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Investitori, consultanti, autoritati si jucatori de pe pietele de capital vor dezbate principalele tendinte de pe pietele de capital privind tranzactiile IPO si emisiuni de obligatiuni la MIRSANU IPO CHALLENGE 2024



IPO. Bonds. Capital markets.


Jurnalul de tranzactii MIRSANU.RO organizeaza pe 25 aprilie MIRSANU IPO CHALLENGE 2024, a treia editie a unui eveniment de continut concentrat asupra tranzactiilor IPO, a emisiunilor de obligatiuni si a tendintelor care preocupa investitori, antreprenori si comunitatea pietelor de capital in ansamblu.

Dupa IPO-ul record al Hidroelectrica din 2023, bursele raman in continuare in expectativa pe un fundal inca dominat de razboiul din Ucraina si cu conditii de piata inca marcate de dobanzi mari si inflatie, chiar daca aceasta din urma este inscrisa pe un trend de scadere.

Investitorii asteapta noi IPO-uri dinspre mediul privat, in contextul in care, pe de o parte, varsta capitalismului romanesc postdecembrist a trecut de 30 de ani, iar unele afaceri au ajuns sau se apropie cu pasi repezi de momentul succesiunii, iar pe de alta parte, pentru ca ofera un spatiu de exit actionarilor minoritari si investitorilor financiari care au sprijinit cresterea unor companii antreprenoriale.

Bancile si-au consolidat statutul de principali piloni ai emisiunilor de obligatiuni, iar aici sunt asteptate sa vina inclusiv companii private.

Institutiile financiare internationale continua sa actioneze ca investitori – ancora pentru a oferi stabilitate tranzactiilor cu obligatiuni verzi sau sustenabile si pentru a sprijini formarea unei adevarate piete pentru astfel de instrumente.

La randul lor, managerii de fonduri cauta lichiditate si randamente atractive pentru portofoliile lor intr-un context general in care multe afaceri private ezita sa devina companii publice. Cum poate castiga bursa batalia pentru succesiunea unor afaceri mature? Cand in viata unei companii antreprenoriale, este o optiune potrivita un IPO sau un M&A, cand un IPO exclude un M&A si cand un IPO poate preceda tranzactii M&A? De ce au nevoie antreprenorii pentru a alege calea unui IPO pentru afacerile pe care le conduc? Ce pipeline de obligatiuni asteapta pe bursa investitorii? Ce oportunitati post-IPO au capitalizat companiile listate? Ce este la orizont pe segmentul obligatiunilor verzi si a titlurilor cu link de sustenabilitate?


  • FORMAT Exclusiv cu participare fizica
  • LOCATIE Pullman Hotel, sala Montreal
  • AUDIENTA – TARGET comunitatea formata din investitori, antreprenori, manageri de fonduri de investitii, investitori institutionali locali si internationali, executivi, consultanti, brokeri, avocati, alte parti interesate
  • CATEGORIE DE INTERESE strategie corporativa, piete de capital, investitii, antreprenoriat, finantare, tranzactii corporative
  • DATA 25.04.2024




Au confirmat pana acum participarea la eveniment urmatorii vorbitori:


  • ADRIAN TANASE, CEO Bursa de Valori Bucuresti (BVB)


  • CRISTIAN NACU, Senior Country Officer Romania International Finance Corporation (IFC)


  • HORIA BRAUN – ERDEI, CEO Erste Asset Management Romania


  • FLORIN ILIE, Deputy CEO & Head of Wholesale Banking ING Bank Romania


  • RAZVAN BUTUCARU, Partner, Financial Services & Advisory Leader Mazars Romania


  • COSMINA PLAVETI, Head Investment Banking BCR


  • SORIN PETRE, Partner & Head of Valuation & Economics PwC Romania


  • BOGDAN CHIRITA, Partner Value4Capital


  • BOGDAN CHETREANU, Sef serviciu Emitenti si Oferte publice Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiara (ASF)


  • BOGDAN ZINCA, Sef serviciu Contractare la Directia Generala de Trezorerie si Datorie Publica Ministerul Finantelor Publice


  • JAN PRICOP, Executive Director Asociatia Administratorilor de Fonduri din Romania (AAF)


  • EUGENIU BALTAG, Director Investor Relations, Purcari


  • LAURENTIU STAN, exit planning advisor




Agenda evenimentului:


08.30 – 10.00 Inregistrare & networking

10.00 – 10.05 Introducere din partea moderatorului Adrian Mirsanu, Fondator jurnalul de tranzactii MIRSANU.RO

10.05 – 10.55 Panel Tendinte pe pietele de capital

10.55 – 11.45 Panel IPO

11.45 – 12.15 Pauza de cafea

12.15 – 13.05 Panel Obligatiuni/Bonds

13.05 – 13.10 Concluzii

13.10 – 14.00 Lunch & Networking



Partenerii acestui eveniment sunt Mazars Romania, BCR si Bursa de Valori Bucuresti. Supporting Partners sunt Globalworth si Vetimex Capital.



Principalele topicuri


  • Ce tendinte modeleaza evolutiile de pe pietele de capital
  • Ce companii asteapta investitorii sa isi faca IPO pe bursa
  • Cum au capitalizat companiile listate oportunitatile post-IPO oferite de catre bursa
  • De ce marile companii private ezita sa devina companii publice
  • Cum poate bursa sa atraga afacerile ajunse in pragul succesiunii
  • Cand decid antreprenorii sa faca IPO excluzand M&A si cand decid sa faca IPO si apoi M&A
  • Ce emisiuni de obligatiuni sunt asteptate sa vina pe bursa
  • Cum evolueaza segmentul obligatiunilor verzi si al obligatiunilor cu link de sustenabilitate
  • Ce perspective ofera multiplii de evaluare ai companiilor listate vs companii private
  • Cum se misca mixul equity – debt in portofoliile investitorilor institutionali



De ce sa participi


  • Fii conectat la deciziile si tendintele principalilor jucatori din piata de capital
  • Afli direct de la sursa ce teme sunt de interes pentru liderii de pe pietele de capital
  • Un timp bine investit
  • Ai acces la continut relevant privind tranzactiile IPO si cu emisiuni de obligatiuni
  • Iti extinzi aria profesionala cu perspective noi de interes de la investitori, lideri de companii, exponenti ai autoritatilor din pietele de capital, consultanti de top
  • Gasesti noi oportunitati de afaceri



Participarea la eveniment se face pe baza de invitatie sau taxa de acces de 500 RON (100 Euro). Pentru detalii, cei interesati sa participe la eveniment sunt invitati sa ne contacteze la Pentru FREE PASS media, va rugam sa ne contactati la






Jurnalul de tranzactii MIRSANU.RO este primul produs media romanesc de stiri, analize, interviuri si opinii dedicat exclusiv tranzactiilor si profesionittilor din acest domeniu. Ofera informatii din aria tranzactiilor corporative pe trei directii principale – fuziuni si achiziții (M & A), finantari si tranzactii pe piata de capital.

Platforma de media MIRSANU.RO organizeaza incepand cu 2018 seria de evenimente corporate MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT impreuna cu jucatori – cheie din tranzactiile de M&A, finantare, tranzactii pe pietele de capital, tranzactii real estate si alte tranzactii corporative majore din Romania si Europa Centrala si de Est. In 2022, a lansat conferintele MIRSANU IPO CHALLENGE, dedicat tranzactiilor si comunitatii pietelor de capital, si THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE, eveniment dedicat tematicii de sustenabilitate in cadrul mediului de afaceri.

Sursa: ING Bank.

Florin Ilie, Deputy CEO & Head of Wholesale Banking ING Bank Romania, speaker at MIRSANU IPO CHALLENGE 2024

Florin Ilie, Deputy CEO & Head of Wholesale Banking ING Bank Romania, is one of the speakers of MIRSANU IPO CHALLENGE 2024.

He took over the role of Deputy CEO and Head of Wholesale Banking of ING Bank Romania in November 2019, after 15 years in the bank.

From 2017 until 2019, Florin coordinated the Financial Markets corporate sales for 9 countries in Central and Eastern Europe, steering increased cross-border cooperation and efficiency, as well as a sector-aligned, proactive sales model. In parallel, Florin continued to manage the local Financial Markets Sales team, ING being one of the top players in the local financial market.

He joined ING in 2004 and had several assignments spanning Wholesale, Business and Retail Banking. Florin started out as Business Manager for country management, evaluating potential banking acquisition targets and developing the business plan for the Retail Banking greenfield. Next, he managed the Finance function for Retail, overseeing the outlays for the network expansion and building the MIS. Florin then moved on to manage Equity Markets sales, trading and research, leading it to top position on the market. In 2012, Florin Ilie was ranked in the top three financial analysts in Central and Eastern Europe by Thompson-Reuters.

In the financial-banking field, Florin previously worked as brokerage director, financial director and strategy director; he also worked in consulting and diplomacy.

Florin holds a master’s degree in finance from Harvard University, a master’s degree in economics and social sciences from Manchester University and a doctorate in economics from the Academy of Economic Studies. He also studied at the Universidad de Alcala and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

On April 25, 2024, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting MIRSANU IPO CHALLENGE 2024, an exclusively OFFLINE event for entrepreneurs and the capital markets community.


The agenda of this event will be as follows:

08:30 (EEST) – 10:00 Welcome coffee & registration

10:00 – 10:05 Welcome message from Adrian Mirsanu, Founder of MIRSANU.RO transaction journal

10:05 – 10:55 Panel Trends of the capital markets

10:55 – 11:45 Panel IPO

11:45 – 12:15 Coffee Break

12:15 – 13:05 Panel Bonds

13:05 – 13:10 Final notes

13:10 – 14:00 Lunch & networking


The event’s partners are Mazars, BCR and Bucharest Stock Exchange. The Supporting Partners for this event are Globalworth and Vetimex Capital.

If you are interested in attending this event or making a partnership, please contact us at:



MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions. MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and founders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and overall the dealmakers community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.

Sorin Petre main

Sorin Petre, Partner Valuation & Economics at PwC Romania, speaker of MIRSANU IPO CHALLENGE 2024

Sorin Petre, Partner Valuation & Economics at PwC Romania, is one of the speakers of MIRSANU IPO CHALLENGE 2024.

Sorin is Partner with PwC Romania, Deals – Advisory practice, being the leader of the Valuation & Economics (V&E) and of the Business Restructuring Services (BRS) teams. He is specialized in business valuations (mature companies and start-ups), valuations of real estate properties, valuation of financial instruments, valuation reviews, financial modeling and assistance in business plans preparation, financial analysis, economic and financial feasibility studies.

Sorin has more than 27 years of experience in these areas and was involved in a significant number of projects involving various industries, ranging from  energy – electricity (production, supply, distribution), oil&gas, transportation, RE, hospitality, FMCG, agriculture, pharma to constructions, etc.

Sorin Petre is the former President of the National Association of Romanian Authorised Valuers („ANEVAR”) for the period 2020 – 2021. He is an ACCA graduate following a 4-year training program and CFA charterholder. He is also a member of the Romanian Auditors Chamber and of the National Association of ANEVAR being a certified valuator specialized in business and financial instruments valuation. Sorin is member of RICS („Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors”) and is a „Recognised European Valuer – REV” by TEGoVA – The European Group of Valuers’ Associations.

He has extensive knowledge of regulations within the electricity sector and has led a significant number of projects involving the analysis of the electricity market, applicable regulations, state aid mechanisms, and financial feasibility analysis.

On April 25, 2024, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting MIRSANU IPO CHALLENGE 2024, an exclusively OFFLINE event for entrepreneurs and the capital markets community.


The agenda of this event will be as follows:

08:30 (EEST) – 10:00 Welcome coffee & registration

10:00 – 10:05 Welcome message from Adrian Mirsanu, Founder of MIRSANU.RO transaction journal

10:05 – 10:55 Panel Trends of the capital markets

10:55 – 11:45 Panel IPO

11:45 – 12:15 Coffee Break

12:15 – 13:05 Panel Bonds

13:05 – 13:10 Final notes

13:10 – 14:00 Lunch & networking


The event’s partners are Mazars, BCR and Bucharest Stock Exchange. The Supporting Partners for this event are Globalworth and Vetimex Capital.

If you are interested in attending this event or making a partnership, please contact us at:



MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions. MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and founders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and overall the dealmakers community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.

Credit foto: MIRSANU.RO.

Radu Hanga, Bursa de Valori Bucuresti (BVB): Ma astept sa vad un interes crescut al companiilor catre listare si datorita momentului istoric in care suntem pentru ca ne apropiem de prima succesiune in viata companiilor romanesti. Trebuie sa fim dispusi sa discutam deschis despre risc si sa acceptam ca daca vrem sa listam companii mai mici, acceptam si faptul ca unele dintre ele o sa esueze

„Ma astept sa vad un interes crescut al companiilor catre listare. Nu este legat doar de costul de finantare, este legat si de momentul istoric in care suntem. Ne apropiem de prima succesiune in viata companiilor romanesti si companiile locale cauta o solutie pentru mersul inainte si ne uitam la cresterea in continuare a vizibilitatii bursei, a pozitionarii noastre ca si solutie nu doar de finantare. Bursa nu este doar despre finantare, este si o scena de pe care te poti promova ca si afacere, te poti vedea. Pana la urma capitalizarea ti-o da si un fond de private equity si un fond de venture capital. Bursa iti da ceva mai mult, daca ar fi sa descriu acel ceva mai mult, pe primul loc as pune vizibilitate.”, a declarat Radu Hanga, Presedintele Bursei de Valori Bucuresti, la MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2023, eveniment organizat pe 7 decembrie de catre jurnalul de tranzactii MIRSANU.RO alaturi de jucatori activi in tranzactiile de M&A, finantare, piete de capital si real estate din Romania si din spatiul Europei Centrale si de Est.

„Evident, antreprenorii locali cauta solutii pentru mersul inainte si evident bursa este una dintre solutiile acestea. Cred ca noi ca si ecosistem nu putem construi uitandu-ne mereu la exit (…) Pana la urma in lumea sunt multe companii care sunt nr.1 si care nu s-au construit neaparat avand in cap exitul. Si cand gandesti asa, bursa vine in ecuatie.”, a punctat acesta.

„Noi trebuie sa fim dispusi sa discutam deschis de risc, adica sa acceptam faptul ca daca vrem listate companii mai mici, acceptam si faptul ca uneori o parte din acele companii o sa esueze. Si n-o sa esueze pentru ca am gresit ceva, o sa esueze pentru ca asa este natural sa se intample. De aia, nu toate companiile mici ajung mari pentru ca unele dintre ele esueaza. Fac parte din natura economiei. Daca acceptam asta, o sa avem si listari si o sa invatam sa traim si cu cele care esueaza, sa le acceptam.”, este de parere presedintele BVB.

Anterior, Stere Farmache, fostul sef la Bursei de Valori Bucuresti in perioada 1995 – 2008, actualmente Presedinte al Directoratului Fondului Roman de Contragarantare, a declarat pe 7 decembrie in cadrul evenimentului MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2023 ca bursa ar trebui sa se uite cu mai multe atentie la bazinul IMM-urilor, avand in vedere si faptul ca tichetele IPO de companii mari de stat s-au cam epuizat.

„Atunci cand ne uitam la multipli si comparam piata de M&A cu piata de capital trebuie sa nu uitam acel survivor bias. Ideea este ca in zona de M&A ne uitam doar la tranzactiile care se inchid, adica nu vedem tranzactiile care nu s-au inchis pentru ca pretul nu a fost unde trebuie. Pe cand in piata de capital, nu este optional. Aici, o companie odata ce a ajuns in piata, se va tranzactiona indiferent ca iti place sau nu iti place pretul.  In timp ce in piata de M&A ne uitam doar la tranzactiile care se inchid, nu le vedem pe cele care nu se inchid sau care esueaza pentru ca pretul nu este unde trebuie, in piata publica ne uitam la toate tranzactiile si atunci s-ar putea sa nu fie comparabili multiplii acestia pe care ii comparam.  Daca largim paleta s-ar putea ca abordarea cu dual track care e destul de comuna, cred ca face sens mai mult. Adica sa mergi in paralel unde este optiunea cea mai buna intr-un deal de M&A sau este intr-o listare”, a comentat Radu Hanga pe marginea evolutiei multiplilor de evaluare a companiilor listate comparativ cu cei ai companiilor asa cum rezulta in piata privata din tranzactiile M&A.

„Cred ca am avut mai multi ani istorici. Cand ne uitam la 2023, sigur ca Hidroelectrica a fost un eveniment important, ne-a pus pe harta. La momentul la care s-a intamplat era cel mai mare IPO in Europa si al treilea cel mai mare la nivel global. Acum este al patrulea, oricum suntem in top. Insa daca ne uitam in urma, in 2021 am avut ca si numar 23 de listari, ceea ce depasea totalul a 6 ani anteriori, 2022 a fost anul primul an in care am depasit pragul de 100.000 de conturi deschise la Bursa de Valori Bucuresti”, a spus reprezentantul BVB. „Am depasit pragul de 100.000 de investitori la jumatatea anului trecut, deci fara impactul Hidroelectrica. In momentul in care a venit Hidroelectrica pe bursa, noi eram deja la un numar de 120.000 de conturi deschise, acum suntem la 170.000 de conturi deschise”, a adaugat acesta.

„Inclusiv Bursa de Valori Bucuresti ca si emitent este un indicator pentru cresterea aceasta a interesului. Adica daca ne uitam istoric la numarul de investitori ai Bursei, se misca in intervalul 1.500 – 1.700 de investitori. In prima jumatate a anului, am depasit 5.000 de investitori, acum cred ca suntem undeva la 5.600 de investitori in Bursa de Valori Bucuresti ca si companie.”, exemplifica Radu Hanga.

