-urile catre fondurile cu componenta de actiuni au dominat covarsitor activitatea comerciala, deci interesul a fost din ce in ce mai mare pe produse cu equity (actiuni – n.r.)“, a declarat Horia Braun-Erdei, CEO Erste Asset Management Romania, la MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2021, a patra editie a evenimentului organizat de catre jurnalul de tranzactii MIRSANU.RO.

“A fost interes din partea clientilor si pentru o diversificare internationala, fondurile grupului Erste Asset Management au avut pe partea de administrare de portofolii individuale o activitate comerciala efervescenta, dar si la nivelul investitiilor fondurilor pe care le administram in sectoare care nu erau prezente pe bursa locala, sectoare care nu erau acoperite pe fix income. Este imbucurator ca piata s-a diversificat atat pe equity, cat si pe segmentul instrumentelor cu venit fix“, afirma reprezentantul unuia dintre cei mai mari manageri de bani din Romania.

“Am fost activ in aceste deal-uri (din acest an de la Bursa de Valori Bucuresti – n.r.) chiar daca nu am investit in toate. De exemplu, intre deal-urile de fix income am investit in 10 emisiuni noi, in ce priveste IPO-urile am investit in 3, nu neaparat toate de pe piata locala, dar covarsitor pe piata locala. Am analizat toate oportunitatile oferite de aceasta piata“, mentioneaza Horia Braun-Erdei.

“Si as mai mentiona ca aceasta tema de investitii ESG devine tot mai interesanta si pentru noi ca buy side (cumparator/investitor – n.r.) din acele 10 emisiuni, 6 au fost cu emisiuni cu o componenta de ESG – green bonds si sustainability green bonds“, afirma reprezentantul Erste Asset Management Romania.

“Ne uitam din ce in ce mai mult la acest aspect, face parte din procesul de investitii si va deveni din ce in ce mai important probabil similar ratingurilor de credit pe care le fac agentiile si pe care investitorii le urmaresc ca si etalon, probabil ca si ratingurile de ESG vor deveni norma atunci cand e o decizie de investitii“, puncteaza Horia Braun-Erdei.

Intrebat ce sectoare lipsesc de pe bursa de la Bucuresti ca si tinte de investitii pentru un manager de fonduri, acesta a raspuns: “Nu neaparat lipsesc sectoare, dar lipsesc reprezentanti de calibru ai unor sectoare importante si nu unul singur. Urmarim sa capitalizam cresterea economica a Romaniei, a fost peste cea din alte tari europene. Din zona de industrial, manufacturing, din zona de bunuri de larg consum, a serviciilor de consum reprezentativitatea este destul de slaba. Iar sectorul de tehnologie ni l-am dori reprezentat la un calibru mai mare pe bursa pentru ca vedem in tehnologie o tema de investitii pe langa ESG dat fiind ca Romania este un jucator in acest sector“.

“Din zona ESG, energie verde, antreprenoriat social“, adauga Horia Braun-Erdei ca ar mai fi dorite companii noi pe bursa locala.

De asemenea, grupul financiar austriac Erste are in vedere largirea paletei de canale de investitii prin crearea altor vehicule investitionale.

“Este vorba de un proiect de a lansa un fond de fonduri de private equity pentru a oferi catre genul de clienti in principal instititutionali sau profesionali posibilitatea de a avea un acces diversificat dintr-un singur produs, diversificat atat pe vintage-uri, cat si ca acoperire geografica, si evident acoperire sectoriala. Inca nu a fost lansat proiectul, dar este in the making (in curs de realizare – n.r.).“, a mai spus Horia-Braun Erdei de la Erste Asset Management Romania in cadrul panelului de piete de capital al evenimentului MIRSANU.RO.

Partenerii MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2021 sunt Immofinanz, Dentons, Bursa de Valori București, ING Bank România, Prefera Foods, Alro, Mazars, Schoenherr și DLA Piper România.

VIZUAL SUMMIT parteneri main

Horia Braun-Erdei, General Manager and President of the Board of Directors of Erste Asset Management Romania, speaker of MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2021

Horia Braun-Erdei, General Manager and President of the Board of Directors of Erste Asset Management Romania, is one of the speakers of MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2021 in the Capital Markets panel.

Horia Braun-Erdei is currently the General Manager and President of the Board of Directors of Erste Asset Management România, the largest local open-ended fund and discretionary portfolio management company based on assets under management and part of Erste Group. 

Horia joined Erste Asset Management in the current position as of November 2019 and Erste Group in 2017, when he was appointed Chief Economist and Head of Research within BCR, the largest Romanian bank at the time. Before that, Horia spent 9 years in NN Group (formerly part of ING Group), where he held various management roles, including that of Investments Head within ING Pensions, the market leader in private pension funds management in Romania, that of General Manager and Chief Investment Officer of the local branch of NN Investment Partners, as well as a stint filling the role of Chief Investment Officer of NN Investment Partners in the Czech Republic, as asset manager with over 4 billion EUR in assets under management. Horia’s career began in the National Bank of Romania, where he held positions in various departments specialized in macroeconomic and monetary analysis and where he also acquired his first experience in management as head of departments within the newly founded Macroeconomic Modelling and Forecasting Division.

