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Cristian Nacu, Senior Country Officer at International Finance Corporation, speaker of THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2024

Cristian Nacu,  Senior Country Officer of International Finance Corporation, is one of the speakers of THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2024.

Romanian born and educated, with more than 25 years of experience in private equity, investment banking and privatization, Cristian Nacu is one of the most experienced and respected managers and investment professionals in the region. Since 2018, he is Sr. Country Officer for Romania of International Finance Corporation, an institution of the World Bank Group, returning to IFC after 13 years. Previously, between 1999 and 2005, Cristian Nacu worked at IFC as an investment professional.

For 12 years, between 2005 and 2017, he has been Partner in Enterprise Investors, one of the largest and oldest private equity firms in Central and Eastern Europe and he managed EI’s Representative Office in Romania. For the last two years of this period, he has been senior advisor of the President of the firm. Enterprise Investors has been one of the most active and successful private equity investors in CEE and Romania.

Cristian Nacu had also a prestigious non-profit activity being board member or chairing many professional or non-profit organizations. He is currently a Board member of Junior Achievement Romania, one of the worlds largest educational organizations for entrepreneurial skills and a Board member of the Romanian America Foundation, the largest American grant making foundation in Romania, investing in entrepreneurship, education and community development. He is also one of the founders of Re-Think Romania, a think tank dedicated to transforming Romania.

On October 10, 2024, THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2024 will be hosted by MIRSANU.RO transaction journal with the support of KPMG in Romania.

The agenda of this exclusively OFFLINE event for business leaders, entrepreneurs, bankers, investors, advisors and other important stakeholders involved in the sustainability chain will be as follows:


09.00 (EEST) – 10.00 Registration and networking

10.00 – 10.05 Welcome message from Adrian Mirsanu, Founder of MIRSANU.RO transaction journal

10.05 – 10.50 Sustainability trends

10.50 – 11.50 ESG in Agriculture, Industry & Energy

11.50 – 12.20 ESG in Transport, Logistics & Infrastructure

12.20 – 12.50 Coffee break

12.50 – 13.40 ESG in Finance & Investments

13.40 – 14.20 ESG in Retail, FMCG & Services

14.20 – 14.30 Final notes

14.30 – 15.30 Lunch & Networking


If you are interested in attending this event or making a partnership, please contact us at:


MIRSANU.RO is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions. MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and founders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and overall the dealmakers community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.


Credit foto: MIRSANU.RO.

Cristian Nacu, Senior Country Officer IFC: Speram ca legislatia privind parteneriatul public – privat sa fie promovata curand. Romania are nevoie de de finantare de 350 mld. USD, din care 300 mld. pentru infrastructura, ca sa ajunga la Net Zero in 2050

„In ultimii 5 ani, am finantat proiecte de peste 2 mld. USD in Romania ceea ce este aproape jumatate din ce am facut in ultimii 30 de ani. Si asta pentru ca nevoile Romaniei sunt foarte mari si IFC se potriveste foarte bine in indeplinirea acestor nevoi.”, a declarat Cristian Nacu, Senior Country Officer al International Finance Corporation (IFC) in cadrul THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2023, eveniment organizat pe 26 octombrie de catre jurnalul de tranzactii MIRSANU.RO.

„In continuare finantam foarte mult sectorul bancar, avem peste 1 mld. bonduri si imprumuturi de tip MREL si Basel 3 Tier 2 date in ultimii 2 ani si suntem probabil cel mai mare finantator de astfel de instrumente. Ele au marele avantaj ca intaresc bancile emitente in cazul unor situatii dificile pentru ca se comporta ca si equity, sunt imprumuturi dar se comporta ca si equity in caz de rezolutie. Si, al doilea aspect, este partea de utilizare a fondurilor. Ele au avantajul fantastic ca pot fi facute tematice”, a adaugat acesta.

„Noi am ajutat intotdeauna si am sprijinit bancile sa faca bonduri verzi, imprumuturi albastre, lucruri care sa ajute la decarbonizare. Mai mult decat atat bancile in constructia lor de portofolii de tipul acesta verzi, sustenabile, primesc de la noi si un ajutor de know how. Am organizat la inceputul anului niste seminarii pentru banci pentru a fi siguri ca si ele inteleg necesitatile folosirii unor bani care au fost stransi cu aceasta tema verde.”, a spus reprezentantul IFC.

IFC are in Romania cea mai puternica expunere din Europa, cu un portofoliu concentrat in zona de obligatiuni verzi si imprumuturi catre sectorul privat.

„Pana in 2050, cand Romania trebuie sa ajunga la net zero, nevoia de finantare pentru decarbonizare este de 350 mld. USD. Dealtfel, 300 din aceste 350 mld. sunt pentru acoperirea nevoii de infrastructura, deci oricum ar fi trebuit sa ii cheltuim si calculele noastre, ale grupului Bancii Mondiale estimeaza ca numai o treime, chiar un sfert pot fi acoperite de surse publice”, a punctat Cristian Nacu.