„Acum vedem o incetinire, e legata de context. Scaderea de anul trecut a fost evident legata de contextul global si regional, la granita noastra avem un razboi si chiar daca uneori uitam asta, daca te uiti mai de departe se vede, adica suntem intr-o zona de conflict si nu avea cum sa nu aiba efect asupra bursei. Vedem anul acesta o crestere semnificativa, adica daca ne uitam iarasi la nivelul Europei Centrale si de Est, indicele BET Total Return are cea mai buna performanta, o crestere de aproape de 30% fata de inceputul anului. Daca o sa vedem si vedem deja inflatia reducandu-se la nivel global, vedem scazand si in Romania, vedem asteptari privind reducerea dobanzilor incepand cu prima jumatate a anului viitor. Asta se va traduce in, din nou, banii devin mai accesibili, finantarile devin mai accesibile, sigur inclusiv piata de capital, probabil si creditarea va avea alta dinamica, iar finantarile prin bursa vor primi un nou boost”, a declarat presedintele Bursei de Valori Bucuresti.

„Pe partea de obligatiuni, tot timpul compar cu ceea ce se intampla la Viena. Viena a avut de la inceputul anului 7.200 de listari de obligatiuni in primele trei trimestre. 7.200 in circa 250 de zile inseamna cam 30 de tranzactii de obligatiuni pe zi. As zice ca este potential pentru noi foarte mare si acolo, si nu doar in zona de obligatiuni bancare”, a mai spus Radu Hanga, presedintele Bursei de Valori Bucuresti, la panelul Piete de capital in cadrul evenimentului organizat de catre jurnalul de tranzactii MIRSANU.RO.

Partenerii MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2023 sunt Mazars, Agista, Value4Capital si Fondul Roman de Contragarantare.



MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2023: Lipseste foarte mult capitalul autohton dinspre fonduri de pensii, antreprenori, piata de capital care sa mentina un plafon pe piata locala atunci cand investitori straini decid sa nu investeasca in Romania. Costul de finantare in lei, asteptat sa scada in 2024 cu circa 1,25% pe fondul reducerii graduale a inflatiei. Vanzarea Profi, cotata printre primele 7 tranzactii din Europa Centrala si de Est, aduce un multiplu de exit de aproape 10 x EBITDA pentru MidEuropa, care ar urma sa incaseze circa 900 mil. Euro dupa plata creditului sindicalizat catre bancile finantatoare


Andrei Bica, Profi: Am primit foarte multe intrebari din partea investitorilor de ce nu apare nicaieri o extindere regionala a Profi. Noi am pariat mereu pe Romania si vedem in continuare un potential foarte mare de dezvoltare in retailul de proximitate. Exitul MidEuropa din Profi indica un multiplu aproape de 10 EBITDA si incasarea unui pret in jurul a 900 mil. Euro dupa plata creditului sindicalizat catre banci


Andrei Gemeneanu, Morphosis Capital: Incercam sa semnam prima achizitie din fondul 2 pana in Craciun. Vom apela la o facilitate de finantare de la unul dintre investitorii nostri LP pentru a acoperi gap-ul dintre tranzactie si lansarea noului fond in martie – aprilie 2024. Probabil vom avea 3 tranzactii in urmatorul an, atat achizitii, cat si exituri


Bogdan Chirita, Value4Capital: Putem sa mergem in tichete de achizitie de la 6 – 7 mil. Euro pana la 24 – 25 mil. Euro alaturi de co-investitori. Piata bancara din Romania este destul de imatura fata de cea din Polonia, unde bancile sunt mai relaxate in finantarea tranzactiilor LBO si au invatat sa se uite mai mult la cashflow si mai putin la activele care garanteaza imprumutul


Stere Farmache, Fondul Roman de Contragarantare: Toata lumea vorbeste de economia sustenabila, dar cand aplici la un IMM trebuie privit si sub aspectul profitabilitatii, adica ce motiv sau substrat economic ar fi pentru un IMM sa faca tranzitia la energia verde. Cred ca Bursa de Valori Bucuresti trebuie sa priveasca cu mai multa atentie catre bazinul IMM-urilor si din motivul ca s-au cam epuizat tichetele privind companiile mari de stat


Ciprian Dascalu, BCR: Ne asteptam sa scada in 2024 dobanzile la lei cu circa 125 de puncte de baza. Nu ar trebui sa ne mai asteptam la costurile de finantare pe care le-am vazut in perioada 2000 – 2020, probabil vor ramane ceva mai sus


Razvan Butucaru, Mazars: In tranzactiile M&A conteaza foarte mult sentimentul investitorilor, indicatorii macroeconomici, previziunile de inflatie, de rate de finantare si taxele. Tranzactia de vanzare a Profi, situata pe locul 6 – 7 la nivelul tranzactiilor din Europa Centrala si de Est. Cum arata piata de M&A din Romania si din regiune



Radu Hanga, Bursa de Valori Bucuresti (BVB): Ma astept sa vad un interes crescut al companiilor catre listare si datorita momentului istoric in care suntem pentru ca ne apropiem de prima succesiune in viata companiilor romanesti. Trebuie sa fim dispusi sa discutam deschis despre risc si sa acceptam ca daca vrem sa listam companii mai mici, acceptam si faptul ca unele dintre ele o sa esueze


Ramona Jurubita, KPMG si Consiliul Investitorilor Straini (FIC): Cand ne uitam la oportunitatile pe care Romania le are pentru 2024, asta rezulta din minusurile pe care investitorii le marcheaza, adica infrastructura, birocratie si instabilitate legislativa. Romania a pierdut in 2023 din atractivitate, creste numarul investitorilor straini care isi reduc investitiile prognozate si tot mai multe companii vad oportunitati de crestere pe piata externa


Florin Ilie, ING Bank: Piata de finantare corporate din Romania a crescut in 2023 cu un «low single digit». Imprumuturile catre companii sunt dominate de refinantarea cu top-up, iar energia si sectorul expus pe consum sunt principalele motoare pentru marile finantari sindicalizate


Adrian Stanculescu, Abris Capital Partners: Este o piata buna de cumparat, vedem oportunitati in 2024 sa ne extindem. Sunt si discutii de exit pentru companii unde nu suntem pregatiti. Am investit cateva zeci de milioane de euro anul trecut in portofoliul din Romania


Cristian Munteanu, Early Game Ventures: In piata sunt 6-7-8 fonduri de venture capital si private equity care cauta finantari de 250 – 300 mil. Euro, bani care nu prea sunt. Este o crima sa tii fondurile de pensii pe margine si o rusine ca niciun fond de pensii din Romania nu a fost investit direct sau indirect la UiPath. In 2024 vom auzi despre primele exituri majore din industria de VC din Romania


Dan Dascal, BT Asset Management: Industria de asset management este pe un trend de revenire dupa un an 2022 prost, trend care ne asteptam sa continue si in 2024 avand in vedere evolutia dobanzilor si a randamentelor. Potentialul pietei locale este mare, iar piata de asset management din Romania poate sa creasca de cateva ori de la nivelul actual de 4 mld. Euro


Gijs Klomp, WDP: Am facut o majorare de capital de 300 mil. Euro pentru a avea mai multa putere de foc pentru tranzactiile angajate, din care una in Romania. O treime din acest capital va fi desfasurat in Romania. Comparativ cu alte piete cu care concureaza, Romania are un momentum pozitiv pentru ca exista cerere, insa problema este evolutia randamentului fata de acum 2 ani


Jerome France, EMI: Avem un buget global de achizitii de 30 mil. Euro pe care sper sa il cheltuim in 2 ani in tranzactii in Romania si in alte piete. Preferam tari mai mici unde mergem sa ne pozitionam ca lider, e loc in Ungaria, ne uitam la Polonia, dar si la alte piete. Achizitia pachetului majoritar de actiuni al grupului EMI de catre fondul Innova Capital s-a facut la un multiplicator EBITDA mai mare decat cel de la achizitia pachetului de actiuni EMI de catre fondul de investitii Morphosis Capital


Liviu Dragan, DRUID AI: Nu ma vad iesind din DRUID, poate la un moment dat voi face un pas lateral in zona operationala. Nici din TotalSoft nu am dorit sa plec. Batalia pentru platformele AI destinate angajatilor necesita foarte multa competenta de afaceri pentru ca multe platforme se formeaza cu tineri cu talent tehnologic, dar incorporeaza prea tarziu business knowledge. Care sunt culisele rundei de finantare serie B atrasa in 2023 care a dus DRUID la o evaluare de 100 mil. USD


Andrei Dudoiu, Seedblink: Vom anunta in primul trimestru din 2024 o noua runda de finantare pentru Seedblink si planurile noastre de accelerare pe piata din Europa si SUA


Andreea Pipernea, Exit by Choice: Cred ca exista tot mai mult cultura antreprenorului de tipul «hai sa scot valoarea din ce am muncit atatia ani» si asta sa aiba mai departe un efect de angrenare la nivel de investitori LP astfel incat dupa exituri sa fie oameni care rostogolesc capitalul romanesc


Adrian Mihalcea, Mazars: Am avut perioade in care era claritate ca healthcare sau IT sunt sectoare care dupa pandemie au mers foarte bine din punct de vedere al tranzactiilor M&A, dar pentru 2024 nu as vedea motivele pentru a pune punctul pe un anumit sector


Iulia Bratu, EY: In 2024 vom vedea cel putin o tranzactie de peste 1 mld. Euro. Piata de M&A din Romania a continuat declinul si in primele 11 luni din 2023 cu circa 6,8% in valoare pana la 5,7 mld. Euro, respectiv cu aproximativ 9,3% in volum pana la 215 tranzactii fata de perioada similara din 2022


Sorin Petre, PwC: Observam ca multiplii de evaluare ai companiilor sunt mai mari in tranzactiile de M&A fata de multiplii companiilor listate pe bursa si as putea spune ca acest trend se va mentine. Agricultura este un sector in care vom vedea atractivitate in tranzactiile M&A


Alexandra Popa, UniCredit: Avem discutii cu mai multe companii pentru IPO pe piata primara. IPO-ul Hidroelectrica a deschis cumva piata si cred ca vom vedea mai multe listari de companii antreprenoriale in anii urmatori


Mihai Patrulescu, CBRE: Tranzactia M Core – Mitiska REIM are o pondere de 40% – 45% la nivelul investitiilor totale in real estate in 2023 in Romania, care ajung la circa 500 mil. Euro. Ne asteptam la o ajustare a randamentelor in perioada urmatoare

VIZUAL MDS 2023 main

Lideri de afaceri, finantatori, investitori si consultanti in tranzactii din Romania si din Europa Centrala si de Est vor dezbate pe 7 decembrie la evenimentul MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2023 ultimele tendinte din fuziuni si achizitii, finantari, piete de capital si real estate

Jurnalul de tranzactii MIRSANU.RO organizeaza pe 7 decembrie MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2023, a sasea editie anuala a evenimentului dedicat comunitatii jucatorilor din marile tranzactii corporative  – fuziuni si achizitii (M&A), finantari corporative, piete de capital si real estate.

Lideri de afaceri, finantatori, investitori si consultanti sunt invitati sa participe la un eveniment in format offline pentru a dezbate cele mai importante tendinte si tranzactii majore din Romania și din pietele Europei Centrale si de Est.

Tema din acest an a evenimentului este Dealmakers. Transformational players. Architects of consolidation., in centrul dezbaterii fiind jucatorii care au reusit sa se transforme prin achizitii si sa devina campioni de sector sau platform de consolidare a pietei de profil prin tranzactii de tip bolt-on. 

Investitorii strategici au marcat déjà doua achizitii de peste 1 mld. Euro in Romania in 2023 pe pietele de energie si de retail intr-un an in care scena de fuziuni si achizitii (M&A) se confirma, urmand trendul global, ca este in recul fata de anul anterior, pe fondul cresterii dobanzilor ceea ce a temperat apetitul de creditare.  Procesele de strangere de noi fonduri de investitii (fundraising) au incetinit, pe masura ce tot mai multi investitori privati au devenit mai precauti si se uita la o gama mai larga de clase de active pentru investitii, insa fondurile de private equity, cat si cele de venture capital, au un sprijin puternic din partea institutiilor financiare internationale (IFI). 

Fondurile de investitii au gasit o fereastra de exit, dar, in acelasi timp, arata ca sunt atente la oportunitatile de achizitii prin care isi pot extinde si intari platformele locale din portofoliu.  Astfel, atat investitorii strategici, cat si fondurile de investitii, au apelat frecvent la tranzactii de consolidare, miscari prin care isi majoreaza astfel semnificativ cota de piata sau care le ofera oportunitatea de a intra pe nise sau verticale noi de afaceri. Listarea Hidroelectrica a devenit din 2023 noul standard de raportare pentru marile listari de pe bursa din Romania, dar si din Europa Centrala si de Est, si pana acum este cel mai mare IPO din Europa, pe un fundal in care multe IPO-uri au fost puse in stand-by asteptand o revenire a apetitului investitorilor de pe pietele globale pentru acest tip de tranzactii.  Asa-numitele tranzactii de succesiune, asteptate in randul antreprenorilor care au pus bazele propriilor afaceri in urma cu 20 – 30 de ani si care nu vor face trecerea in mainile generatiei urmatoare, se lasa inca asteptate pe piata de M&A.

Pana acum, si-au confirmat participarea urmatorii speakeri:


  • RAMONA JURUBITA, Country Managing Partner KPMG Romania & Moldova, Vice President FIC
  • JEROME FRANCE, Fondator & CEO EMI Group
  • CIPRIAN DASCALU, Economist – sef BCR
  • ANDREI GEMENEANU, Co-fondator & Managing Partner MORPHOSIS CAPITAL
  • ANDREI DUDOIU,  Managing Partner & President of Board of Directors SEEDBLINK
  • RAZVAN BUTUCARU, Partner, Financial Services & Advisory Leader MAZARS Romania
  • SORIN PETRE, Partner & Head Valuation and Economics PwC Romania
  • IULIA BRATU, Partner & Lead Advisory Strategy and Transactions EY Romania
  • GIJS KLOMP, Business Development Manager WDP Romania
  • ALEXANDRA POPA, Head of Corporate Finance Advisory UNICREDIT BANK Romania
  • MIHAI PATRULESCU, Head Investment Properties CBRE Romania
  • ADRIAN MIHALCEA, Senior Manager Deal Advisory MAZARS Romania



Principalele topicuri de dezbatere sunt:

  • Ce tipuri de tranzactii domina piata de M&A
  • Cum evolueaza multiplii de evaluare a companiilor
  • Ce tendinte configureaza piata de fuziuni si achizitii
  • Care sunt asteptarile vanzatorilor in tranzactiile de exit
  • Cum se finanteaza companiile care aleg ruta pietelor de capital
  • Cum isi adapteaza strategiile de crestere managerii de portofolii de PE si VC
  • Unde este apetit pentru finantare in noul context de piata
  • Ce arata principalii indicatori din tranzactiile in real estate
  • Cum arata planurile si randamentele pe radarul investitorilor


AGENDA evenimentului este urmatoarea:

 09.00 – 09.50 Inregistrare si networking

 09.50 – 10.00 Cuvant de deschidere din partea jurnalului de tranzactii MIRSANU.RO

10.00 – 10.45 Panel Trenduri

 10.45 – 11.30 Panel Fuziuni si Achizitii (M&A)

 11.30 – 12.15 Panel  Finantare

12.15 – 12.35 Pauza de cafea

12.35 – 13.20 Panel Piete de Capital

13.20 – 13.45 Panel Real Estate

13.45 – 14.30 Vanzator vs Cumparator

14.30 – 14.35 Concluzii

14.35 – 15.30 Lunch & Networking


Locatie: Pullman Bucharest World Trade Center, salile Mexico & Seoul


Partenerii acestui eveniment sunt Mazars, Agista, Value4Capital si Fondul Roman de Contragarantare.


Participarea la eveniment se face pe baza de invitatie sau taxa de acces de 500 RON (100 Euro). Cei interesați sa participe sunt invitati sa ne contacteze la Pentru FREE PASS media va invitam sa ne contactați la



MIRSANU.RO este primul produs media românesc de ştiri, analize, interviuri şi opinii dedicat exclusiv tranzacțiilor și profesioniștilor din acest domeniu. Oferă informații pe trei direcții principale – fuziuni și achiziții (M&A), finanțări și tranzacții pe piața de capital.

MIRSANU.RO este un produs media de tip B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) care se adresează executivilor, antreprenorilor, proprietarilor de afaceri, investitorilor și finanțatorilor, respectiv un produs B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) prin informațiile care vizează activitatea comunității de profesioniști de pe piața de fuziuni și achiziții (M&A), a tranzacțiilor în ansamblul lor, comunitate formată din administratori de fonduri de investiții, avocați, bancheri de investiții, bancheri, consultanți de strategie, auditori, respectiv alți furnizori de servicii profesionale dedicate tranzacțiilor.

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Sorin Petre, Partner Valuation & Economics PwC Romania, speaker of MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2023

Sorin Petre, Partner Valuation & Economics PwC Romania, is one of the speakers of MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2023.

Sorin is Partner with PwC Romania, Deals – Advisory practice, being the leader of the Valuation & Economics (V&E) and of the Business Restructuring Services (BRS) teams. He is specialized in business valuations, valuations of real estate, valuation of financial instruments, valuation reviews, financial modeling and assistance in business plans preparation, financial analysis, economic and financial feasibility studies. 

Sorin has more than 26 years of experience in these areas and was involved in a significant number of projects for various industries, primarily energy: electricity (production, supply, distribution) and oil& gas. . 

Sorin Petre is the former President of the National Association of Romanian Authorised Valuers (“ANEVAR”) for the period 2020 – 2021. He is ACCA graduate following a 4-year training program and CFA charterholder. He is also member of the Romanian Auditors Chamber and of the National Association of ANEVAR being a certified valuator specialized in business and financial instruments valuation. Sorin is member of RICS (“Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors”) and is a “Recognised European Valuer – REV” by TEGoVA – The European Group of Valuers’ Associations.  

