Arhive etichete: Erste Asset Management THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE

Sursa: Erste Asset Management.

Horia Braun – Erdei, CEO Erste Asset Management Romania, speaker of THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2024

Horia Braun-Erdei, General Manager and President of the Board of Directors of Erste Asset Management Romania, is one of the speakers of THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2024.

Erste Asset Management Romania is part of Erste Group and is the largest asset management company in Romania, having over 5.5 billion RON assets under management through 9 Open-end investment funds registered in Romania and discretionary portfolios management. Moreover, the company offers to Romanian customers a range of over 40 Open-end investment funds managed internationally by its parent company Erste Asset Management GmbH.

Horia joined Erste Asset Management Romania in the current position as of November 2019 and Erste Group in 2017, when he was appointed Chief Economist and Head of Research within BCR, the largest Romanian bank at the time. Before that, Horia spent 9 years in NN Group (formerly part of ING Group), where he held various management roles, including that of Investments Head within ING Pensions, the market leader in private pension funds management in Romania, that of General Manager and Chief Investment Officer of the local branch of NN Investment Partners, as well as a stint filling the role of Chief Investment Officer of NN Investment Partners in the Czech Republic, as an asset manager with over 4 billion EUR of assets under management. Horia’s career began within the National Bank of Romania, where he held positions in various departments specialized in macroeconomics and monetary analysis and where he also acquired his first experience in management as head of departments within the newly founded Macroeconomic Modelling and Forecasting Division.

Throughout his career in the financial industry, Horia was involved in a number of important projects among which: the setting up of the required economic modeling, analysis and forecasting framework for the Romanian central bank’s adoption of the inflation targeting monetary policy regime under which it has been operating since 2005, the setting up from scratch of the investment department of the ING Pension Fund, the launch and the bank distribution of the first mutual funds of ING Group invested in the Romanian market, the centralization of the management of insurance and mutual fund portfolios from 4 countries (Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania) on a common, state-of-the-art platform.

On October 10, 2024, THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2024 will be hosted by MIRSANU.RO transaction journal with the support of KPMG in Romania.

The agenda of this exclusively OFFLINE event for business leaders, entrepreneurs, bankers, investors, advisors and other important stakeholders involved in the sustainability chain will be as follows:


09.00 (EEST) – 10.00 Registration and networking

10.00 – 10.05 Welcome message from Adrian Mirsanu, Founder of MIRSANU.RO transaction journal

10.05 – 10.50 Sustainability trends

10.50 – 11.50 ESG in Agriculture, Industry & Energy

11.50 – 12.20 ESG in Transport, Logistics & Infrastructure

12.20 – 12.50 Coffee break

12.50 – 13.40 ESG in Finance & Investments

13.40 – 14.20 ESG in Retail, FMCG & Services

14.20 – 14.30 Final notes

14.30 – 15.30 Lunch & Networking


The event’s partner is Banca Transilvania.


If you are interested in attending this event or making a partnership, please contact us at:


MIRSANU.RO is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions. MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and founders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and overall the dealmakers community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.

tsc 2023 main

THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2023: Ce schimbari produc politicile de sustenabilitate asupra finantarii companiilor si sectoarelor majore din economie, cum pot fi atrase investitii si ce potential de crestere este pentru afaceri sub spectrul ESG


Lideri de afaceri, finantatori, antreprenori, investitori, consultanti si avocati de afaceri vor dezbate pe 26 octombrie la evenimentul THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2023 ce impact au politicile de sustenabilitate asupra marilor sectoare economice si ce schimbari sunt asteptate in modelele de afaceri si de finantare ale companiilor in era ESG.

Jurnalul de tranzactii MIRSANU.RO organizeaza pe 26 octombrie THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022,  eveniment cu prezenta fizica a carui tema este Investments. Growth. ESG.

Astazi, rapoartele de sustenabilitate au devenit déjà al doilea reper de raportare periodica dupa rapoartele financiare ale companiilor. Investitorii arata nu doar ca urmaresc politicile de sustenabilitate ale corporatiilor, ci masoara si isi dimensioneaza investitiile in raport cu obiectivele si rezultatele politicilor ESG.

Finantarile verzi, obligatiunile verzi, tranzactiile de finantare cu obiective de sustenabilitate au cuprins sectoare variate din economie. IPO-ul Hidroelectrica, cea mai mare listare din istoria pietei de capital din Romania, a fost incheiat cu succes intr-o peisaj mut de IPO in Europa, intrand in gratiile investitorilor tocmai cu o poveste de producator de energie verde profitabil si generos cu actionarii sai. Potentialul de energie solara al Romaniei a atras o gama larga de jucatori din Europa si nu numai, precum si fonduri globale de infrastructura.

Productia de energie, de auto, centrele de productie industriala, dezvoltarea de proiecte imobiliare, capitalul bancar, retelele de comert, tranzactiile de obligatiuni de pe bursa, antreprenorii si investitorii din tot mai multe sectoare economice cauta sa se imprieteneasca cu capitalul “verde”.