„De aia noi credem ca aducerea sectorului privat in domeniul asta, in domeniul investitiilor in infrastructura este absolut esential pentru indeplinirea targeturilor Romaniei si principala modalitate prin care se poate face asta este parteneriatul public privat”, afirma acesta.

„Pentru ca se stie ca majoritatea acestor industrii – energie, transporturi sunt proprietate de stat si atunci singura modalitate a sectorului privat de a participa la acest efort este prin parteneriate publice private.”, adauga reprezentantul IFC.

„Speram ca legislatia sa fie promovata curand, sunt niste imbunatatiri la legislatie care vor face procesul fezabil si imediat sa speram ca vor urma cateva proiecte care sa arate cum se pot face aceste parteneriate in asa fel incat sa putem promova impreuna”, a mai declarat Cristian Nacu, Senior Country Officer al International Finance Corporation (IFC) la panelul Trenduri din cadrul evenimentului organizat de catre jurnalul de tranzactii MIRSANU.RO.

Partenerii evenimentului THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2023 sunt Alro, Erste Asset Management Romania, Raiffeisen Bank Romania si Dentons, iar Partener de hidratare este La Fantana.

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Cristian Nacu, Senior Country Officer IFC: Portofoliul IFC din Romania este de 1,3 mld. USD, adica 36% din expunerea pe Europa. IFC a investit 180 mil. USD in emisiuni de obligatiuni BCR si Raiffeisen, iar 75% din finantarile plasate anul trecut au fost in zona de sustenabilitate. Divizia de investitii a grupului Bancii Mondiale este interesata sa finanteze in Romania proiecte tip PPP pentru infrastructura medicala, portuara si de tratare a deseurilor

“Portofoliul total al IFC in Romania este de aproape 1,3 mld. USD, cel mai mare in Europa reprezentand circa 36% din expunerea pe Europa. 70% din aceste proiecte reprezinta proiecte cu componenta verde, inclusiv credite ipotecare verzi, eficienta energetica, bond, green bonds, blue bonds. Aproximativ 60% din portofoliu sunt investitii in institutii financiare bancare si nebancare, iar 40% pentru investitii in sectorul real, in special imobiliare, productie si servicii“, a declarat Cristian Nacu, Senior Country Officer International Finance Corporation la THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022, eveniment organizat pe 25 octombrie de catre jurnalul de tranzactiI MIRSANU.RO.

“Ultimii doi ani fiscali care in cadrul IFC se termina la 30 iunie, programul IFC a fost de 429 mil. USD in 2021 si 458 mil. USD in 2022, reprezentand mai mult de jumatate din cat a facut intreg departamentul Europa“, a adaugat Cristian Nacu.

“75% din finantarile noastre de anul trecut au fost in zona de sustenabilitate, green and blue sustainable financing“, puncteaza reprezentantul IFC.

“De asemenea, IFC a mai investit inafara acestor sume si cateva sute de milioane de dolari in proiecte regionale sau cu mare componenta de finantare in Romania, dar care nu intra in aceste calcule. Ca sa dau cateva exemple, IFC a finantat peste 800 mil. RON, echivalentul a 180 mil. USD, in obligatiuni emise de doua dintre bancile sistemice ale tarii, Raiffeisen si BCR, iar sumele obtinute cu ajutorul acestor obligatiuni vor fi utilizate pentru finantarea de proiecte verzi si sustenabile. De asemenea, aceste obligatiuni au si rolul de a extinde capitalizarea acestor banci si a creste stabilitatea lor deoarece obligatiunile au fost de tip MREL. De asemenea, IFC a investit 43 mil. USD intr-o emisiune de obligatiuni verzi care a avut 500 mil. in total emisa de CTP“, a detaliat Cristian Nacu.

“Am finantat primul imprumut albastru blue loan pentru finantarea proiectelor care tin de apa pentru finantarea de proiecte de tip proiecte prietenoase cu marile si oceanele, protectia resurselor de apa, domenii precum aprovizionarea cu apa si produse chimice prietenoase cu oceanele, prelucrarea plasticului, transport maritim, logistica portuara, acest imprumut de 100 mil. a fost acordat Bancii Transilvania. Nu in ultimul rand vreau sa mentionez si un imprumut pe care l-am acordat unei entitati a Garanti Bank – Garanti Leasing pentru finantarea proiectelor conduse de femei“, a adaugat acesta.

“Toate aceste investitii si cele care vor urma fac parte din strategia IFC de finantare sustenabila a proiectelor din Romania, de asemenea, dorim sa avem un rol si in sustinerea proiectelor sustenabile de tip PPP pentru refacerea diverselor tipuri de infrastructura si aici as mentiona infrastructura medicala, incercarea de a construi un spital in PPP, infrastructura portuara si infrastructura pentru tratarea deseurilor“, explica reprezentantul diviziei de investitii din grupul Bancii Mondiale.

Potrivit acestuia, potentialul de finantare verde este urias.