He has extensive knowledge of regulations in the electricity sector, a significant part of the projects coordinated by him involving the analysis of the electricity market, applicable regulations, state aid mechanisms, financial feasibility analysis. 

On December 7, 2023, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2023, an OFFLINE event dedicated to the community of corporate transactions – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, capital market transactions and real estate deals.

The agenda of this event will be as follows:

09.00 – 09.50 (EEST/GMT+2) Registration & Networking

09.50 – 10.00 Welcome message from Adrian Mirsanu, Founder of MIRSANU.RO transaction journal

10.00 – 10.45 Panel on international macro trends and local trends that will shape the major corporate deals

10.45 – 11.30 Panel on the mergers & acquisitions (M&A) market

11.30 – 12.15 Panel on financing

12.15 – 12.35 Coffee Break

12.35 – 13.20 Deals on the capital markets

13.20 – 13.45 Developments on the real estate market

13.45 – 14.30 Panel Buyers v Sellers

14.30 – 14.35 Conclusions

14.35 – 15.30 Lunch & Networking

The event’s partners are Mazars, Agista, Value4Capital and The Romanian Counter-Guarantee Fund.

If you are interested in attending this event or making a partnership, please contact us at:


MIRSANU.RO is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions. MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and founders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and overall the dealmakers community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.On December 7, 2023, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2023, an OFFLINE event dedicated to the community of corporate transactions – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, capital market transactions and real estate deals.

Credit foto: MIRSANU.RO.

Cristian Munteanu, Founder & Managing Partner Early Game Ventures, speaker of MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2023

Cristian Munteanu, Founder and Managing Partner Early Game Ventures, is one of the speakers of MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2023.

Early Game Ventures is  the most active venture capital firm in Romania. Cristian is an investor with experience as a tech entrepreneur in Romania and the US (Seattle and Silicon Valley). Early Game Ventures has a portfolio of 25 companies.

On December 7, 2023, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2023, an OFFLINE event dedicated to the community of corporate transactions – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, capital market transactions and real estate deals.

The agenda of this event will be as follows:

09.00 – 09.50 (EEST/GMT+2) Registration & Networking

09.50 – 10.00 Welcome message from Adrian Mirsanu, Founder of MIRSANU.RO transaction journal

10.00 – 10.45 Panel on international macro trends and local trends that will shape the major corporate deals

10.45 – 11.30 Panel on the mergers & acquisitions (M&A) market

11.30 – 12.15 Panel on financing

12.15 – 12.35 Coffee Break

12.35 – 13.20 Deals on the capital markets

13.20 – 13.45 Developments on the real estate market

13.45 – 14.30 Panel Buyers v Sellers

14.30 – 14.35 Conclusions

14.35 – 15.30 Lunch & Networking

The event’s partners are Mazars, Agista, Value4Capital and The Romanian Counter-Guarantee Fund.

If you are interested in attending this event or making a partnership, please contact us at:


MIRSANU.RO is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions. MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and founders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and overall the dealmakers community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.

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Adrian Stanculescu, Partner & Head of Romania Abris Capital Partners, speaker of MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2023

Adrian Stanculescu, Partner & Head of Romania Abris Capital Partners, is one of the speakers of MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2023.

Adrian joined Abris in 2014 and runs the firm’s Bucharest office with responsibility for originating and leading investment opportunities in the region. He is chairman or member of the supervisory boards of Pehart, Green Group, Dental Holding and Global Technical Systems and Hyperfy.

Adrian holds an MBA from Chicago Booth.

On December 7, 2023, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2023, an OFFLINE event dedicated to the community of corporate transactions – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, capital market transactions and real estate deals.

The agenda of this event will be as follows:

09.00 – 09.50 (EEST/GMT+2) Registration & Networking

09.50 – 10.00 Welcome message from Adrian Mirsanu, Founder of MIRSANU.RO transaction journal

10.00 – 10.45 Panel on international macro trends and local trends that will shape the major corporate deals

10.45 – 11.30 Panel on the mergers & acquisitions (M&A) market

11.30 – 12.15 Panel on financing

12.15 – 12.35 Coffee Break

12.35 – 13.20 Deals on the capital markets

13.20 – 13.45 Developments on the real estate market

13.45 – 14.30 Panel Buyers v Sellers

14.30 – 14.35 Conclusions

14.35 – 15.30 Lunch & Networking

The event’s partners are Mazars, Agista, Value4Capital and The Romanian Counter-Guarantee Fund.

If you are interested in attending this event or making a partnership, please contact us at:


MIRSANU.RO is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions. MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and founders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and overall the dealmakers community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.

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Andrei Gemeneanu, Co-founder and Managing Partner Morphosis Capital, speaker of MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2023

Andrei Gemeneanu, Managing Partner Morphosis Capital, is one of the speakers of MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2023.

Andrei is a co-founder of one of Romania’s most dynamic Private Equity funds, leading an entrepreneurial and hands-on investment team, driving our unique philosophy of “private equity with a human touch”

Change agent, with 15 years of international experience in Marketing and General Management, in Europe, Asia, US. Trained in a large corporation, but with an entrepreneurial streak. Strong track record of results, labelled as a “turnaround man”. Known for disruptive brand thinking, firm believer that Marketing action should drive P&L impact. Nominated in the Top 100 marketeers in the UK. Able to flex and work both with large scale global organisations and with family/start-up businesses. A track record of building high energy teams that move the needle and drive results.

On December 7, 2023, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2023, an OFFLINE event dedicated to the community of corporate transactions – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, capital market transactions and real estate deals.

The agenda of this event will be as follows:

09.00 – 09.50 (EEST/GMT+2) Registration & Networking

09.50 – 10.00 Welcome message from Adrian Mirsanu, Founder of MIRSANU.RO transaction journal

10.00 – 10.45 Panel on international macro trends and local trends that will shape the major corporate deals

10.45 – 11.30 Panel on the mergers & acquisitions (M&A) market

11.30 – 12.15 Panel on financing

12.15 – 12.35 Coffee Break

12.35 – 13.20 Deals on the capital markets

13.20 – 13.45 Developments on the real estate market

13.45 – 14.30 Panel Buyers v Sellers

14.30 – 14.35 Conclusions

14.35 – 15.30 Lunch & Networking

The event’s partners are Mazars, Agista, Value4Capital and The Romanian Counter-Guarantee Fund.

If you are interested in attending this event or making a partnership, please contact us at:


MIRSANU.RO is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions. MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and founders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and overall the dealmakers community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.

Credit foto: Value4Capital.

Bogdan Chirita, Partner Value4Capital, speaker of MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2023

Bogdan Chirita, Partner Value4Capital, is one of the speakers of MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2023.

After university, Bogdan joined Deloitte’s audit practice in Bucharest, quickly advancing as part of teams auditing the Romanian subsidiaries of leading multinationals. In 2007 he moved to Transaction Advisory, accepting an offer from Ernst & Young as a Senior Consultant. Advancing to Manager, he was exposed to the broad spectrum of transaction related matters and industries in Romania.

Bogdan joined V4C in April 2012 as an Associate to focus on Romanian and Balkan transactions. Promoted to Investment Director in 2016 and to Partner in 2023, Bogdan led V4C sourcing efforts in this region and participated in all investments outside Poland since he joined the firm, including the pioneering exit of MedLife. Bogdan led the firm’s two recent Romanian investments, GoMag and Clarfon. Also he has been appointed to the Board of Doktor24 in Hungary and worked closely with management as they grew the business through organic expansion and acquisitions.

On December 7, 2023, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2023, an OFFLINE event dedicated to the community of corporate transactions – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, capital market transactions and real estate deals.

The agenda of this event will be as follows:

09.00 – 09.50 (EEST/GMT+2) Registration & Networking

09.50 – 10.00 Welcome message from Adrian Mirsanu, Founder of MIRSANU.RO transaction journal

10.00 – 10.45 Panel on international macro trends and local trends that will shape the major corporate deals

10.45 – 11.30 Panel on the mergers & acquisitions (M&A) market

11.30 – 12.15 Panel on financing

12.15 – 12.35 Coffee Break

12.35 – 13.20 Deals on the capital markets

13.20 – 13.45 Developments on the real estate market

13.45 – 14.30 Panel Buyers v Sellers

14.30 – 14.35 Conclusions

14.35 – 15.30 Lunch & Networking

The event’s partners are Mazars, Agista, Value4Capital and The Romanian Counter-Guarantee Fund.

If you are interested in attending this event or making a partnership, please contact us at:


MIRSANU.RO is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions. MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and founders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and overall the dealmakers community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.

Credit foto: Mazars.

Razvan Butucaru, Partner, Financial Services & Advisory Leader Mazars Romania, speaker of MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2023

Răzvan Butucaru, Partner, Financial Services & Advisory Leader of Mazars Romania, is one of the speakers of MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2023.

He is currently leading the financial services and consulting department within the local office, which offers a variety of services such as M&A assistance, consultancy in the implementation of various accounting and regulatory standards, IT consulting, corporate governance, and risk management services. His client portfolio includes companies from various sectors, with a special focus on the financial services sector. An important aspect of Razvan’s activity is to keep the boards of directors and the executive management team informed of what matters to investors, regulators, and other key stakeholders, to better manage their businesses.

Throughout his career, Razvan has been involved in complex M&A projects, that further developed the M&A activity in Romania. He has a strong experience with Romanian and international clients, to whom he provided M&A advisory services, dealing with the overall management of a transaction on its whole, namely the strategic analysis, the valuation, the M&A process management, the structure of the transaction, and the assistance to the negotiation. He frequently conducts workshops for his clients, speaks at various technical events and he is the author of numerous articles in the specialised press. Before joining Mazars, Răzvan started his career in an international audit and consulting company and subsequently worked in the banking sector for a large regional financial services group.

Răzvan Butucaru holds a BSc from The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, majoring in Banks and Stock Exchange from the Faculty of Finance, Insurance, Banks and Stock Exchange alongside an MSc from the same university majoring in Internal audit within the financial services sector. He is a Certified Romanian Auditor, a member of the Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania (CAFR), and a fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). At the same time, he is CIA (Certified Internal Auditor) and CISA (Certified Information Security Auditor) certified.

On December 7, 2023, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2023, an OFFLINE event dedicated to the community of corporate transactions – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, capital market transactions and real estate deals.

The agenda of this event will be as follows:

09.00 – 09.50 (EEST/GMT+2) Registration & Networking

09.50 – 10.00 Welcome message from Adrian Mirsanu, Founder of MIRSANU.RO transaction journal

10.00 – 10.45 Panel on international macro trends and local trends that will shape the major corporate deals

10.45 – 11.30 Panel on the mergers & acquisitions (M&A) market

11.30 – 12.15 Panel on financing

12.15 – 12.35 Coffee Break

12.35 – 13.20 Deals on the capital markets

13.20 – 13.45 Developments on the real estate market

13.45 – 14.30 Panel Buyers v Sellers

14.30 – 14.35 Conclusions

14.35 – 15.30 Lunch & Networking

The event’s partners are Mazars, Value 4 Capital and The Romanian Counter-Guarantee Fund.

If you are interested in attending this event or making a partnership, please contact us at:


MIRSANU.RO is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions. MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and founders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and overall the dealmakers community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.

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Dan Dascal, CEO BT Asset Management, speaker of MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2023

Dan Dascal, CEO of BT Asset Management SAI, is one of the speakers of MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2023.

He has a solid background in the Capital Market, acquired in over 25 years of activity in this field, and throughout his career he led key departments within top companies that are active in the Romanian capital market.

His first contact with the Capital Market in Romania was in 1997, when he started as a Stock Broker. Starting with 2002, Dan joined the Banca Transilvania Group, within the subsidiary BT Securities (currently BT Capital Partners), where he held the position of Operations Director. Dan joined BT Asset Management SAI in 2017, where he held the position of Deputy CEO – Chief Investment Officer until August 2023 when he was appointed as CEO of the company.

On December 7, 2023, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2023, an OFFLINE event dedicated to the community of corporate transactions – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, capital market transactions and real estate deals.

The agenda of this event will be as follows:

09.00 – 09.50 (EEST/GMT+2) Registration & Networking

09.50 – 10.00 Welcome message from Adrian Mirsanu, Founder of MIRSANU.RO transaction journal

10.00 – 10.45 Panel on international macro trends and local trends that will shape the major corporate deals

10.45 – 11.30 Panel on the mergers & acquisitions (M&A) market

11.30 – 12.15 Panel on financing

12.15 – 12.35 Coffee Break

12.35 – 13.20 Deals on the capital markets

13.20 – 13.45 Developments on the real estate market

13.45 – 14.30 Panel Buyers v Sellers

14.30 – 14.35 Conclusions

14.35 – 15.30 Lunch & Networking

The event’s partner is Value 4 Capital.

If you are interested in attending this event or making a partnership, please contact us at:


MIRSANU.RO is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions. MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and founders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and overall the dealmakers community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.

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Cristian Nacu, Senior Country Officer International Finance Corporation, speaker of THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2023

Cristian Nacu,  Senior Country Officer of International Finance Corporation, is one of the speakers of THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2023.

Romanian born and educated, with more than 25 years of experience in private equity, investment banking and privatization, Cristian Nacu is one of the most experienced and respected managers and investment professionals in the region. Since 2018, he is Sr. Country Officer for Romania of International Finance Corporation, an institution of the World Bank Group, returning to IFC after 13 years. Previously, between 1999 and 2005, Cristian Nacu worked at IFC as an investment professional.

For 12 years, between 2005 and 2017, he has been Partner in Enterprise Investors, one of the largest and oldest private equity firms in Central and Eastern Europe and he managed EI’s Representative Office in Romania. For the last two years of this period, he has been senior advisor of the President of the firm. Enterprise Investors has been one of the most active and successful private equity investors in CEE and Romania.

Cristian Nacu had also a prestigious non-profit activity being board member or chairing many professional or non-profit organizations. He is currently a Board member of Junior Achievement Romania, one of the worlds largest educational organizations for entrepreneurial skills and a Board member of the Romanian America Foundation, the largest American grant making foundation in Romania, investing in entrepreneurship, education and community development. He is also one of the founders of Re-Think Romania, a think tank dedicated to transforming Romania.

On October 26, 2023, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting an OFFLINE event for business leaders, entrepreneurs, bankers, investors, advisors and other important stakeholders involved in the sustainability chain.


The agenda of this event will be as follows:

08.30 – 09.00 (EEST/GMT+2) Registration & Networking

09.00 – 09.05 Welcome message from Adrian Mirsanu, Founding Editor of transaction journal MIRSANU.RO

09.05 – 09.50 Trends

09.50 – 10.35 Industry & Energy

10.35 – 11.20 Trasport, Mobility & Logistic

11.20 – 11.50 Coffee break

11.50 – 12.35 Finance

12.35 – 13.20 FMCG

13.20 – 14.05 Retail & Services

14.05 – 14.10 Final notes

14.10 – 15.00 Lunch & Networking

If you are interested in attending this event or making a partnership, please contact us at:


MIRSANU.RO is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions. MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and founders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and overall the dealmakers community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.

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Pablo Escondrillas, Head of EMEA Power Investment Banking Citi, speaker of ROMANIAN CAPITAL MARKET 2023 NEW HORIZON

Pablo Escondrillas, Managing Director, Head of EMEA Power Investment Banking Citi, is one of the speakers of ROMANIAN CAPITAL MARKET HORIZON.

Pablo Escondrillas is a Managing Director in Citi’s Power and Utilities Investment Banking team, based in London covering both EMEA and Latin America. Pablo joined Citi in July 2001.

He received a B.S. in Economics from CUNEF University (Madrid) and an MBA from Columbia Business School (New York).

Previous to his MBA, Pablo Escondrillas was a Senior Consultant with Booz & Co focusing in Energy in Latin America and Europe.


Selected transaction experience:

•    Joint Global Coordinator in $2.0bn Hidroelectrica IPO (Romania) – 2023

•    Advised PPC in €1.9bn acquisition of Enel Romania – 2023

•    Advised Orlen in the $18bn mergers with Lotos and PGNIG (Poland) – 2022

•    Advised Eni/Plenitude in the acquisition of SEF and PLT (Italy) – 2022

•    Advised Motor Oil in the €975m acquisition of Ellaktor renewables (Greece) – 2022

•    Advised Redeia/Argo in the acquisition of Quantum (Brasil) – 2022

•    Advised CEZ in the disposal of Sedas (Turkey) – 2022

•    Advised Naturgy (Spain) following IFM’s offer for a 22% stake in Naturgy for EUR 4.9 bn – 2021

•    Joint Global Coordinator on Acciona Energia €1.5bn Initial Public Offering (Spain)  – 2021

•    Advised Veolia’s Board of Directors on the acquisition of a 70.1% stake in Suez for €7.9bn (France) – 2021

•    Advised Naturgy on the sale of CGE to China State Grid for €4.3bn – 2020

•    Advised Veolia’s Board of Directors on the acquisition of a 29.9% stake in Suez from Engie for €3.4bn (France) – 2020

•    Advised OMV on the sale of 51% stake in Gas Connect Austria for €437m – 2020

•    Sole Senior Global Coordinator on the IPO of Enerjisa (electricity distribution, Turkey) – 2018

•    Advised on the sale of a 30% stake in EP Infrastructure (EPIF) to Macquarie, and EPH ownership restructuring – 2016

•    Advised OMV on the sale of a 49% stake in Gas Connect Austria – 2016

•    Advised EISER on the sale of Società Gasdotti Italia to a consortium consisting of Macquarie and Swiss Life – 2016

•    Advised on the acquisition by EPH of Enel’s Slovenske Elektrarne – 2015

•    Advised on the €10bn sale of 25% stake in Endesa by Acciona (Spain)  – 2009

•    Advised on the €11bn  sale of Endesa Europa (Italy, France) to E.ON by Endesa – 2008

•    Advised Endesa (Spain) in take-over €45bn bids by Gas Natural, E.On and Enel – 2007


On July 13, 2023, MIRSANU.RO is hosting ROMANIAN CAPITAL MARKET 2023 NEW HORIZON, an ONLINE event for entrepreneurs and capital markets community.