Cum se produce schimbarea sustenabila in sectorul industrial? Cati bani a atras sectorul productiei de energie verde? Cum se aloca banii in portofoliile investitorilor financiari interesati de efectele politicilor ESG? Cum evolueaza pe bursa tranzactiile generate de active verzi sau cu obiective de sustenabilitate? In ce fel de afaceri este concentrata finantarea verde acordata de catre bancheri? Cum este modelata piata imobiliara sub efectul finantarii verzi si a politicilor ESG? Cum obtii cresterea asteptata de actionari si investitori sub cupola ESG?


Cautam raspunsuri de la companii, asociatii de afaceri, investitori, bancheri, fonduri de investitii, antreprenori, consultanti si avocati de afaceri pentru a vedea cum companiile si-au adaptat modelele operationale si de finantare la cerintele ESG.


AGENDA actualizata a evenimentului este  urmatoarea:

08.30 – 09.00 Inregistrare si networking

09.00 – 09.05 Introducere si mesaj de bun venit din partea organizatorului

09.05 – 10.00 Panel Tendinte

10.00 – 10.30 One to One despre Industrie & Energie cu Marian Nastase, Presedintele Alro

10.30 – 11.20 Panel Transport, Mobilitate & Logistica

11.20 – 11.50 Pauza de cafea

11.50 – 12.50 Panel Finantare

12.50 – 13.50 Panel ESG in Consumer industries

13.50 – 14.00 Concluzii

14.00 – 15.00 Pranz & networking


Pana acum, ne-au confirmat participarea la eveniment urmatorii vorbitori:


  • VICTORIA ZINCHUK, Director for Romania, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
  • ADRIAN TANASE, CEO Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE)
  • ALEXANDRU REFF, Country Managing Partner, DELOITTE Romania & Moldova
  • CRISTIAN NACU,  Senior Country Officer of International Finance Corporation (IFC)
  • HORIA BRAUN – ERDEI, General Manager and President of the Board of Directors of ERSTE ASSET MANAGEMENT Romania
  • ROMULUS MIRCEA, Head of Treasury RAIFFEISEN BANK Romania
  • DANIELA ILIESCU, Member of the board PATRIA BANK & Executive Director ROPEA
  • GEORGE BADESCU, Executive Director  Association of Large Retail Chains in Romania (AMRCR)
  • ANDREI PERIANU, Co-founder & COO
  • MIHAI PATRULESCU, Head of Investment Properties CBRE Romania
  • STEFI IONESCU, Senior Associate DENTONS
  • OANA GRESOIU, Group Chief People, Culture and Sustainability Officer VERDINO GREEN FOODS
  • VLAD ARDELEANU, CEO Media Health
  • VLAD STOICESCU, President Sustainable Fuel Association (ACS)
  • DANA DARABAN, Executive Director of the Federation of Associations of Energy Utility Companies (ACUE)




Dezbaterile din cadrul evenimentului se vor concentra asupra următoarelor topicuri: 

  • Cati bani au plasat investitorii in active verzi
  • Ce domenii atrag cele mai multe finantari sustenabile
  • Ce impact are ESG asupra pietei de energie si asupra viitorului investitiilor din acest sector
  • Cum au evoluat portofoliile investitorilor sub efectul politicilor ESG
  • Ce masuri aplica liderii de afaceri pentru a obtine cresterea asteptata de catre actionari si investitori in epoca ESG
  • Ce efecte resimt afacerile cu rating ESG
  • Cum atragi investitorii de pe bursa in tranzactiile cu active verzi si cu obligatiuni sustenabile
  • Ce schimbari au adus pe piata imobiliara politicile de sustenabilitate
  • Ce investitii fac companiile in sustenabilitatea propriilor afaceri
  • Dilemele tendintei de “inverzire”: Greenwishing, greenwashing sau greenhushing


Locatie eveniment:

Arizona & Colorado, Sheraton Bucharest Hotel


Partenerii acestui eveniment sunt:



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MIRSANU.RO este primul produs media românesc de ştiri, analize, interviuri şi opinii dedicat exclusiv tranzacțiilor și profesioniștilor din acest domeniu. Oferă informații pe trei direcții principale – fuziuni și achiziții (M & A), finanțări și tranzacții pe piața de capital.