“Se constata ca exista o mare apetenta la nivel global pentru finantari verzi. Finantarile verzi sunt mult mai cautate astfel incat suprasubscrierea medie la o emisiune de obligatiuni verzi este de 4 ori mult mai mult decat obligatiunile normale“, sustine Cristian Nacu.

“Si de aici vom fi pe aceasta zona pentru noi e o obligativitate sa finantam proiecte care au un rol de dezvoltare semnificativ si aici partea asta de conformare cu green financing este esentiala, dar este si o oportunitate fantastica pentru ca nevoia de finantare este uriasa si institutiile financiare vor continua sa creasca finantarea pe aceasta zona numai pana in 2030 se estimeaza ca vor ajunge aproape 30% din finantari sa fie verzi si toata aceasta resetare catre zona va aduce o multime de beneficii si pentru toata industria orizontala, dar si pentru finantatori. Nevoia de finantare verde este estimata dupa diverse calcule la 23.000 miliarde la nivel global pana in 2030, iar numai in Europa Centrala si de Est sunt necesare aproximativ 800 mld. USD in finantari verzi. Aceste lucruri vor aduce cresteri ale PIB si ale sustenabilitatii vietii in general“, a mai spus Cristian Nacu de la IFC.

IFC este unul dintre cei mai mari finantatori din lume de proiecte climatice pentru tarile in curs de dezvoltare.

“Incepand din 2005 de cand am inceput sa urmarim componentele inteligente din punct de vedere climatic ale investitiilor si serviciilor noastre de consultanta, IFC a furnizat mai mult de 36 mld. USD in finantari pe termen lung si a atras alte 29 mld. USD de la parteneri care au fost alaturi de noi in proiectele noastre. IFC a fost unul dintre primii emitenti de obligatiuni verzi in nume propriu, lansand un astfel program de obligatiuni verzi in 2010 pentru a ajuta la catalizarea pietei si deblocarea investitiilor pentru proiecte din sectorul privat care sa sprijine energia regenerabila si eficienta energetica. Pana la sfarsitul anului 2022, IFC emisese in lume peste 10,5 mld. USD in 178 de obligatiuni in 20 de monede“, a precizat Cristian Nacu, Senior Country Officer International Finance Corporation, in panelul dedicat tendintelor ESG la THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022.

Partenerii THE SUSTAINABLE CHALLENGE 2022 sunt Erste Asset Management Romania, ING Bank Romania, ROCA Investments, Suciu Popa, Colliers, Bursa de Valori Bucuresti, Dentons. Partener strategic este CCIFER, iar Suporting Partner Banca Transilvania.

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Cristian Nacu, Senior Country Officer International Finance Corporation, speaker at THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022

Cristian Nacu, Senior Country Officer International Finance Corporation, is one of the speakers of THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022, an event organized by the transaction journal MIRSANU.RO and dedicated to changes and challenges generated by sustainability in business models and financing models of the companies.

Romanian born and educated, with more than 20 years of experience in private equity, investment banking and privatization, Cristian Nacu is one of the most experienced and respected managers and investment professionals in the region.

He is Sr. Country Officer for Romania of International Finance Corporation, an institution of the World Bank Group, returning to IFC after 13 years. Previously, between 1999 and 2005, Cristian Nacu worked at IFC as investment professional.

For 12 years, between 2005 and 2017, he has been Partner in Enterprise Investors, one of the largest and oldest private equity firms in Central and Eastern Europe and he managed EI’s Representative Office in Romania. For the last two years of this period, he has been senior advisor of the President of the firm. Enterprise Investors has been one of the most active and successful private equity investors in CEE and Romania, raising since 1990 nine funds with total capital exceeding EUR 2.5 billion.

Cristian Nacu had also a prestigious non-profit activity being board member or chairing many professional or non-profit organizations. He is currently member of the Board of Junior Achievement Romania, one of the world largest educational organization for entrepreneurial skills and has been for many years President of SEEPEA, the South Eastern European Private Equity Association and board member of Nesst Foundation Romania, a supporter of social entrepreneurship.

Well recognized investment professional, he received numerous distinctions and awards.

On October 25, 2022, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting an OFFLINE event for business leaders, entrepreneurs, bankers, investors, advisors and other important stakeholders involved in the sustainability chain.

The agenda of this event will be as follows:

08.30 – 09.00 (EEST/GMT+2) Registration & Networking
09.00 – 09.05 Welcome message from Adrian Mirsanu, Founding Editor of transaction journal MIRSANU.RO
09.05 – 09.50 Trends
09.50 – 10.35 Transport, Mobility & Logistic
10.35 – 11.20 Industry & Energy
11.20 – 11.50 Coffee break
11.50 – 12.35 Finance
12.35 – 13.20 Agriculture & Food
13.20 – 14.05 Retail & Services
14.05 – 14.10 Final notes
14.10 – 15.00 Lunch & Networking

If you are interested in attending this event or making a partnership, please contact us at:


MIRSANU.RO is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions. MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and founders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and overall the dealmakers community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.