Arhive etichete: FrieslandCampina THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE

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Anca Roman, Corporate Affairs & Communication Manager FrieslandCampina Romania: Investitiile noastre se duc in directia inovatiilor, partea de ambalaje reutilizabile si reciclabile fiind pentru noi o prioritate

“Am dezvoltat anul trecut si am implementat ambalaj 100% reciclabil la pet-ul de 330 grame, care are si o inovatie de eticheta, un <<easy open>>, un fel de fermoar pentru ca din studiile pe care le-am facut inaintea lansarii ne-am dat seama ca e foarte important sa educam consumatorul ca reciclarea se face diferentiat“, a declarat Anca Roman, Corporate Affairs & Communication Manager FrieslandCampina Romania la THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022, eveniment organizat pe 25 octombrie de catre jurnalul de tranzactii MIRSANU.RO.

“Odata am investit in ambalaj, care a insemnat niste procente din costul total, am investit in campania de comunicare – costuri media, filmarea unui spot, care inseamna sute de mii de euro“, adauga Anca Roman.

“Odata ce incepi sa faci lucruri si sa le comunici, trebuie sa le faci constant pentru ca frica de a nu fi greenwashing te poate duce la lipsa de comunicare, care nu este o alternativa“, afirma reprezentantul FrieslandCampina.

“Stim ca de la finalul acestui an va intra in vigoare Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive si va trebui implementat in maxim 2 ani, asta inseamna acea declaratie non-financiara prin care fiecare companie are actiuni de responsabilitate sociala. Noi am inceput deja sa ne pregatim pentru asta si am inceput sa ne uitam la fiecare capitol, am identificat zonele in care putem sa facem actiuni si cele la care va trebui sa lucram in timpul respectiv. Am stabilit indicatorii de performanta pentru fiecare de la reducerea consumului de apa, de gaz pana la engagement-ul (implicarea – n.r.) angajatilor“, detaliaza Anca Roman.

“Pentru 2030 ne propunem la nivel global ca toate ambalajele noastre sa fie reutilizabile sau in totalitate reciclabile, lucru la care lucram si in Romania. Avem apoi partea de <<better sourcing>> adica materia prima din sursa sustenabila, <<better climate>> – lupta tuturor de a reduce amprenta de carbon, <<better nature>> – pastrarea biodiversitatii si imbunatatirea acolo unde se poate si <<better living for farmers>> adusa in tara noastra la nivelul colaborarii pe care o avem cu fermierii parteneri“, adauga aceasta.

FrieslandCampina este o cooperativa olandeza cu peste 13.000 de fermieri, care este unul dintre cei mai mari producatori de lactate pe piata internationala, cu o cifra de afaceri de peste 11 mld. euro la nivel global.

“Din aceste prioritati, mi-este clar ca investitiile noastre se duc in directia inovatiilor pentru un portofoliu cat mai curat care sa ne asigure o nutritie sanatoasa, ambalajele pentru ca este un drum de parcurs, reducerea plasticului sau transformarea ambalajului in cel de tip 100% reciclabil vine in spate cu investitii, la fel programele de dezvoltare a parteneriatelor cu fermierii au inceput in urma cu mai bine de 4 ani si presupun investitii constante, traininguri“, a mai spus Anca Roman, Corporate Affairs & Communication Manager FrieslandCampina Romania, in cadrul panelului de Industrie alimentare al evenimentului THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022.

Partenerii THE SUSTAINABLE CHALLENGE 2022 sunt Erste Asset Management Romania, ING Bank Romania, ROCA Investments, Suciu Popa, Colliers, Bursa de Valori Bucuresti, Dentons. Partener strategic este CCIFER, iar Suporting Partner Banca Transilvania.

Sursa: FrieslandCampina.

Anca Roman, Corporate Affairs & Communication Manager FrieslandCampina Romania, speaker at THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022

Anca Roman, Corporate Affairs & Communication Manager FrieslandCampina Romania, is one of the speakers of THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022, an event organized by the transaction journal MIRSANU.RO and dedicated to changes and challenges generated by sustainability in business models and financing models of the companies.

Anca Roman has been Corporate Affairs & Communication Manager at FrieslandCampina Romania for over 3 years. She joined the company 10 years ago, having previously worked as Communication Manager & Marketing Manager DBB.

She has over 17 years of experience in international companies, working for brands such as Lay’s, Krax, Star, Bref, Clin, Tom&Jerry, Scooby Doo, Looney Tunes (Warner Bros, consumer products division). She is currently coordinating the communication and sustainability strategy of the company and the Napolact brand and is part of the team that, by consistently following its long-term vision, has developed strategies that have tripled the brand’s sales and led to the transformation of Napolact as an authentic Romanian brand, a leader in the dairy industry and one of the benchmark brands in FMCG.

On October 25, 2022, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting an OFFLINE event for business leaders, entrepreneurs, bankers, investors, advisors and other important stakeholders involved in the sustainability chain.

The agenda of this event will be as follows:

08.30 – 09.00 (EEST/GMT+2) Registration & Networking
09.00 – 09.05 Welcome message from Adrian Mirsanu, Founding Editor of transaction journal MIRSANU.RO
09.05 – 09.50 Trends
09.50 – 10.35 Transport, Mobility & Logistic
10.35 – 11.20 Industry & Energy
11.20 – 11.50 Coffee break
11.50 – 12.35 Finance
12.35 – 13.20 Agriculture & Food
13.20 – 14.05 Retail & Services
14.05 – 14.10 Final notes
14.10 – 15.00 Lunch & Networking

The event’s partners are Erste Asset Management Romania, ING Bank Romania, ROCA Investments, Suciu Popa, Colliers, Bucharest Stock Exchange and Dentons. Supporting Partner for this event is Banca Transilvania.

If you are interested in attending this event or making a partnership, please contact us at:


MIRSANU.RO is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions. MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and founders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and overall the dealmakers community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.