The agenda of this event will be as follows:

10.00 (EEST/GMT+2) – 10.05 Introduction by the event moderator

10.05 – 11.30 Panel The impact of IPO Hidroelectrica and Neptun Deep on the Bucharest Stock Exchange

11.30 – 12.55 Panel New horizon for the Romanian capital market

12.55 – 13.00 Conclusions


The event’s partner is NNDKP. If you are interested in attending this event or to make a partnership, please contact us at:

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Marek Dietl, President of Warsaw Stock Exchange, speaker of ROMANIAN CAPITAL MARKET 2023 NEW HORIZON

Marek Dietl, President of Warsaw Stock Exchange (GPW), is one of the speaker of ROMANIAN CAPITAL MARKET 2023 NEW HORIZON.

Dr. Marek Dietl is the president of the Warsaw Stock Exchange and economic advisor of the President of the Republic of Poland, as well as assistant professor at the Warsaw School of Economics. He gained experience through almost 20 years of practice in strategic consultancy and the venture capital industry. He has sat on numerous supervisory boards, audit committees and investment committees.

On July 13, 2023, MIRSANU.RO is hosting ROMANIAN CAPITAL MARKET 2023 NEW HORIZON, an ONLINE event for entrepreneurs and capital markets community.

The agenda of this event will be as follows:

10.00 (EEST/GMT+2) – 10.05 Introduction by the event moderator

10.05 – 11.30 Panel The impact of IPO Hidroelectrica and Neptun Deep on the Bucharest Stock Exchange

11.30 – 12.55 Panel New horizon for the Romanian capital market

12.55 – 13.00 Conclusions


The event’s partner is NNDKP. If you are interested in attending this event or to make a partnership, please contact us at:

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Horia Gusta, President of the Romanian Fund Managers Association (AAF), speaker of ROMANIAN CAPITAL MARKET 2023 NEW HORIZON

Horia Gusta, President of the Romanian Fund Managers Association (AAF), is one of the speakers of ROMANIAN CAPITAL MARKET 2023 NEW HORIZON.

Horia Gusta is the President of the Romanian Fund Managers Association and Director of the Legal Department within SAI Muntenia Invest SA from April 2021. He is a former General Director of Certinvest Asset Management Company from 2010 to April 2021. Horia graduated the Faculty of Law of the University of Bucharest in 2000.

On July 13, 2023, MIRSANU.RO is hosting ROMANIAN CAPITAL MARKET 2023 NEW HORIZON, an ONLINE event for entrepreneurs and capital markets community.

The agenda of this event will be as follows:

10.00 (EEST/GMT+2) – 10.05 Introduction by the event moderator

10.05 – 11.30 Panel The impact of IPO Hidroelectrica and Neptun Deep on the Bucharest Stock Exchange

11.30 – 12.55 Panel New horizon for the Romanian capital market

12.55 – 13.00 Conclusions


The event’s partner is NNDKP. If you are interested in attending this event or to make a partnership, please contact us at:

Sursa: Erste Asset Management.

Horia Braun-Erdei, CEO Erste Asset Management Romania, speaker of ROMANIAN CAPITAL MARKET 2023 NEW HORIZON

Horia Braun-Erdei, General Manager and President of the Board of Directors of Erste Asset Management Romania, is one of the speakers of ROMANIAN CAPITAL MARKET 2023 NEW HORIZON.

Erste Asset Management Romania is part of Erste Group and is the largest asset management company in Romania, having over a billion euro assets under management through 8 Open-end investment funds registered in Romania and discretionary portfolios management. Moreover the company offers to Romanian customers a range of over 40 Open-end investment funds managed internationally by its parent company Erste Asset Management GmbH.

Horia joined Erste Asset Management Romania in the current position as of November 2019 and Erste Group in 2017, when he was appointed Chief Economist and Head of Research within BCR, the largest Romanian bank at the time. Before that, Horia spent 9 years in NN Group (formerly part of ING Group), where he held various management roles, including that of Investments Head within ING Pensions, the market leader in private pension funds management in Romania, that of General Manager and Chief Investment Officer of the local branch of NN Investment Partners, as well as a stint filling the role of Chief Investment Officer of NN Investment Partners in the Czech Republic, as an asset manager with over 4 billion EUR of assets under management. Horia’s career began within the National Bank of Romania, where he held positions in various departments specialized in macroeconomics and monetary analysis and where he also acquired his first experience in management as head of departments within the newly founded Macroeconomic Modelling and Forecasting Division.

Throughout his 20-year career in the financial industry, Horia was involved in a number of important projects among which: the setting up of the required economic modeling, analysis and forecasting framework for the Romanian central bank’s adoption of the inflation targeting monetary policy regime under which it has been operating since 2005, the setting up from scratch of the investment department of the ING Pension Fund, the launch and the bank distribution of the first mutual funds of ING Group invested in the Romanian market, the centralization of the management of insurance and mutual fund portfolios from 4 countries (Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania) on a common, state-of-the-art platform.

On July 13, 2023, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting ROMANIAN CAPITAL MARKET 2023 NEW HORIZON, an ONLINE event for entrepreneurs and capital markets community.



The agenda of this event will be as follows:

10.00 (EEST/GMT+2) – 10.05 Introduction by the event moderator

10.05 – 11.30 Panel The impact of IPO Hidroelectrica and Neptun Deep on the Bucharest Stock Exchange

11.30 – 12.55 Panel New horizon for the Romanian capital market

12.55 – 13.00 Conclusions


The event’s partner is NNDKP. If you are interested in attending this event or to make a partnership, please contact us at:

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Investitori, consultanti si jucatori de pe pietele de capital vor dezbate principalele tendinte privind tranzactiile IPO si emisiuni de obligatiuni la MIRSANU IPO CHALLENGE 2023



Equity. Debt. Capital markets.

Jurnalul de tranzactii MIRSANU.RO organizeaza pe 25 mai MIRSANU IPO CHALLENGE 2023, a doua editie a unui eveniment de continut concentrat asupra tranzactiilor IPO, a emisiunilor de obligatiuni si a tendintelor care preocupa investitori, antreprenori si comunitatea pietelor de capital in ansamblu.


Piata IPO din Europa a inregistrat un nou declin in primele luni din 2023, dupa un 2022 slab comparativ cu anii anteriori, investitorii fiind precauti dupa stirile privind cresterea inflatiei la rate neasteptate, dar si a cresterii dobanzilor de referinta de catre bancile centrale. La acestea, se adauga spectrul razboiului din Ucraina, cu efecte asupra pietelor de materii prime, dar cu ecouri si pe pietele financiare. 

Intr-un context european de tipul watch and see, piata de capital din Romania se pregateste insa de un an istoric, asteptand fereastra potrivita pentru intrarea Hidroelectrica pe bursa in ceea ce se preconizeaza a deveni cea mai mare listare de la infiintarea bursei de la Bucuresti, si in acelasi timp, unul dintre IPO-urile majore din regiune. Pe langa ruta companiilor de stat, sunt antreprenori care cauta noi surse de capital pentru scalarea afacerii, dar si optiuni de exit pentru ei si pentru investitorii financiari cu pozitii de actionari minoritari.

Dincolo de peisajul IPO, tranzactiile incheiate pe pietele de capital indica o consolidare a segmentului de obligatiuni verzi, care a prins tractiune cu sprijinul investitorilor institutionali internationali, dar si o cale de capitalizare pentru banci si pentru alti jucatori majori din economie.

Cum se uita investitorii la candidatii IPO din 2023? Ce tranzactii din pietele de capital prefera ei si de ce? Care sunt tendintele ce vor modela IPO-urile si tranzactiile cu obligatiuni in acest an? Ce active sunt asteptate pe bursa de catre managerii de portofolii? Cand va atinge Romania varful sau istoric de IPO si ce urmeaza?


  • FORMAT Online
  • AUDIENTA – TARGET comunitatea formata din investitori, antreprenori, manageri de fonduri de investitii, investitori institutionali locali si internationali, executivi, consultanti, brokeri, avocati, alte parti interesate
  • CATEGORIE DE INTERESE strategie corporativa, piete de capital, investitii, antreprenoriat, finantare, tranzactii corporative
  • DATA 25.05.2023


Au confirmat pana acum participarea la eveniment urmatorii vorbitori:


  • ADRIAN TANASE, CEO Bursa de Valori Bucuresti (BVB)


  • MIHAELA MIHAILESCU, Deputy Head for Romania European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)


  • CRISTIAN NACU, Senior Country Officer Romania International Finance Corporation (IFC)


  • HORIA GUSTA, Presedinte Asociatia Administratorilor de Fonduri (AAF)


  • VASILE TOFAN, Senior Partner Horizon Capital




  • CRISTIAN MUNTEANU, Founder & Managing Partner Early Game Ventures 


  • DANIELA SECARA, CEO BT Capital Partners


  • DAN POPOVICI, CEO OTP Asset Management Romania


  • LOREDANA CHITU, Partner & Head of the Capital Markets group in Romania Dentons


  • SORIN PETRE, Partner & Head of Valuation & Economics PwC Romania


  • JEAN DUMITRESCU, Investor Relations Director Aquila


  • OCTAVIAN GOGLEAZA, Director Brokeraj Tradeville



Agenda evenimentului:

10.00 – 10.10 Introducere din partea moderatorului Adrian Mirsanu, Fondator jurnalul de tranzactii MIRSANU.RO

10.10 – 10.30 Kickoff One-on-One

10.30 – 11.30 Panel dedicat tendintelor în tranzacțiile IPO si de pe pietele de capital

11.30 – 12.30 Panel IPO

12.30 – 12.50 Interviu

12.50 – 13.50 Panel Obligatiuni traditionale vs Obligatiuni verzi

13.50 – 14.00 Concluzii



Partenerii acestui eveniment sunt Banca Transilvania si Dentons.


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Participarea la eveniment se face pe baza de invitatie sau taxa de acces de 250 RON (50 Euro). Pentru detalii, cei interesati sa participe la eveniment sunt invitati sa ne contacteze la Pentru FREE PASS media, va rugam sa ne contactati la



Principalele topicuri


  • Tendinte in tranzactiile IPO si pe pietele de capital
  • Ce fereastra de oportunitate au IPO-urile in 2023
  • Cum privesc investitorii la evaluarile companiilor candidate la IPO
  • Cand va atinge piata de capital din Romania varful istoric al IPO
  • Cum evolueaza piata emisiunilor de obligatiuni verzi
  • Finantare pe bursa vs finantare prin banca
  • Portofolii de actiuni vs portofolii de obligatiuni
  • Tipuri de IPO – avantaje si dezavantaje
  • Ce fel de afaceri asteapta investitorii pe bursa 



De ce sa participi


  • Fii conectat la deciziile si tendintele principalilor jucatori din piata de capital
  • Afli direct de la sursa ce teme sunt de interes pentru liderii de pe pietele de capital
  • Un timp bine investit
  • Ai acces la continut relevant privind tranzactiile IPO si cu emisiuni de obligatiuni 
  • Iti extinzi aria profesionala cu perspective noi de interes de la investitori, lideri de companii, exponenti ai autoritatilor din pietele de capital, consultanti de top
  • Gasesti noi oportunitati de afaceri





Jurnalul de tranzactii MIRSANU.RO este primul produs media romanesc de stiri, analize, interviuri si opinii dedicat exclusiv tranzactiilor si profesionittilor din acest domeniu. Ofera informatii din aria tranzactiilor corporative pe trei directii principale – fuziuni si achiziții (M & A), finantari si tranzactii pe piata de capital.

Platforma de media MIRSANU.RO organizeaza incepand cu 2018 seria de evenimente corporate MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT impreuna cu jucatori – cheie din tranzactiile de M&A, finantare, tranzactii pe pietele de capital, tranzactii real estate si alte tranzactii corporative majore din Romania si Europa Centrala si de Est. In 2022, a lansat conferintele MIRSANU IPO CHALLENGE, dedicat tranzactiilor si comunitatii pietelor de capital, si THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE, eveniment dedicat tematicii de sustenabilitate in cadrul mediului de afaceri.

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Jurnalul de tranzactii MIRSANU.RO organizeaza pe 25 mai evenimentul MIRSANU IPO CHALLENGE 2023 pentru investitori, antreprenori si comunitatea pietelor de capital



Equity. Debt. Capital markets.

Jurnalul de tranzactii MIRSANU.RO organizeaza pe 25 mai MIRSANU IPO CHALLENGE 2023, a doua editie a unui eveniment de continut concentrat asupra tranzactiilor IPO, a emisiunilor de obligatiuni si a tendintelor care preocupa investitori, antreprenori si comunitatea pietelor de capital in ansamblu.



Piata IPO din Europa a inregistrat un nou declin in primele luni din 2023, dupa un 2022 slab comparativ cu anii anteriori, investitorii fiind precauti dupa stirile privind cresterea inflatiei la rate neasteptate, dar si a cresterii dobanzilor de referinta de catre bancile centrale. La acestea, se adauga spectrul razboiului din Ucraina, cu efecte asupra pietelor de materii prime, dar cu ecouri si pe pietele financiare. 

Intr-un context european de tipul watch and see, piata de capital din Romania se pregateste insa de un an istoric, asteptand fereastra potrivita pentru intrarea Hidroelectrica pe bursa in ceea ce se preconizeaza a deveni cea mai mare listare de la infiintarea bursei de la Bucuresti, si in acelasi timp, unul dintre IPO-urile majore din regiune. Pe langa ruta companiilor de stat, sunt antreprenori care cauta noi surse de capital pentru scalarea afacerii, dar si optiuni de exit pentru ei si pentru investitorii financiari cu pozitii de actionari minoritari.

Dincolo de peisajul IPO, tranzactiile incheiate pe pietele de capital indica o consolidare a segmentului de obligatiuni verzi, care a prins tractiune cu sprijinul investitorilor institutionali internationali, dar si o cale de capitalizare pentru banci si pentru alti jucatori majori din economie.

Cum se uita investitorii la candidatii IPO din 2023? Ce tranzactii din pietele de capital prefera ei si de ce? Care sunt tendintele ce vor modela IPO-urile si tranzactiile cu obligatiuni in acest an? Ce active sunt asteptate pe bursa de catre managerii de portofolii? Cand va atinge Romania varful sau istoric de IPO si ce urmeaza?


  • FORMAT Online
  • AUDIENTA – TARGET comunitatea formata din investitori, antreprenori, manageri de fonduri de investitii, investitori institutionali locali si internationali, executivi, consultanti, brokeri, avocati, alte parti interesate
  • CATEGORIE DE INTERESE strategie corporativa, piete de capital, investitii, antreprenoriat, finantare, tranzactii corporative
  • DATA 25.05.2023






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Profil speakeri


  • Investitori
  • Lideri de afaceri
  • Manageri de fonduri
  • Antreprenori
  • Autoritati
  • Consultanti
  • Avocati



Principalele topicuri


  • Tendinte in tranzactiile IPO si pe pietele de capital
  • Ce fereastra de oportunitate au IPO-urile in 2023
  • Cum privesc investitorii la evaluarile companiilor candidate la IPO
  • Cand va atinge piata de capital din Romania varful istoric al IPO
  • Cum evolueaza piata emisiunilor de obligatiuni verzi
  • Finantare pe bursa vs finantare prin banca
  • Portofolii de actiuni vs portofolii de obligatiuni
  • Tipuri de IPO – avantaje si dezavantaje
  • Ce fel de afaceri asteapta investitorii pe bursa 



De ce sa participi


  • Fii conectat la deciziile si tendintele principalilor jucatori din piata de capital
  • Afli direct de la sursa ce teme sunt de interes pentru liderii de pe pietele de capital
  • Un timp bine investit
  • Ai acces la continut relevant privind tranzactiile IPO si cu emisiuni de
  • Iti extinzi aria profesionala cu perspective noi de interes de la investitori, lideri
    de companii, exponenti ai autoritatilor din pietele de capital, consultanti de top
  • Gasesti noi oportunitati de afaceri



Cei interesati sa participe sau sa fie parteneri ai evenimentului MIRSANU IPO 2023 sunt invitati sa ne contacteze la

Accesul la eveniment se va face pe baza de invitatie sau pe baza unei taxe de acces la eveniment de 250 RON (50 Euro).




Jurnalul de tranzactii MIRSANU.RO este primul produs media romanesc de stiri, analize, interviuri si opinii dedicat exclusiv tranzactiilor si profesionittilor din acest domeniu. Ofera informatii din aria tranzactiilor corporative pe trei directii principale – fuziuni si achiziții (M & A), finantari si tranzactii pe piata de capital.

Platforma de media MIRSANU.RO organizeaza incepand cu 2018 seria de evenimente corporate MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT impreuna cu jucatori – cheie din tranzactiile de M&A, finantare, tranzactii pe pietele de capital, tranzactii real estate si alte tranzactii corporative majore din Romania si Europa Centrala si de Est. In 2022, a lansat conferintele MIRSANU IPO CHALLENGE, dedicat tranzactiilor si comunitatii pietelor de capital, si THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE, eveniment dedicat tematicii de sustenabilitate in cadrul mediului de afaceri.

Evenimentul THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022 din 25 octombrie

THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022: Ce asteptari aduce ESG pentru companii – devine mainstream pentru investitori si poate insemna pentru un business sa se opreasca sau sa continue, in timp ce tranzactiile de exit ar putea aduce multipli de evaluare mai mari in favoarea vanzatorilor. Cine plateste factura de inverzire a activelor, cine pune in pericol tintele de sustenabilitate si cum se simte sustenabilitatea in retail, industrie, energie, real estate, transport, auto, servicii, industria alimentara, finantare si investitii

TENDINTE. Factura de inverzire a activelor va fi platita atat de catre producatori, distribuitori, consumatori, societate in ansamblu, dar si de catre banci si investitori, in raport de impactul pe care il au fiecare in acest proces, potrivit concluziilor THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022, eveniment organizat pe 25 octombrie de catre jurnalul de tranzactii MIRSANU.RO la care au participat lideri de afaceri, reprezentanti ai autoritatilor, finantatori, antreprenori, investitori, consultanti si stakeholderi in sustenabilitate.