Throughout his 19-year career in the financial industry, Horia was involved in a number of important projects, among which: the setting up of the required economic modeling, analysis and forecasting framework for the Romanian central bank’s adoption of the inflation targeting monetary policy regime under which it has been operating since 2005, the setting up from scratch of the investment department of the ING Pension Fund, the launch and the bank distribution of the first mutual funds of ING Group invested in the Romanian market, the centralization of the management of insurance and mutual fund portfolios from 4 countries (Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania) on a common, state-of-the-art platform.

On December 10, 2021, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2021, an event dedicated to the community of corporate transactions – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, capital market transactions and real estate transactions.

The agenda of the event will be as follows:

09:50 – 10:00 Introduction by the event moderator

10.00 – 10.10 Keynote speaker

10.10 – 11.00 Panel on international macro trends and local trends that will shape the major corporate deals

11.00 – 11.50 Panel on the mergers & acquisitions (M&A) market

11.50 – 12.10 Study Case

12.10 – 13.00 Panel on corporate financing

13.00 – 13.20 Developments on the real estate market

13.20 – 14.20 Break

14.20 – 15.10 Roundtable panel on private equity & venture capital

15.10 – 15.30 Q&A ESG

15.30 – 16.20 Deals on the capital markets

16.20 – 16.30 Opportunities room

16.30 – 17.20 Debate: Buyers v Sellers

17.20 – 17.30 Event conclusions

The event’s partners are Immofinanz, Dentons, Bucharest Stock Exchange, ING Bank Romania, Prefera Foods, Alro, Mazars, Schoenherr and DLA Piper Romania.

If you are interested in attending this event, please contact us at:



MIRSANU.RO is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions. MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and funders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional merger & acquisition (M&A) and overall deal making community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.

VIZUAL MDS 2020 cu parteneri main

Horia Braun-Erdei, CEO Erste Asset Management Romania, speaker of MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2020

Horia Braun-Erdei, CEO Erste Asset Management Romania, is one of the speakers of MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2020. He will bring to the table the view of the biggest local asset manager in the panel of capital markets.

Horia Braun-Erdei is currently the General Manager and President of the Board of Directors of Erste Asset Management România, the largest local open-ended fund management company based on assets under management and part of Erste Group. Horia joined Erste Asset Management in the current position as of November 2019 and Erste Group in 2017, when he was appointed Chief Economist and Head of Research within BCR, the largest Romanian bank at the time. Before that, Horia spent 9 years in NN Group (formerly part of ING Group), where he held various management roles, including that of Investments Head within ING Pensions, the market leader in private pension funds management in Romania, that of General Manager and Chief Investment Officer of the local branch of NN Investment Partners, as well as a stint filling the role of Chief Investment Officer of NN Investment Partners in the Czech Republic, as asset manager with over 4 billion EUR in assets under management.

Horia’s career began in the National Bank of Romania, where he held positions in various departments specialized in macroeconomic and monetary analysis and where he also acquired his first experience in management as head of departments within the newly founded Macroeconomic Modelling and Forecasting Division.

Throughout his 18-year career in the financial industry, Horia was involved in a number of important projects, among which: the setting up of the required economic modeling, analysis and forecasting framework for the Romanian central bank’s adoption of the inflation targeting monetary policy regime under which it has been operating since 2005, the setting up from scratch of the investment department of the ING Pension Fund, the launch and the bank distribution of the first mutual funds of ING Group invested in the Romanian market, the centralization of the management of insurance and mutual fund portfolios from 4 countries (Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania) on a common, state-of-the-art platform.

On December 10, 2020, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2020, an event dedicated to the community of corporate transactions – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, capital market transactions and real estate transactions.

The agenda of the event will be as follows:

11:00 – 11:05 Introduction by the event moderator

11.05 – 11.50 Panel on international macro trends and local trends that will shape the major corporate deals

11.50 – 12.35 Panel on the mergers & acquisitions (M&A) market

12.35 – 13.20 Panel on corporate financing

13.20 – 14.25 Roundtable panel on private equity

14.25 – 15.00 Break

15.00 – 15.45 Deals on the capital markets

15.45 – 16.30 Developments on the real estate market

16.30 – 17.15 Debate: Entrepreneurs v Investors

17.15 – 17.30 Event conclusions

The event’s partners are:

Event partners:ING Bank Romania, Bucharest Stock Exchange, NNDKP, Oresa, Mazars, Dentons, Reff & Asociații | Deloitte Legal,Ioana FilipescuStamboli, DLA Piper Romania, DeloitteRomânia.

Content partners: Colliers International Romania, WOOD & Co.

If you are interested in attending this event, please contact us at:,


MIRSANU.RO is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions.

MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and funders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional merger & acquisition (M&A) and overall deal making community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.