“Toate companiile, de-a lungul timpului, au externalizat costurile de mediu. Ce facem noi azi este sa internalizam costurile de mediu – poluarea, emisiile s.a.m.d. – iar ele se transforma in costuri pe care va trebui sa le absorbim ca societate. Ele erau intr-o formula in care vorbeam de privatizarea profitului si socializarea costurilor”, a declarat Constantin Damov, Presedinte si co-fondator al Green Group, lider regional pe piata de reciclare. “In final, ne intoarcem la consumator si la societatea in intregul ei, care va trebui sa accepte costul pro rata in functie de impactul pe care il are fiecare – ca este consumator, distribuitor, producator, si chiar si banca”, adauga acesta.

“Vor plati si investitorii partial. In ce sens?! Este, din punctul meu de vedere, un cost “front loaded”, care este in fata. Adica, daca ai o investitie care in momentul de fata s-ar putea sa duca la o scadere a profitabilitatii pentru ca faci o investitie mai mare decat poate ar fi mai simplu sa produci ceva un pic mai poluant. Insa, incercand sa-l faci mai verde, s-ar putea ca profitabilitatea pe urmatorii 2 – 3 ani sa scada, dar asta va face compania mai sustenabila pe viitor”, explica Mihai Purcarea, CEO BRD Asset Management. Potrivit acestuia, lipsa unor astfel de investitii vine cu alte riscuri. “Daca ei (investitorii – n.r.) investesc intr-o companie care nu face eforturi sa fie mai sustenabila, s-ar putea ca in 2-3 ani sa se schimbe cadrul legislativ si compania sa nu-si mai poate folosi principalele mijloace de productie pentru ca nu mai corespund. Si atunci, factura o plateste si investitorul, dar si compania”, precizeaza Mihai Purcarea.

  • Finantarile sustenabile sunt mai ieftine si in crestere, la nivel de trend, cu toate ca, la nivel general, banii atrasi din finantari sunt mai scumpi si mai greu accesibili pe fondul cresterii ratelor de dobanda de catre bancile centrale

“Trecem dintr-o perioada in care banii erau ieftini si abundenti, vedem ce s-a intamplat pe parcursul anului 2022, ratele dobanzilor au crescut enorm de mult, finantarea devine mai scumpa si cu mai multe conditii atasate acelei finantari. Si, ca exemplu, emisiunile de instrumente financiare pe parcursul anului 2022 au cam secat la nivel global, mai ales dupa un an record 2021, iar emisiunile de instrumente de tip sustenabil se mentin la acelasi nivel aproape ca in 2021. Asta este un semnal ca, chiar si intr-o perioada in care banii vor deveni mai rari si finantarile vor fi mai putin accesibile, pe acest palier al pietei, finantarile sustenabile cred ca vor fi in continuare in crestere”, a spus Horia-Braun Erdei, CEO Erste Asset Management Romania, cel mai mare administrator de fonduri mutuale de pe piata din Romania. “ESG este o oportunitate de a obtine finantari mai ieftine”, explica Serban Semeniuc, Head of Legal & Corporate Affairs Regina Maria, lider in servicii medicale private aflat in portofoliul managerului de fonduri private equity Mid Europa Partners.

“Ca trend, finantarea verde este mai ieftina si este mai disponibila. Si ofera oportunitati investitorilor sa investeasca in tine”, confirma Adam Targowski, Group Head ESG la CTP Group, cel mai mare operator de parcuri logistice din Europa Continentala, care a utilizat si obligatiuni verzi pentru finantarea propriilor investitii.

  • Tintele de sustenabilitate, amenintate de inflatie, recesiune si ingreunarea accesului companiilor la finantare

“Ramane de vazut cum va rezista ESG-ul realitatii in care ne aflam, realitate in care vorbim de o inflatie foarte mare generata in primul rand de pretul energiei, a doua realitate este ca executivii este greu sa mai genereze crestere, cu totii vorbim de o recesiune ce va sa vina si credem ca in directia asta se va merge, e un subiect pe masa tuturor executivilor. Si al treilea este finantarea, care daca pana acum un an – un an si jumatate, toate bancile mergeau la clientii nostri ca sa dea finantari, in contextul in care titlurile de stat sunt la un alt nivel al dobanzilor, finantarea este din ce in ce mai greu accesibila si este din ce in ce mai scumpa. Aceste constrangeri pe care executivii le au azi pe masa vor fi foarte greu de navigat astfel incat sa se mentina si tintele de sustenabilitate. Cu siguranta se va merge in directia asta, dar este un moment delicat. Este un moment in care lumea este in dilemele acestea“, semnaleaza Bogdan Vaduva, Advisory Partner, Head of Energy, Sustainability and Climate Change la KPMG Romania.

  • IPO-ul Hidroelectrica, care este asteptat sa devina in prima parte a anului 2023 cea mai mare tranzactie din istoria pietei de capital din Romania, va trece, de asemenea, prin analiza ESG a investitorilor

“Exista bune sanse ca un astfel de activ sa fie considerat un activ sustenabil. In cazul nostru, exista un proces de analiza, exista un scoring ESG pe o anumita scala, scala este continua si, deci, daca scorul este ridicat, acest activ ar putea fi inclus in portofoliile unor fonduri de investitii sustenabile sau chiar a unor fonduri de articol 9 (prevedere din SFDR/Regulamentul UE privind cresterea transparentei pietei privind produsele de investitii sustenabile – n.r.), adica a unor fonduri cu impact in economie din perspectiva principiilor de protectie a mediului (environmental principles)”, detaliaza Horia Braun-Erdei de la Erste Asset Management, care adauga ca active de genul Hidroelectrica vor gasi finantare mai usoara printre investitori.

  • Finantare UE de 9,7 mld. euro alocata Romaniei pentru proiecte de transport si mobilitate, inclusiv pentru infrastructuri de combustibil alternativ si vehicule cu emisii zero

“Intrucât emisiile din transport reprezintă aproximativ un sfert din totalul emisiilor cu efect de seră ale UE, este clar că este nevoie de acțiuni în sectorul transporturilor. Pactul verde european este răspunsul UE la provocarea climatică. El solicită neutralitatea climatică în Europa până în 2050 și cere transporturilor să-și aduca contribuția prin reducerea emisiilor de CO2 cu 90% până la aceeași dată”, se arata in mesajul Adinei Valean, Comisarul European pentru Transport, prezentat in cadrul evenimentului de catre Ramona Chiriac, sefa reprezentantei Comisiei Europene in Romania. “Trebuie să valorificăm investițiile private alături de finanțarea tradițională. Credem că această combinație de finanțare va contribui la reducerea decalajului financiar care trebuie să fie eliminat dacă dorim să transformăm sistemul de transport al Europei. Facilitatea noastră de redresare și reziliență a fost înființată pentru a sprijini creșterea ecologică și inteligentă după COVID-19 și dublează aproximativ bugetul UE pentru transport între 2021 și 2027”, afirma Comisarul European pentru Transport, care precizeaza ca din RRF, Romania a alocat 9,7 mld. euro pe proiecte de transport si mobilitate, din care 3,9 mld. euro pentru calea ferata si 3 mld. euro pentru drumuri, precizeaza Adina Valean.

  • Trei instrumente de sprijin anuntate de ministrul economiei pentru dezvoltarea durabila

“Cele trei instrumente pe care noi tocmai le-am lansat, urmand ca ulterior sa venim si cu alte masuri de sprijin, sunt masura de sprijin pentru industria prelucratoare, schemele de minimis pentru economia circulara si pentru cresterea competitivitatii, care au in continut, in obiective aceasta dezvoltare durabila. Pentru ca traim aceasta realitate economica, nu putem sa luam in calcul doar profitabilitatea, doar modalitatea in care acel return on investment pentru actionari este realizat sub orice forma, ci modelul economic tine cont si de impactul pe care il are in comunitate, de obiectivele care ar trebui indeplinite“, a declarat in cadrul evenimentului Florin Spataru, ministrul economiei.

  • 60% din reducerea emisiilor de carbon se poate realiza cu tehnologii existente

“Exista proiecte practice in a face betoane cu mai putin ciment, de a folosi mai putin beton in constructiile de maine si a imbunatati circularitatea materialelor, in principal utilizarea de agregate reciclate, utilizarea deseurilor din demolari in noul peisaj urban. Aceste road maps (foi de parcurs – n.r.) arata ca aproape 60% din reducerea emisiilor se va produce cu tehnologii care exista deja si este posibila pana in anii 2030 – 2035 si 40% cu noi tehnologii mai ales in ceea ce priveste captarea de carbon si sechestrarea acestuia sau reutilizarea in alte industrii. Doua sunt criteriile esentiale – sa existe un pret al carbonului in toate regiunile geografice, care azi se apropie de 100 euro pe tona si care in previziunile industriei poate sa ajunga la 300 euro pe tona, si al doilea criteriu – sa existe sisteme de reglementare de tip ETS (Emissions trading system) in Europa sau Inflation Reduction Act in SUA“, explica impactul in sectorul materialelor de constructii Marcel Cobuz, presedintele grupului elen Titan Cement, cu operatiuni la nivel international.

  • Creditele verzi, in crestere exponentiala in aproape 2 ani peste pragul de 1 mld. euro

“Total piata credite pentru companii in Romania, conform datelor BNR, in urma cu un an si jumatate deja era cam 4% din piata clasificabila in acest segment din creditele acordate, undeva la 1 mld. euro echivalent, cam 5 mld. RON. Dar daca extrapolam pe urmatoarea perioada pentru care nu avem neaparat transparenta datelor inca statistic, probabil ca a fost o crestere mai degraba exponentiala in ultimii doi ani de zile. Asta se vede si la nivel european“, estimeaza Florin Ilie, Deputy CEO & Head Wholesale Banking ING Bank Romania, una dintre cele mai mari banci de pe piata bancara locala.

  • Obligatiunile verzi au o rata medie de suprasubscriere de 4 ori mai mare in randul investitorilor fata de obligatiunile clasice

“Exista o mare apetenta la nivel global pentru finantari verzi. Finantarile verzi sunt mult mai cautate incat,de exemplu, suprasubscrierea medie la o emisiune de obligatiuni verzi este de 4 ori mai mult decat la obligatiunile normale“, puncteaza Cristian Nacu, Senior Country Officer International Finance Corporation, divizia de investitii din grupul Bancii Mondiale, care este unul dintre cei mai mari investitori in emisiunile de obligatiuni verzi de pe piata din Romania.

  • ESG-ul va deveni mainstream pentru investitori si ar putea creste multiplii de evaluare ai unei afaceri in favoarea vanzatorului la tranzactia de exit

“Daca e sa pun palaria de investitor, eu cred ca ESG va deveni mainstream. A devenit deja la fondurile mari si la companiile mari, va veni si la fondurile mai mici, companiile mai mici. Un alt lucru pe care as vrea sa-l spun este ca, companiile din portofoliu care au un unghi ESG si au guvernanta – deja 4 din 6 companiile noastre de portofoliu au board of advisors si toate lucrurile astea puse la punct, practic daca ai un esg scoring bun pe o companie de portofoliu, poti sa ai un multiplu mai mare la exit pentru simplul fapt ca investitorii strategici sau cei de secondary buyout (fonduri de investitii – n.r.) nu ar trebui sa mai investeasca in aceste lucruri si au mai multa incredere in companie“, a declarat Simona Gemeneanu, Partner si Co-fondator al Morphosis Capital, manager de private equity care investeste din primul sau fond de investitii exclusiv pe piata romaneasca. “Evaluarile companiilor sunt vazute nu doar prin prisma metricilor clasici (indicatori – n.r.), ci mai nou si prin metrici de ESG. Deci, este vorba despre shareholder value (valoarea pe care o detin actionarii)“, confirma Bogdan Vaduva de la KPMG Romania.

  • ESG poate insemna pentru o companie sa opresti business-ul sau sa-l continui

“ESG-ul s-a compus foarte bine cu sistemul financiar altfel era probabil doar o discutie intelectuala fara niciun fel de actiune in spatele ei. Acum pentru ca se compune cu banii devine foarte puternica in economie. Noi suntem un start-up care are nevoie de acces la astfel de finantari. S-a vorbit de cost (costul ESG- n.r.), nici nu mai conteaza cat costa, este biletul de intrare in clubul acesta. Costul ala, mic sau mare, poate sa insemne sa opresti business-ul, suntem exemplul cel mai bun, sau sa continui. Cu siguranta, (ESG – n.r.) nu este un cost, toate finantarile de acum incolo vor fi focusate in directia asta“, a punctat Andrei Perianu, COO si Co-fondator al start-up-ului fintech, in care a investit si fondul de venture capital Sparking Capital.

  • De la greenwashing la greenwishing

“In zona aceasta de ESG se vorbeste foarte mult si de greenwashing, dar eu as spune ca foarte multe companii au trecut la greenwishing. In 2050, toti aratam perfect, in 2030 atingem 50% rata de reducere a emisiilor de dioxid de carbon, deci viitorul este minunat“, afirma Constantin Damov, presedintele Green Group.

Ce impact au politicile de sustenabilitate in:

  • sectorul de creditare
  • piete de capital
  • energie
  • industrie
  • real estate
  • transport & mobilitate & logistica
  • retail
  • servicii
  • industrie alimentara



FINANTARE. Creditele verzi si creditele sustenabile, in crestere in acest an fata de anul anterior si cu potential de crestere pentru anul viitor

“Anul acesta am vazut o crestere semnificativa a creditelor verzi si a celor cu link de sustenabilitate. Este important sa distingem intre creditul verde si creditul sustenabil. Sunt multe companii care nu pot accesa credite verzi pentru ca au impact negativ asupra mediului“, explica Simona Marin, Partner si Head of Banking & Finance in biroul din Bucuresti al firmei internationale de avocatura Dentons. “Imi puneam intrebarea de ce am vazut anul acesta semnificativ mai multe credite verzi sau sustenabile fata de anul trecut. Din experienta pietei si vorbind cu banci, impresia este similara si anume ca multi dintre imprumutatii care in ultimii ani s-au folosit de obligatiuni pentru a atrage capital se asteapta ca se vor intoarce iar la imprumuturile clasice, green (verzi) sau sustainable (sustenabile). Asteptarile mele pentru anul viitor sunt sa vedem mai multa finantare clasica, green si sustainable, si mai putine obligatiuni“, adauga Simona Marin de la Dentons.

PIETE DE CAPITAL. Piata locala de obligatiuni verzi are nevoie de ani de zile pentru a avea lichiditate reala. Potential pentru emisiuni de obligatiuni albastre (blue bonds)

“Vor mai dura niste ani pana cand vom avea o lichiditate reala in zona de obligatiuni verzi“, puncteaza Mhai Purcarea de la BRD Asset Management.

“Am auzit destul de mult in ultima perioada si cred ca este o directie in urmatorii ani despre obligatiuni albastre, care sunt o subdiviziune a obligatiunilor verzi si care se concentreaza pe proiectele care maresc managementul resurselor de apa“, afirma Remus Danila, Head IR & Business Development Bursa de Valori Bucuresti. “Este posibil sa fie o tema de investitii foarte importanta in anii urmatori si este posibil sa vedem investitori institutionali supranationali sau semi – state controlled care sa puna foarte mult accent pe canalizarea fondurilor in aceasta directie. Cumva este o idee pentru companiile care activeaza in acest sector sa ia in considerare oportunitatile existente“, a adaugat Remus Danila de la Bursa de Valori Bucuresti.

ENERGIE. Tranzactii de pana la 1 GW si continua efervescenta investitorilor in sectorul energiei fotovoltaice

“Cred ca razboiul va accelera procesul de decarbonizare si sustinerea energiei regenerabile. Ce vedem in Romania? Ambitia Romaniei e ca pana in 2030 sa aiba 6 GW de energie regenerabila, sunt proiecte in dezvoltare de 30 GW, deci este o piata foarte efervescenta pe partea de dezvoltare. Credem ca doar o parte vor trece linia de sosire. Suntem foarte implicati in mai multe tranzactii, in urma cu 2 saptamani am semnat o tranzactie de 1 GW pe fotovoltaic, plus in alte tranzactii de sute de MW mai mult pe fotovoltaic decat pe eolian fata de valul anterior de regenerabile. De ce? Pentru ca energia fotovoltaica s-a ieftinit mult, daca un MW de solar in perioada 2008 – 2010 era 3 mil. euro, acum vorbim de 1 MW de solar la 700.000 euro. Pe vant, tehnologia a avansat, dar CAPEX-ul nu a scazut atat de mult, iar solarul este mai predictibil“, explica Bogdan Vaduva de la KPMG.

“Vedem multi jucatori implicati, jucatori internationali, insa circumstantele pietei de energie de azi fac ca utilitatile mari sa fie ezitante de a investi in continuare in proiecte de energie regenerabila. Pe zona de ESG, vedem nu doar fonduri de investitii, ci si companii internationale care au push de la sediul central, dar si antreprenori locali“, adauga reprezentantul KPMG Romania.

“Avem in constructie cel mai mare parc fotovoltaic din Romania, de 155 MW. Zilele acestea semnam contractele EPC pentru alti 170 MW, la care vom incepe constructia la inceputul anului viitor. Pipeline-ul companiei in Romania este undeva la 2 GW, din care 350 MW sunt ready to build si ne asteptam pana la finele anului sa ajungem la 500 MW ready to build“, a spus Bogdan Asanache, Country Manager Romania Econergy. Din tinta de 2 GW ce ar urma sa fie pusi in operare pana in 2026, 20% reprezinta achizitii, 20% sunt pure greenfield, iar restul sunt co-development. “In momentul de fata, toate proiectele sunt demarate cu equity, capital propriu al nostru si al partenerilor nostri. Suntem in discutii cu mai multe banci pentru o finantare. Nu ne bazam pe aceasta finantare, motiv pentru care suntem pregatiti sa mergem cu fondurile proprii pana la COD (data la care proiectele devin complet operationale – n.r.), dar in paralel continuam discutiile si cu bancile“, precizeaza seful operatiunilor locale ale investitorului israelian Econergy.

“Energia regenerabila, energia fotovoltaica are un pas de dezvoltare, de punere in practica si de finalizare mult mai alert decat energia clasica“, puncteaza Dan Ciobanu, Partener in cadrul casei de avocatura Suciu Popa, care adauga ca se observa o efervescenta pe acest segment in ultimii 3 ani.  “Sunt diferite provocari in piata pe care le vedem“, spune Dan Ciobanu, intrucat exista o oarecare bariera la autorizatiile de care investitorii au nevoie de la autoritati. “Am vazut insa si o usoara deschidere ca se intentioneaza sa se incurajeze proiectele dezvoltate pe o suprafata de maxim 50 ha in sensul ca nu vor mai avea nevoie de un plan urbanistic zonal“, adauga reprezentantul casei de avocatura Suciu Popa.

INDUSTRIE. Proceduri de invatare, de integrare si de due diligence din perspectiva sustenabilitatii

“Noi suntem intr-un proces in care invatam aceste etape (ale procesului de ESG – n.r.). O mare parte din investitiile noastre sunt in zona de industrie, unde poti sa obtii o serie de avantaje daca vii cu o astfel de abordare. In prima etapa a procesului nostru de invatare si constientizare, am numit un responsabil, un manager de sustenabilitate care are acest rol de a implementa aceste proceduri si, ca o particularitate, spre deosebire de o companie, noi incercam sa facem acest proces integrat. Noi avem un holding care detine mai multe companii in industria materialelor de constructii, sa avem un sistem integrat de sustenabilitate, nu o procedura personalizata pentru fiecare companie in parte. Avem un consultant in aceasta directie impreuna cu care invatam primii pasi“, afirma Rudolf Vizental, CEO si Co-fondator ROCA Investments, o platforma de capital local care are in portofoliu companii din diferite industrii. “Am introdus inclusiv in procesul nostru de investitii aceasta etapa de due diligence din perspectiva sustenabilitatii“, adauga acesta.

REAL ESTATE. Sunt necesare investitii de 7.000 mld. Euro in UE pana in 2050 pentru a renova stocul imobiliar construit, care acum este responsabil de 40% din emisiile de carbon

“Sectorul imobiliar mediul construit este responsabil cu aproape 40% din emisiile de carbon, totodata estimam ca fondul construit in prezent va fi 80% in picioare si in 2050 cand ar trebui sa atingem aceasta tinta de NetZero carbon ceea ce inseamna ca trebuie sa luam acest fond construit si sa-l renovam“, explica Oana Stamatin, Chief ESG Officer CEE & Romania la Colliers. “Rata in prezent este de 1,2 – 1,4% in UE si ar trebui sa se dubleze pentru a atinge aceasta tinta de NetZero carbon. Pentru a atinge o rata de 3% este nevoie de investitii de 7 trilioane euro in economie astfel incat sa putem sa renovam acest tot stoc construit. Va implica resurse din partea companiilor, statelor, institutiilor financiare“, estimeaza Oana Stamatin, pe baza datelor Colliers. Potrivit acesteia, certificarile verzi ale proiectelor raman principalul indicator care este urmarit in directia ESG.

RETAIL. Scurtarea lantului logistic, oportunitate pentru Romania de a pastra in tara intregul ciclu productie – procesare – ambalare

“Ce este foarte important pentru noi este amprenta de CO2 (care provine – n.r.) de la logistica. Si aici este o foarte mare oportunitate pentru Romania pentru ca importam mult mai mult decat exportam si multa marfa vine din afara in conditiile in care Romania este o tara cu foarte mare potential agricol din perspectiva meteorologica. Si atunci ce credem noi ca este o componenta semnificativa sustenabila este productia verticala romaneasca, adica sa avem produse de raft care sa aiba pe langa ambalare sa aiba si ingredientul principal din Romania si sa aiba si procesarea din Romania. Astea sunt sustenabile pentru ca pe langa partea de emisii de CO2 ajutam si comunitatile pentru ca banii raman in tara, se creeaza valoare, suntem mai bogati si banii se intorc si catre noi. Eu asa vad asta ca un circuit sustenabil pe termen lung“, a declarat in cadrul evenimentului Daniel Gross, CEO REWE Romania, subsidiara concernului german REWE care opereaza lantul de supermarketuri Penny.

AUTO. Investitii in sectorul auto pentru productia de energie verde si parteneriate pentru reducerea energiei utilizate in fabrici

Cresterea preturilor la energie este una dintre cele mai mari provocari pentru sectorul productiei de masini si de componente auto, semnaleaza Adrian Sandu, secretar general si membru al board-ului ACAROM. La aceasta se adauga efectele crizei cipurilor. Industria de automotive are cea mai mare provocare in fata in alinierea la pactul de masuri Fit for 55 (planul UE de tranzitie la energia verde – n.r.). “Companiile se pregatesc sa finanteze proiecte de energie verde, care sa fie utilizata in fabrici. Unii dintre ei au incheiate parteneriate cu furnizori de energie pentru a reduce utilizarea de energie in fabrici“, precizeaza Adrian Sandu de la ACAROM, asociatie care grupeaza producatori de automobile si producatori de componente si subansamble auto activi pe piata din Romania.

MOBILITATE. Schimbarea unei flote auto catre masini electrice are nevoie, in prealabil, de investitii in extinderea retelei de statii de incarcare

“Piata de mobilitate nu este una matura. Toata lumea vorbeste de masini electrice, cum sa schimbam peste noapte aceasta flota, dar ar fi imposibil. Am putea sa absorbim finantare sustenabila ca sa facem asta, cum am si aratat deja, dar nu este suficient. Avem o flota de circa 14.000 de masini in acest moment si daca am schimba peste noapte asta la toti clientii, iar doua treimi din flota este in leasing operational, deci ce am putea face? Clientii nu sunt pregatiti pentru aceasta tranzitie, trebuie sa facem gradual schimbarea. Trebuie mai intai sa educam piata. Si apoi sa implementam tranzitia.“, afirma Magdalena Caramilea, Sustainability Director in cadrul Autonom Group, o afacere de familie care s-a pozitionat ca lider pe piata de mobilitate. “Este ca povestea cu oul si gaina. Da, trebuie sa facem tranzitia ca sa ne schimbam flota, dar trebuie sa lucram la infrastructura, care este partea cea mai grea. Am inceput cu e-chargere in statiile noastre,  dar nu este suficienta putere electrica disponibila in agentiile noastre“, adauga Magdalena Caramilea, care arata ca este nevoie de educarea clientilor si de investitii in extinderea retelei de statii de incarcare inainte de o trecere a flotei auto catre masini electrice.

SERVICII. Impactul este important nu doar in E (Environmental), ci si in S (Social) si in G (Governance)

“Sprijinim o campanie de servicii mobile de stomatologie. Nu are sens sa investim in locatii fixe in comunele si satele din Romania, ci este mult mai eficient sa avem aceste cabinete mobile. Apropo de impactul de mediu, ne uitam si noi ne intrebam ce putem sa facem sa scadem emisiile de CO2?! E simplu, nu chemam pacientul de 10 ori, il chemam o data, ii oferim o jumatate de zi, iar din punct de vedere al materialelor de unica folosinta, pacientul vine de putine ori, folosesti de mai putine ori si manusi de unica folosinta, tavite si alte echipamente“, explica Ionut Leahu, CEO si Fondatorul clinicilor Dr. Leahu, impactul asupra celei mai mare retele de pe piata serviciilor de stomatologie. “Cred ca suntem cea mai guvernata retea de clinici stomatologice din Romania. Faptul ca noi am trait si experienta testarii unui produs de obligatiuni pe bursa, asta deja ne-a clarificat sa iesim in fata, sa ridicam niste bani de la investitori pe bursa, apoi relatia cu Morphosis unde noi suntem una din cele 4 companii cu advisory board imediat implementat, deci pe partea de guvernanta suntem aliniati“, adauga Dr. Leahu.

INDUSTRIE ALIMENTARA. De la initiative de reducere a resurselor utilizate de apa si energie pana la trecerea la productia de ambalaje reciclabile si reutilizabile

“Sunt studii ale ONU care fac publice niste cifre alarmante. Faptul ca industria alimentara produce pana la 24% din total emisiilor de CO2, ca pana in 2050 vor trai peste 10 mld. de oameni pe planeta, toate vin la pachet cu o cerere de alimente, care se estimeaza ca va creste cu pana la 70%, ceea ce atrage o crestere a resurselor pe care le utilizam – apa si energie cu pana la 40% in crestere“, afirma Oana Gresoiu, Group Chief People, Culture and Sustainability Officer la start-upul Verdino Green Foods, pozitionat ca unul dintre cei mai importanti producatori locali si regionali de produse alimentare vegetale, care foloseste ca materie prima, in special, mazarea. “Daca ar fi sa facem o comparatie intre a produce 1 kg de mazare si 1 kg de carne, vom avea un consum de apa si energie mai mic cu pana la aproape 90%“, afirma reprezentantul Verdino Green Foods.

“Noi in acest an am facut primii pasi spre decarbonatare. Am dat startul unui audit energetic, vizam pentru anul urmator implementarea unor surse de energie regenerabila – panouri de energie fotovoltaica, cel mai probabil, si suntem in discutii cu un furnizor de mobilitate integrata pentru actualizarea parcului auto catre solutii noi si mai putin generatoare de emisii de CO2“, afirma Oana Gresoiu, care precizeaza ca pentru aceste masuri in bugetul companiei pentru 2023 vor fi alocate 2 mil. euro.

“Ne propunem la nivel global ca pana in 2030 toate ambalajele noastre sa fie reutilizabile sau in totalitate reciclabile, lucru la care lucram si in Romania“, a spus Anca Roman, Corporate Affairs & Communication Manager FrieslandCampina Romania, subsidiara locala a cooperativei olandeze FrieslandCampina, cu operatiuni la nivel global si in portofoliul careia se afla brandul romanesc Napolact. “Anul trecut, am dezvoltat si am implementat un ambalaj 100% reciclabil la pet-ul de 330 de grame, care are si o inovatie de eticheta, cu un fel de fermoar“, adauga Anca Roman, care explica faptul ca aceasta inovatie a fost realizata in urma unui studiu din care rezulta nevoia de educare a consumatorilor privind reciclarea diferentiata a produselor.

“Molson Coors are actiuni foarte concrete prin care se incearca reducerea amprentei de carbon, iar pe de alta parte, atunci cand vorbim de apa pentru ca este un produs primar din care se fabrica berea, se doreste ca acest consum al apei sa fie din ce in ce mai redus, care a ajuns la o reducere cu 25% a consumului de apa. Mai mult decat atat, reutilizarea apei este un aspect deosebit de important, pana in 2025 se doreste aici ca 50% din apa sa fie reutilizabila complet si reintrodusa in circuitul comunitatii, iar impactul se duce asupra produsului“, afirma Liviu Turcanu, Creative Director Mantia, divizia de CSR din cadrul Mercury 360 Communications Group. Potrivit acestuia, tinta Molson Coors, companie care are in portofoliu brandul local de bere Bergenbier, este ca pana in 2025 sa ajunga la o rata de 100% de reciclare, reutilizare si material compostabil de la un procent de 99,5% in prezent. De asemenea, gigantul elvetian Nestlé are tinte concrete privind trecerea la ambalaje sustenabile, reutilizabile si compostabile.

Partenerii THE SUSTAINABLE CHALLENGE 2022 sunt Erste Asset Managament Romania, ING Bank Romania, ROCA Investments, Suciu Popa, Colliers, Bursa de Valori Bucuresti, Dentons. Partener strategic este CCIFER, iar Suporting Partner Banca Transilvania.

VIZUAL logos - FINAL_20.10 MAIN

Remus Danila, Head IR & Business Development Bucharest Stock Exchange, speaker at THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022

Remus Danila, Head IR & Business Development Bucharest Stock Exchange, is one of the speakers of THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022, an event organized by the transaction journal MIRSANU.RO and dedicated to changes and challenges generated by sustainability in business models and financing models of the companies.

Remus Danila has been involved in the capital markets field for 15 years, both in the brokerage business and in the stock exchange environment.

Between 2005 – 2016, he worked for the Belgian group KBC Securities in Romania, Belgium and Hungary, covering institutional clients active in the CEE region. Afterwards, he joined Budapest Stock Exchange as director for international relations.

Since 2019, Remus is part of the Bucharest Stock Exchange team, being responsible of Public and Investor Relations as well as Business Development activities, including the ESG related projects managed by BVB. He graduated the MBA program of HEC Paris and the Faculty of Finance and Banking of ASE Bucuresti.

On October 25, 2022, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting an OFFLINE event for business leaders, entrepreneurs, bankers, investors, advisors and other important stakeholders involved in the sustainability chain.

The agenda of this event will be as follows:

08.30 – 09.00 (EEST/GMT+2) Registration & Networking
09.00 – 09.05 Welcome message from Adrian Mirsanu, Founding Editor of transaction journal MIRSANU.RO
09.05 – 09.50 Trends
09.50 – 10.35 Transport, Mobility & Logistic
10.35 – 11.20 Industry & Energy
11.20 – 11.50 Coffee break
11.50 – 12.35 Finance
12.35 – 13.20 Agriculture & Food
13.20 – 14.05 Retail & Services
14.05 – 14.10 Final notes
14.10 – 15.00 Lunch & Networking

The event’s partners are Erste Asset Management Romania, ING Bank Romania, ROCA Investments, Suciu Popa, Colliers, Bucharest Stock Exchange and Dentons. Supporting Partner for this event is Banca Transilvania.

If you are interested in attending this event or making a partnership, please contact us at:


MIRSANU.RO is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions. MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and founders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and overall the dealmakers community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.

VIZUAL logos - FINAL_20.10 MAIN

THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022: Ce schimbari produce epoca ESG asupra modelelor de afaceri si de finantare ale companiilor si ce impact au politicile de sustenabilitate in principalele sectoare ale economiei

Lideri de afaceri, reprezentanti ai autoritatilor, finantatori, antreprenori, investitori, consultanti si stakeholderi in sustenabilitate vor dezbate pe 25 octombrie la evenimentul THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022 ce impact au politicile de sustenabilitate asupra marilor sectoare economice si ce schimbari sunt asteptate in modelele de afaceri si de finantare ale companiilor in epoca ESG.

Jurnalul de tranzactii MIRSANU.RO organizeaza pe 25 octombrie THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022,  eveniment cu prezenta fizica a carui tema este Resources. Opportunity cost. ESG.

Cresterea populatiei, dezvoltarea industriala fara precedent, consumul de resurse ajuns la o borna istorica, productia de noi bunuri si servicii care sa acopere nevoile omenirii obliga societatea sa elaboreze formule de sustenabilitate pe tot lantul de activitati – de la agricultura, productie industriala, mijloace de transport, infrastructura pana la retelele si dispozitivele conectate la consumatorii finali.

Unde le gasim? Cine le dezvolta? Cine le opereaza? Cum se finanteaza? Ce imbunatatiri vor aduce vietii de maine? Pe ce resurse se va modela viitorul economiei? De ce avem nevoie pentru a ajunge acolo? Ce industrii se vor integra acestui trend mai usor? Care este impactul ESG asupra modelelor de afaceri si a structurilor de organizare si conducere ale companiilor?

Cautam raspunsuri si perspective la companii care au gasit modele de afaceri si de operare compatibile cu noile tinte climatice, la afaceri care se finanteaza prin credite verzi, prin obligatiuni verzi sau obligatiuni cu link de sustenabilitate, la firme care si-au evaluat déjà portofoliile prin ratinguri ESG, la investitori ce si-au schimbat unghiul de raportare si de analiza fata de companiile care cer finantare si urmarim ce planuri de active verzi au companiile.

AGENDA actualizata a evenimentului este  urmatoarea:

08.30 – 09.00 Inregistrare si networking

09.00 – 09.05 Introducere si mesaj de bun venit din partea organizatorului

09.05 – 09.50 Panel Tendinte

  • Adina VăleanComisar European pentru Transport (prin mesaj prezentat de catre Ramona Chiriac, sefa Reprezentantei Comisiei Europene in Romania)
  • Florin Spataru, Ministrul Economiei
  • Horia Braun-Erdei, CEO Erste Asset Management Romania
  • Cristian Nacu, Senior Country Officer International Finance Corporation
  • Oana Stamatin, ESG Chief Officer Colliers CEE & Romania

09.50 – 10.35 Panel Transport, Mobilitate & Logistica

  • Adam Targowski, Group Head of ESG, CTP
  • Adrian Sandu, Secretar General si membru al board-ului Asociatiei Constructorilor de Automobile din Romania (ACAROM)
  • Magdalena Caramilea, Sustainability Director Autonom


10.35 – 11.20 Panel Industrie & Energie

  • Marcel Cobuz, Presedinte Titan Cement Group (mesaj video)
  • Constantin Damov, CEO & Cofondator Green Group
  • Rudolf Vizental, CEO & Cofondator ROCA Investments
  • Bogdan Vaduva, Advisory Partner, Head of Energy, Sustainability and Climate Change, KPMG in Romania
  • Bogdan Asanache, Country Manager Romania Econergy
  • Dan Ciobanu, Partner & Co-Head M&A Suciu Popa


11.20 – 11.50 Pauza de cafea

11.50 – 12.35 Panel Finantare

  • Mihai Purcarea, CEO BRD Asset Management
  • Florin Ilie, Deputy CEO & Head of Wholesale Banking ING Bank Romania
  • Remus Danila, Head IR & Business Development Bursa de Valori Bucuresti
  • Simona Marin, Partner, Head of Banking & Finance Dentons Bucharest


12.35 – 13.20 Panel Industrie alimentara

  • Oana Gresoiu, Group Chief People, Culture and Sustainability Officer, Verdino Green Foods
  • Anca Roman, Corporate Affairs & Communication Manager FrieslandCampina Romania
  • Liviu Turcanu, Creative Director Mantia, Mercury 360 Communications Group


13.20 – 14.05 Panel Retail & Servicii

  • Daniel Gross, CEO REWE Romania – PENNY
  • Simona Gemeneanu, Partner Morphosis Capital
  • Ionut Leahu, CEO si fondator Clinicile Dr. Leahu
  • Serban Semeniuc, Legal & Corporate Affairs Director Regina Maria
  • Andrei Perianu, COO & Cofondator

14.10 – 15.00 Pranz & networking

Dezbaterile din cadrul evenimentului se vor concentra asupra următoarelor topicuri: 

  • Cand o investitie este corecta ESG pentru investitori
  • Strategii de dezvoltare NetZero
  • Provocari in calea atingerii tintelor de decarbonatare
  • Green Bond vs Bond
  • Green Finance
  • Ce oportunitati de afaceri creeaza noul cadru de politici ESG
  • ESG rating vs Financial rating
  • Accelerare sau Integrare
  • Cum se creeaza active verzi
  • Cum va arata harta resurselor viitorului
  • Cine acopera costurile de inverzire


Locatie eveniment:

Crowne Plaza Bucharest, Crown CD/Crown Ballroom

Partenerii acestui eveniment sunt:


Participarea la eveniment se face pe baza de invitatie sau taxa de acces de 500 RON (100 Euro). Cei interesați să participe sunt invitați să ne contacteze la

Pentru MASS MEDIA FREE PASS, va invitam sa ne contactati la



MIRSANU.RO este primul produs media românesc de ştiri, analize, interviuri şi opinii dedicat exclusiv tranzacțiilor și profesioniștilor din acest domeniu. Oferă informații pe trei direcții principale – fuziuni și achiziții (M & A), finanțări și tranzacții pe piața de capital.

MIRSANU.RO este un produs media de tip B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) care se adresează executivilor, antreprenorilor, proprietarilor de afaceri, investitorilor și finanțatorilor, respectiv un produs B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) prin informațiile care vizează activitatea comunității de profesioniști de pe piața de fuziuni și achiziții (M&A), a tranzacțiilor în ansamblul lor, comunitate formată din administratori de fonduri de investiții, avocați, bancheri de investiții, bancheri, consultanți de strategie, auditori, respectiv alți furnizori de servicii profesionale dedicate tranzacțiilor.

VIZUAL logos - FINAL_20.10 MAIN

Adrian Sandu, General Secretary and Member of the Board of the Romanian Car Manufacturers Association (ACAROM), speaker at THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022

Adrian Sandu, General Secretary  and Member for the Board of the Romanian Car Manufacturers Association (ACAROM), which represents the national auto industry, is one of the speakers of THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022, an event organized by the transaction journal MIRSANU.RO and dedicated to changes and challenges generated by sustainability in business models and financing models of the companies.

He is the also President of Auto SPRINT Cluster, which handles matters concerning internationalization and research and innovation development of the auto field in Romania.

With over 20 years of experience in the automotive industry , he coordonated, participated in many national and european strategies, policies, projects of collaboration, promotion and research. At the same time, he represents ACAROM in the European Car Manufacturers Association (ACEA)’s Liaison Committee.

On October 25, 2022, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting an OFFLINE event for business leaders, entrepreneurs, bankers, investors, advisors and other important stakeholders involved in the sustainability chain.

The agenda of this event will be as follows:

08.30 – 09.00 (EEST/GMT+2) Registration & Networking
09.00 – 09.05 Welcome message from Adrian Mirsanu, Founding Editor of transaction journal MIRSANU.RO
09.05 – 09.50 Trends
09.50 – 10.35 Transport, Mobility & Logistic
10.35 – 11.20 Industry & Energy
11.20 – 11.50 Coffee break
11.50 – 12.35 Finance
12.35 – 13.20 Agriculture & Food
13.20 – 14.05 Retail & Services
14.05 – 14.10 Final notes
14.10 – 15.00 Lunch & Networking

The event’s partners are Erste Asset Management Romania, ING Bank Romania, ROCA Investments, Suciu Popa, Colliers, Bucharest Stock Exchange and Dentons. Supporting Partner for this event is Banca Transilvania.

If you are interested in attending this event or making a partnership, please contact us at:


MIRSANU.RO is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions. MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and founders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and overall the dealmakers community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.

Sursa: Morphosis Capital.

Simona Gemeneanu, Partner and Co-Founder Morphosis Capital, speaker at THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022

Simona Gemeneanu, Partner and Co-Founder Morphosis Capital, is one of the speakers of THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022, an event organized by the transaction journal MIRSANU.RO and dedicated to changes and challenges generated by sustainability in business models and financing models of the companies.

Her role in the team is strategy, origination and ESG partner of Morphosis Capital, a growth fund focused on SMEs in Romania with 6 investments in sectors such as healthcare, fitness, industrial doors and technology.

Simona has over 20 years of experience in Private Equity, Finance, Strategy and M&A roles in Bucharest, Paris and London. Having worked over 10 years in London in Corporate Development roles and for the past 4 years in Morphosis Capital growth fund, Simona brings to the table significant experience in strategy, executing deals, valuing companies within information services, healthcare and technology business models, and origination, as well as full cycle PE experience.

On October 25, 2022, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting an OFFLINE event for business leaders, entrepreneurs, bankers, investors, advisors and other important stakeholders involved in the sustainability chain.

The agenda of this event will be as follows:

08.30 – 09.00 (EEST/GMT+2) Registration & Networking
09.00 – 09.05 Welcome message from Adrian Mirsanu, Founding Editor of transaction journal MIRSANU.RO
09.05 – 09.50 Trends
09.50 – 10.35 Transport, Mobility & Logistic
10.35 – 11.20 Industry & Energy
11.20 – 11.50 Coffee break
11.50 – 12.35 Finance
12.35 – 13.20 Agriculture & Food
13.20 – 14.05 Retail & Services
14.05 – 14.10 Final notes
14.10 – 15.00 Lunch & Networking

The event’s partners are Erste Asset Management Romania, ING Bank Romania, ROCA Investments, Colliers, Bucharest Stock Exchange and Dentons. Supporting Partner for this event is Banca Transilvania.

If you are interested in attending this event or making a partnership, please contact us at:


MIRSANU.RO is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions. MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and founders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and overall the dealmakers community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.

Sursa: Clinicile Dr. Leahu.

Ionuț Leahu, Founder and CEO Dr. Leahu Dental Clinics, speaker at THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022

Ionuț Leahu, Founder and CEO Dr. Leahu Dental Clinics, is one of the speakers of THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022, an event organized by the transaction journal MIRSANU.RO and dedicated to changes and challenges generated by sustainability in business models and financing models of the companies.

Dr. Ionuț Leahu, Owner and Dentist with competence in Oral Implantology and Master in Oral Implantology and Periodontology owns 19 dental clinics. Dr. Ionuț Leahu has thousands of successful dental implants and is one of the dentists with a large presence in every open dental clinic.

The Dr. Leahu Dental Clinics Network is the largest network in the Romanian dental industry, with a presence in 13 cities in Romania (Brașov, Craiova, Ploiești, Bucharest, Pitești, Timișoara, Turda, Constanța, Oradea, Iași, Sibiu, Galați, Cluj -Napoca), has 169 dental offices and a fully digitized dental technique laboratory, spread over a total area of over 8500 square meters and a team of over 650 employees, including 200 doctors.

Each clinic integrates at least one digital dental radiology center. The network also has its own training center – Dr. Leahu Training Center. Also, Dr. Leahu Dental Clinics Network is the first entity in the healthcare industry with corporate bonds traded on the multilateral system of the Bucharest Stock Exchange.

On October 25, 2022, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting an OFFLINE event for business leaders, entrepreneurs, bankers, investors, advisors and other important stakeholders involved in the sustainability chain.

The agenda of this event will be as follows:

08.30 – 09.00 (EEST/GMT+2) Registration & Networking
09.00 – 09.05 Welcome message from Adrian Mirsanu, Founding Editor of transaction journal MIRSANU.RO
09.05 – 09.50 Trends
09.50 – 10.35 Transport, Mobility & Logistic
10.35 – 11.20 Industry & Energy
11.20 – 11.50 Coffee break
11.50 – 12.35 Finance
12.35 – 13.20 Agriculture & Food
13.20 – 14.05 Retail & Services
14.05 – 14.10 Final notes
14.10 – 15.00 Lunch & Networking

The event’s partners are Erste Asset Management Romania, ING Bank Romania, ROCA Investments, Colliers, Bucharest Stock Exchange and Dentons. Supporting Partner for this event is Banca Transilvania.

If you are interested in attending this event or making a partnership, please contact us at:


MIRSANU.RO is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions. MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and founders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and overall the dealmakers community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.

Sursa: BRD Asset Management.

Mihai Purcarea, CEO BRD Asset Management, speaker at THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022

Mihai Purcarea, CEO BRD Asset Management, is one of the speakers of THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022, an event organized by the transaction journal MIRSANU.RO and dedicated to changes and challenges generated by sustainability in business models and financing models of the companies.

Mihai Purcarea is Chief Executive Officer at BRD Asset Management, one of the most important investment management companies in Romania. Previously he was Chief Investment Officer at Erste Asset Management, being involved in managing some of the largest investment funds in Romania in the past 15 years.

Mihai is also board member of CFA Society Romania and the Fund Managers Associations of Romania.

On October 25, 2022, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting an OFFLINE event for business leaders, entrepreneurs, bankers, investors, advisors and other important stakeholders involved in the sustainability chain.

The agenda of this event will be as follows:

08.30 – 09.00 (EEST/GMT+2) Registration & Networking
09.00 – 09.05 Welcome message from Adrian Mirsanu, Founding Editor of transaction journal MIRSANU.RO
09.05 – 09.50 Trends
09.50 – 10.35 Transport, Mobility & Logistic
10.35 – 11.20 Industry & Energy
11.20 – 11.50 Coffee break
11.50 – 12.35 Finance
12.35 – 13.20 Agriculture & Food
13.20 – 14.05 Retail & Services
14.05 – 14.10 Final notes
14.10 – 15.00 Lunch & Networking

The event’s partners are Erste Asset Management Romania, ING Bank Romania, ROCA Investments, Colliers, Bucharest Stock Exchange and Dentons. Supporting Partner for this event is Banca Transilvania.

If you are interested in attending this event or making a partnership, please contact us at:


MIRSANU.RO is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions. MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and founders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and overall the dealmakers community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.

Sursa: CTP.

Adam Targowski, Group Head of ESG, CTP, speaker at THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022

Adam Targowski, Group Head of ESG, CTP, is one of the speakers of THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022, an event organized by the transaction journal MIRSANU.RO and dedicated to changes and challenges generated by sustainability in business models and financing models of the companies.

Adam Targowski holds the position of Group Head of ESG at CTP, which develop and manage industrial and logistics parks from Black to North Sea being active in 10 European countries. Adam team is responsible for setting up group ESG strategy and its execution together with country teams. Recently, the team is focused on implementing strategy to make sure companies efforts keep it at the forefront of sustainable development supporting tenants and municipalities in meeting their targets.

Adam joined CTP in 2022. Before joining CTP Adam was responsible for Sustainability in Skanska development business in CEE and ran consultancy in the field of sustainability supporting real estate and construction sector. Adam is involved in many organizations promoting sustainable development in Europe: RICS, Urban Land Institute and Polish Green Building Council where he serves as Advisory Board Member.

On October 25, 2022, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting an OFFLINE event for business leaders, entrepreneurs, bankers, investors, advisors and other important stakeholders involved in the sustainability chain.

The agenda of this event will be as follows:

08.30 – 09.00 (EEST/GMT+2) Registration & Networking
09.00 – 09.05 Welcome message from Adrian Mirsanu, Founding Editor of transaction journal MIRSANU.RO
09.05 – 09.50 Trends
09.50 – 10.35 Transport, Mobility & Logistic
10.35 – 11.20 Industry & Energy
11.20 – 11.50 Coffee break
11.50 – 12.35 Finance
12.35 – 13.20 Agriculture & Food
13.20 – 14.05 Retail & Services
14.05 – 14.10 Final notes
14.10 – 15.00 Lunch & Networking

If you are interested in attending this event or making a partnership, please contact us at:


MIRSANU.RO is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions. MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and founders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and overall the dealmakers community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.

Sursa foto: Colliers.

Oana Stamatin, ESG Chief Officer Colliers CEE & Romania, speaker at THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022

Oana Stamatin, ESG Chief Officer Colliers CEE & Romania, is one of the speakers of THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022, an event organized by the transaction journal MIRSANU.RO and dedicated to changes and challenges generated by sustainability in business models and financing models of the companies.

Oana is responsible for the implementation of global ESG goals in the CEE region as set out in Colliers’ global ESG approach. Previously working as Deputy Head of Green & Healthy Buildings Certifications and Building Surveying of Colliers in Romania, she is a proven industry expert, with accomplishments including consultancy for LEED, BREEAM and WELL certification for more than 100 projects in the last 10 years, totaling approximately 3 million square meters. She was also involved in consultancy services related to project monitoring activities and technical due diligence for 3.4 million square meters of space in the last 15 years, within the Building Surveying Division.

On October 25, 2022, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting an OFFLINE event for business leaders, entrepreneurs, bankers, investors, advisors and other important stakeholders involved in the sustainability chain.

The agenda of this event will be as follows:

08.30 – 09.00 (EEST/GMT+2) Registration & Networking
09.00 – 09.05 Welcome message from Adrian Mirsanu, Founding Editor of transaction journal MIRSANU.RO
09.05 – 09.50 Trends
09.50 – 10.35 Transport, Mobility & Logistic
10.35 – 11.20 Industry & Energy
11.20 – 11.50 Coffee break
11.50 – 12.35 Finance
12.35 – 13.20 Agriculture & Food
13.20 – 14.05 Retail & Services
14.05 – 14.10 Final notes
14.10 – 15.00 Lunch & Networking

If you are interested in attending this event or making a partnership, please contact us at:


MIRSANU.RO is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions. MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and founders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and overall the dealmakers community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.

Sursa foto: Green Group.

Constantin Damov, Chairman Green Group, speaker at THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022

Constantin DamovChairman and Co-Founder of European recycling holding Green Group, is one of the speakers of THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022, an event organized by the transaction journal MIRSANU.RO and dedicated to changes and challenges generated by sustainability in business models and financing models of the companies.

Green Group is part of Abris Capital Partners portfolio. Constantin Damov is President of Circular Economy Coalition (C.E.R.C), an active professional association promoting and implementing sustainable solutions to drive Romania towards circularity.

Having an experience of over 25 years in waste management and recycling solutions, Constantin Damov earned his reputation as being one of the most experienced and ardent promoters of circular economy principles in Romania. Over the years, he participated in Governmental working groups for transposition of EU directives regarding End of Life Vehicles, packaging waste, electric and electronic waste, car batteries and used tires into the Romanian legislation.

On October 25, 2022, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting an OFFLINE event for business leaders, entrepreneurs, bankers, investors, advisors and other important stakeholders involved in the sustainability chain.

The agenda of this event will be as follows:

08.30 – 09.00 (EEST/GMT+2) Registration & Networking
09.00 – 09.05 Welcome message from Adrian Mirsanu, Founding Editor of transaction journal MIRSANU.RO
09.05 – 09.50 Trends
09.50 – 10.35 Transport, Mobility & Logistic
10.35 – 11.20 Industry & Energy
11.20 – 11.50 Coffee break
11.50 – 12.35 Finance
12.35 – 13.20 Agriculture & Food
13.20 – 14.05 Retail & Services
14.05 – 14.10 Final notes
14.10 – 15.00 Lunch & Networking

If you are interested in attending this event or making a partnership, please contact us at:


MIRSANU.RO is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions. MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and founders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and overall the dealmakers community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.

Sursa: Erste Asset Management.

Horia Braun-Erdei, CEO Erste Asset Management Romania, speaker at THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022

Horia Braun-Erdei, General Manager and President of the Board of Directors of Erste Asset Management Romania, is one of the speakers of THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022, an event organized by the transaction journal MIRSANU.RO and dedicated to changes and challenges generated by sustainability in business models and financing models of the companies.

Erste Asset Management Romania is part of Erste Group and is the largest asset management company in Romania, having over a billion euro assets under management through 8 Open-end investment funds registered in Romania and discretionary portfolios management. Moreover the company offers to Romanian customers a range of over 40 Open-end investment funds managed internationally by its parent company Erste Asset Management GmbH.

Horia joined Erste Asset Management Romania in the current position as of November 2019 and Erste Group in 2017, when he was appointed Chief Economist and Head of Research within BCR, the largest Romanian bank at the time. Before that, Horia spent 9 years in NN Group (formerly part of ING Group), where he held various management roles, including that of Investments Head within ING Pensions, the market leader in private pension funds management in Romania, that of General Manager and Chief Investment Officer of the local branch of NN Investment Partners, as well as a stint filling the role of Chief Investment Officer of NN Investment Partners in the Czech Republic, as an asset manager with over 4 billion EUR of assets under management. Horia’s career began within the National Bank of Romania, where he held positions in various departments specialized in macroeconomics and monetary analysis and where he also acquired his first experience in management as head of departments within the newly founded Macroeconomic Modelling and Forecasting Division.

Throughout his 20-year career in the financial industry, Horia was involved in a number of important projects among which: the setting up of the required economic modeling, analysis and forecasting framework for the Romanian central bank’s adoption of the inflation targeting monetary policy regime under which it has been operating since 2005, the setting up from scratch of the investment department of the ING Pension Fund, the launch and the bank distribution of the first mutual funds of ING Group invested in the Romanian market, the centralization of the management of insurance and mutual fund portfolios from 4 countries (Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania) on a common, state-of-the-art platform.

On October 25, 2022, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting an OFFLINE event for business leaders, entrepreneurs, bankers, investors, advisors and other important stakeholders involved in the sustainability chain.

The agenda of this event will be as follows:

08.30 – 09.00 (EEST/GMT+2) Registration & Networking
09.00 – 09.05 Welcome message from Adrian Mirsanu, Founding Editor of transaction journal MIRSANU.RO
09.05 – 09.50 Trends
09.50 – 10.35 Transport, Mobility & Logistic
10.35 – 11.20 Industry & Energy
11.20 – 11.50 Coffee break
11.50 – 12.35 Finance
12.35 – 13.20 Agriculture & Food
13.20 – 14.05 Retail & Services
14.05 – 14.10 Final notes
14.10 – 15.00 Lunch & Networking

If you are interested in attending this event or making a partnership, please contact us at:


MIRSANU.RO is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions. MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and founders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and overall the dealmakers community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.

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Daniela Secara, CEO BT Capital Partners, speaker of MIRSANU IPO CHALLENGE 2022

Daniela Secara, CEO of BT Capital Partners, is one of the speakers of MIRSANU IPO CHALLENGE 2022 in the panel on which challenges are for a company in pre-IPO and post-IPO period.

Daniela Secara has particular expertise in coordinating major capital market transactions, such as initial and secondary public offerings and delistings, as well as privatizations of state-owned companies. Notable transactions include coordinating the secondary public offering of Transgaz, the Romanian gas transmission monopoly, and the IPO of Nucleareletrica, the sole Romanian nuclear power plant.

She was also in charge of the team behind the primary offering of unsecured corporate bonds issued by Banca Transilvania, the public offering of DIGI Communications (telecoms) and the annual bond offerings of International Investment Bank as well as numerous other transactions on the local capital market, including the retail government bonds issued between 2020 and 2021 by the Romanian Ministry of Finance. In 2021, Daniela coordinated the IPOs/private placements of ROCA Industry (building materials), Simtel Team (eco-engineering) and Laptaria cu Caimac (dairy production) and the bond issuances for Teilor (jewelry), BitSoft (IT&C) and Selfpay (fintech).

Daniela joined the firm in 2006. She has a BSc in Economics and Business Administration and an MSc in Business Development from Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca.

On April 20, 2022, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting MIRSANU IPO CHALLENGE 2022, an online event for entrepreneurs and capital markets community.

The agenda of this event will be as follows:

10.00 (EEST/GMT+2) – 10.05 Introduction by the event moderator

10.05 – 10.20 Keynote Speaker

10.20 – 11.10 Panel on trends in IPO and capital markets deals

11.10 – 12.00 Equity Stories. Growth Stories

12.00 – 12.50 Challenges. Which are the challenges for a company in pre-IPO and post-IPO

12.50 – 13.00 Event conclusions


The event’s partners are BT Capital Partners, Bucharest Stock Exchange and Dentons. If you are interested in attending this event, please contact us at:



MIRSANU.RO is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions. MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and funders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional merger & acquisition (M&A) and overall deal making community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.


Jurnalul de tranzactii MIRSANU.RO organizeaza pe 10 decembrie evenimentul online MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2021 pentru jucatorii din tranzactii – fuziuni si achizitii, finantari corporative, piete de capital si imobiliare



Dealmakers. Model shapers. Growth challengers.


Jurnalul de tranzactii MIRSANU.RO organizeaza pe 10 decembrie 2021 MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2021, eveniment dedicat comunitatii formate in jurul tranzactiilor corporative – fuziuni si achizitii, finantari, tranzactii pe pietele de capital, tranzactii pe piata imobiliara. Evenimentul ajunge astfel la a patra editie anuala incepand cu 2018 si este a doua editie online, dupa cea din 2020.



  • Pandemia a schimbat peisajul pentru jucatorii din tranzactiile corporative si a pus la incercare evaluarile afacerilor din diferite sectoare. Economia digitala a inregistrat un avans decisiv in noul peisaj si a redesenat modele de afaceri. Gasirea modelului operational functional in noua economie a devenit una dintre cele mai acute provocari pentru companiile care cauta sa aiba succes sau sa se salveze, dupa caz. Pentru a obtine cresterea sperata de investitori, companiile trebuie sa gestioneze mai multe provocari – o inflatie in crestere, scaderile inregistrate in anumite piete, perturbarea lanturilor de aprovizionare, administrarea riscurilor aferente intrarii in teritorii noi de afaceri, cresterea costurilor cu utilitatile sau mutatiile de pe piata muncii si din consum aparute de la declansarea pandemiei. Tintele climatice ambitioase incep sa devina parte a planurilor de afaceri ale corporatiilor si pun si ele presiune pe modelul de operare al afacerilor. ESG a devenit noua paradigma in materia finantarii viitorului companiilor. 


  • Fondurile cu capital de risc (venture capital) traiesc printre cele mai fericite vremuri din istoria lor, alimentand lostari de companii si cresterea campionilor economiei de maine precum UiPath, Roblox conducand asteptarile investitorilor catre maxime istorice avand in vedere evaluarile – record care indica o valoare pre-listare a start-up-ului american Stripe peste bariera istorica de 100 mld. USD. Europa este un teren fertil pentru tranzactii noi in contextul in care bani proaspeti asteapta sa intre pe piata dinspre fondurile tinere de capital privat (private equity) si cu capital de risc (venture capital), sustinute de Banca Europeana pentru Reconstructie si Dezvoltare (BERD), Fondul European de Investitii (FEI), International Finance Corporation (IFC), precum si multi alti investitori institutionali.
  • Sectorul de real estate a primit, de asemenea, infuzii de capital proaspat de la investitori fie prin listari de companii, fie prin cooptarea de investitori noi, iar potentialul ridicat din pietele emergente alimenteaza deja schimbari de actionari in randul marilor platforme de investitii din Europa Centrala si de Est (CEE). Pietele de capital inregistreaza listari la multipli mai atractivi pentru antreprenori fata de alternativa unor tranzactii private de tip fuziuni si achizitii (M&A).



  • FORMAT editie online
  • AUDIENTA – TARGET comunitatea formata din antreprenori, investitori, manageri de fonduri de investitii, investitori institutionali, executivi, bancheri, bancheri de investitii, consultanti, avocati
  • CATEGORIE DE INTERESE strategie corporate, fuziuni si achizitii (M&A), finantari corporative, tranzactii pe pietele de capital, tranzactii real estate, alte tipuri de tranzactii corporative
  • DATA 10.12.2021




Profil speakeri


  • Lideri in afaceri
  • Decision makers
  • Antreprenori
  • Manageri de capital privat
  • Top manageri
  • Bancheri de investitii
  • Bancheri
  • Avocati
  • Consultanti
  • Investitori


Principalele topicuri


  • Cum vor obtine companiile cresterea de valoare dorita de investitori intr-un climat cu multiple provocari
  • De ce forte proaspete este nevoie pe piata de fuziuni si achizitii (M&A)
  • Cine va accesa banii de la banci, de la investitori, din Green Deal sau din alte oportunitati de finantare
  • Unde cresc urmatorii unicorni
  • Ce provocari aduc evaluarile afacerilor pentru fondurile de private equity si de venture capital
  • Care sunt ultimele tendinte in randul tranzactiilor de pe piata de capital
  • Evolutia randamentelor si a tranzactiilor in investitiile din real estate


De ce sa participi


  • Fii conectat la deciziile si tendintele care modeleaza comportamentul investitorilor
  • Afla cine cumpara si de unde se fac exituri
  • Afla ce se intampla cu randamentele de pe piata imobiliara
  • Cine finanteaza si ce, de unde vin bani proaspeti in piata
  • Urmareste oportunitatile de investitii care apar pe piata
  • Extinde-ti direct reteaua de contacte profesionale si oportunitatile de afaceri intr-un mediu targetat



Cei interesați să participe sau să fie parteneri ai evenimentului MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2021 sunt invitați să ne contacteze la

Accesul la eveniment se face pe baza de invitatie sau pe baza unei taxe de acces la eveniment.




Jurnalul de tranzactii MIRSANU.RO este primul produs media românesc de ştiri, analize, interviuri şi opinii dedicat exclusiv tranzacțiilor și profesioniștilor din acest domeniu. Oferă informații pe trei direcții principale – fuziuni și achiziții (M & A), finanțări și tranzacții pe piața de capital.

MIRSANU.RO este un produs media de tip B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) care se adresează executivilor, antreprenorilor, proprietarilor de afaceri, investitorilor și finanțatorilor, respectiv un produs B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) prin informațiile care vizează activitatea comunității de profesioniști de pe piața de fuziuni și achiziții (M&A), a tranzacțiilor în ansamblul lor, comunitate formată din administratori de fonduri de investiții, avocați, bancheri de investiții, bancheri, consultanți de strategie, auditori, respectiv alți furnizori de servicii profesionale dedicate tranzacțiilor.

VIZUAL MDS 2020 cu parteneri main

MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2020: Appeal of mergers & acquisitions rises among high-risk-appetite investors while many industries are coping with a troubling period


Mergers & acquisitions deals have regained the investors’ interest after the standstill induced by the SARS-COV-2 pandemic in the first part of 2020. The deal-making market is starting to gain momentum due to the special attention from high-risk-appetite investors, such as the investment funds. These scan for opportunities to multiply the money originating from investors who seek higher yields by investing in the emerging markets.


In the upcoming period, the long-awaited EUR 1,000 billion Green Deal funding package for the EU countries will constitute a major source of money over the next 10 years.


Acquisitions and investments have fueled several major deals on the corporate funding scenery. Strategic investors, who are the market’s most visible players, are cautious, but ready to continue making acquisitions to reach their major targets.


Concurrently, entrepreneurs struggling to maintain the value of their businesses are keeping an eye on the moves on the market in an effort to identify new sources of growth. A new wave of ventures is now rising based on the trends centered around the online delivery of increasingly more services.

In this context, two new types of businesses are in the spotlight – companies with solid business models that have been proven following multiple economic crises and cycles, and companies ready to scale investment opportunities emerging from the changes in the labor market and consumer behavior.


On December 10, transaction journal MIRSANU.RO is hosting the online event MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2020, which is taking place in an economic context that is difficult for businesses.


We have so far received attendance confirmations from:

  • Marcel Cobuz, Region Head EuropeLafargeHolcim
  • Nick Vozianov, Director Syndicated Finance for CEEMEA ING in UK
  • Mark Davis, Regional Director EBRD Romania and Bulgaria
  • Stefan Marcu, Senior Partner and Managing Director CEE Kearney
  • Andreea Pipernea, CEO NN Pensii
  • Adrian Tanase, CEO Bucharest Stock Exchange
  • Berke Biricik, Principal Mid Europa Partners
  • Sergiu Negut, Co-founder Fintech OS
  • Florin Ilie, Deputy CEO and Head of Wholesale Banking, ING Bank Romania
  • Cristian Sporis, Vice President and Head of Corporate Banking, Raiffeisen Bank Romania
  • Rossen Ivanov, Managing Partner BlackPeak Capital
  • Adrian Stanculescu, Partner- Head of Romania Abris Capital Partners
  • Horia Braun Erdei, CEO Erste Asset Management Romania
  • Marian Dinu, Country Managing Partner, DLA Piper Romania
  • Robert Miklo, Director Investment Services Colliers International Romania
  • Marius Stefan, CEO Autonom
  • Razvan Butucaru, Partner, Financial Sevices & Advisory Leader Mazars Romania
  • Alexandru Stanean, CEO Teraplast
  • Radu Dumitrescu, Partner-in-Charge, Financial Advisory, Deloitte Romania
  • Cornel Marian, Managing Partner, Oresa
  • Dan Farcasanu, Country Director Resource Partners
  • Ioana Filipescu Stamboli, independent investment banker
  • Bogdan Campianu, Managing Director WOOD & Co. Romania
  • Georgiana Singurel, Partner Reff & Asociații | Deloitte Legal
  • Cristian Nacu, Senior Country Officer International Finance Corporation Romania and Moldova
  • Loredana Chitu, Partner, Head of Capital Markets, Dentons Bucharest
  • Bogdan Axinia, Vicepresident Emag
  • Valentin Voinescu, Partner Banking & Finance NNDKP
  • Daniela Petra, CFO Regina Maria
  • Andrei Gemeneanu, Managing Partner Morphosis Capital
  • Octavian Vidu, Investment Manager CEE Equity Partners
  • Mihai Paduroiu, CEO Office Division, One United Properties

The debates in the event will focus on the following topics:


  • New trends emerging as a consequence of the changing economic framework
  • Where can entrepreneurs find capital for growing their businesses?
  • Which business models are resilient to economic cycle changes and adverse market conditions
  • Which businesses have quick scaling potential against the wave of changes in the labor market and in consumer behavior
  • Which sectors expect major deals
  • Developments in the indicators for the mergers & acquisitions market
  • Who gets major financing from new loans on the banking market
  • Developments in the real estate deals and returns
  • Latest trends in the capital market transactions


The agenda of the event will be as follows:


11:00 – 11:05 Introduction by the event moderator

11.05 – 11.50 Panel on international macro trends and local trends that will shape the major corporate deals

11.50 – 12.35 Panel on the mergers & acquisitions (M&A) market

12.35 – 13.20 Panel on corporate financing

13.20 – 14.25 Roundtable panel on private equity

14.25 – 15.00 Break

15.00 – 15.45 Deals on the capital markets

15.45 – 16.30 Developments on the real estate market

16.30 – 17.15 Debate: Entrepreneurs v Investors

17.15 – 17.30 Event conclusions


The event’s partners are:


  • Event partners: ING Bank Romania, Bucharest Stock Exchange, NNDKP, Oresa, Mazars, Dentons, Reff & Asociații | Deloitte Legal,Ioana FilipescuStamboli, DLA Piper Romania, DeloitteRomania.


  • Content partners: Colliers International Romania, WOOD & Co.


You can participate to this event only by invitation or for a fee of RON 250 (EUR 50).If you are interested in attending this event, please contact us at:



MIRSANU.RO is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions.


MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and funders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional merger & acquisition (M&A) and overall deal making community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.


mds 2020 anunt main

Save the date: On December 10, 2020, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2020, an event dedicated to the community of corporate transactions – mergers & acquisitions, financing, capital market transactions and real estate transactions



Dealmakers. Resilience builders. New trendsetters.


On December 10, 2020, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2020, an event dedicated to the community of corporate transactions – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, capital market transactions and real estate transactions.





Mergers & acquisitions (M&A) deals have regained the investors’ interest after the disruption induced by the COVID-19 pandemic in this year’s first portion. The deal making scenery is once again buoyant, due to particular interest shown by high-risk appetite investors, such as the private equity funds, who sit on billions-of-Euro-worth of funds freshly collected from investors seeking high returns on investments in emerging markets. A major source of funding for European businesses will be the Green Deal, an EUR1,000 billion financing package for the EU countries in the next 10 years.

Acquisition and investment funding has marked several major transactions on the corporate financing scene. Strategic investors mostly display a cautious attitude, but have shown that they are ready to continue their acquisitions to reach their major targets.

Entrepreneurs are facing challenges in maintaining the value of the businesses they have created and in steering their enterprises towards new sources of growth. A new wave of ventures is rising based on the trend centered on the online delivery of increasingly more services. In this context, two types of businesses are in the spotlight – companies with a resilient business model proven following multiple economic crises and cycles, and companies ready to scale investment opportunities as a result of the changes in the labor market and consumer behaviour.


  • Who will find the winning opportunities in the new context created by the Covid-19 crisis?
  • When do buyers have the upper hand in transactions? And when do sellers?
  • What are the entrepreneurs’ strategies to preserve the added value of their business in times like these?




  • ONLINE format
  • TARGET AUDIENCE – the community of entrepreneurs, investors, private equity managers, institutional investors, executives, bankers, investment bankers, advisors, lawyers
  • AREAS OF INTEREST – corporate strategy, mergers & acquisitions (M&A), corporate financing, capital market transactions, real estate transactions, other types of corporate transactions
  • DATE – 12/10/2020



Speaker’s profile

  • Business leaders
  • Decision-makers
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Private equity managers
  • Top managers
  • Investment bankers
  • Bankers
  • Lawyers
  • Advisors
  • Investors


Main topics

  • New trends emerging as a consequence of the changing economic framework
  • Where can entrepreneurs find capital for growing their businesses?
  • Which business models are resilient to economic cycle changes and adverse market conditions
  • Which businesses have quick scaling potential against the wave of changes in the labor market and in consumer behaviour
  • Which sectors expect major deals
  • Evolution of indicators for the mergers & acquisitions (M&A) market
  • Who gets major financing from new loans on the banking market
  • Developments in the real estate deals and yields
  • Latest trends in the capital market transactions



Why attend

  • Be connected to the decisions and trends that shape the investor behaviour
  • Who buys and who exits
  • Learn what is happening with the real estate returns
  • Who finances what, where is fresh money coming from?
  • Which business models are immune to adverse market climates
  • Which businesses are on the rise after the reset of the economy due to COVID-19
  • Directly expand your network of professional contacts and business opportunities in a targeted environment


If you are interested in attending or being an event partner of MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2020, please contact us at:

The event may be attended based on an invitation or subject to a EUR 200 attendance fee.




MIRSANU.RO is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing and capital market transactions.

MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and funders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and overall deal making community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, bankers, investment bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.