MIRSANU.RO este un produs media de tip B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) care se adresează executivilor, antreprenorilor, proprietarilor de afaceri, investitorilor și finanțatorilor, respectiv un produs B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) prin informațiile care vizează activitatea comunității de profesioniști de pe piața de fuziuni și achiziții (M&A), a tranzacțiilor în ansamblul lor, comunitate formată din administratori de fonduri de investiții, avocați, bancheri de investiții, bancheri, consultanți de strategie, auditori, respectiv alți furnizori de servicii profesionale dedicate tranzacțiilor.

horia braun erdei tsc2022 main

Horia Braun-Erdei, CEO Erste Asset Management Romania: Ponderea unei companii cu un scor ESG mai bun va fi mai mare in portofoliul nostru fata de una cu un scor mai slab. Daca Ministerul Finantelor ar emite obligatiuni verzi pe pietele internationale ar gasi mult mai usor investitori care sa subscrie de 4 ori suma pe care doresc sa o stranga

“Atunci cand evaluam obiectivele de investitii, adica companiile in care investim sau instrumentele financiare in care investim daca este vorba de instrumente cu componenta ESG – green bonds, sustainable bonds,  ne uitam foarte atent la aceste aspecte si incepem sa construim procese de investitii care sa tina cont de riscul ESG. Asta inseamna ca urmeaza ca, companiile in care investim sa fie evaluate tinand cont de o prima de risc ESG, asta va avea impact asupra modului in care evaluam o companie cu un scor ESG bun vs o companie cu un scor ESG mai slab, ponderea acelei companii cu un scor mai bun va fi mai mare in portofoliu“, a declarat Horia Braun-Erdei, CEO Erste Asset Management Romania, cel mai mare jucator din sectorul local de asset management, in cadrul THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022, eveniment organizat pe 25 octombrie de catre jurnalul de tranzactii MIRSANU.RO.

“Din pacate, suntem inca intr-o zona nu i-as spune de obscuritate, dar nu exista date suficiente pentru a face o evaluare detaliata asa cum am avea nevoie. In Occident, deja exista un ecosistem de agentii de rating, de analize si evaluari de tip ESG asupra universului companiilor listate la bursa de exemplu. In Romania, a existat o initiativa din partea Bursei de Valori Bucuresti si a fost un fel de pilot de ratinguri ESG acordate companiilor listate, dar nu exista inca un proces continuu de evaluare a companiilor listate“, adauga seful Erste Asset Management Romania.

“Exista desigur emisiuni green in care am investit si noi, exista instrumente mai ales in zona de debt care pot fi circumscrise investitiilor sustenabile, dar inca suntem la inceput in acest parcurs. Pe plan international, daca vorbim de tendinte, finantele sustenabile si investitiile sustenabile reprezinta un mamut deja. Vorbim de aproximativ 14% din toate activele in zona de administrare de wealth & asset management sunt dedicate investitiilor sustenabile, vorbim de 18.000 de miliarde de dolari, sunt multi bani si reprezinta practic segmentul de wealth & asset management cu cea mai mare crestere, de peste 40% in ultimii 5 ani. Deci, tendintele internationale sunt foarte clare, la noi inca lucrurile se misca mai incet, piata este ceva mai imatura sa spunem, o piata care inca aspira spre statutul de piata emergenta, dar sunt convins ca zona aceasta de sustenabilitate poate fi chiar un catalizator pentru dezvoltarea pietei, mai ales daca vorbim despre acea companie mare al carei IPO il asteptam cu totii“, afirma Horia Braun-Erdei.

Intrebat daca Hidroelectrica este vazut de catre investitori deja ca un activ verde, acesta a raspuns: “Exista bune sanse ca acest activ sa fie considerat un activ sustenabil. In cazul nostru, exista un proces de analiza, exista un scoring ESG pe o anumita scala, scala este continua si, deci, daca scorul este ridicat, acest activ ar putea fi inclus in portofoliile unor fonduri de investitii sustenabile sau chiar a unor fonduri de articol 9 (prevedere din SFDR/Regulamentul UE privind cresterea transparentei pietei privind produsele de investitii sustenabile – n.r.), adica a unor fonduri cu impact in economie din perspectiva principiilor de protectie a mediului (environmental principles)“.

“Si acum ai acces la Hidroelectrica prin intermediul Fondului Proprietatea, dar diferenta este ca investind in Fondul Proprietatea nu ai un activ verde pentru ca portofoliul este unul mai complex“, explica Horia Braun-Erdei.

“Ideea este ca incet incet trecem dintr-o perioada in care banii erau ieftini si abundenti, vedem ce s-a intamplat pe parcursul anului 2022, ratele dobanzilor au crescut enorm de mult, finantarea devine mai scumpa si cu mai multe conditii atasate acelei finantari. Si, ca exemplu, emisiunile de instrumente financiare pe parcursul anului 2022 au cam secat la nivel global, mai ales dupa un an record 2021, dar emisiunile de instrumente de tip sustenabil se mentin la acelasi nivel aproape ca in 2021. Asta este un semnal ca, chiar si intr-o perioada in care banii vor deveni mai rari si finantarile vor fi mai putin accesibile, pe acest palier al pietei, finantarile sustenabile cred ca vor fi in continuare in crestere. Si asta este si perspectiva noastra si cu siguranta ca active de genul Hidroelectrica vor gasi finantare mai usor dupa cum, de exemplu, daca Ministerul Finantelor ar emite green bonds, mai ales pe pietele internationale sunt sigur ca ar gasi mult mai usor investitori care sa adune de 4 ori suma anuntata“, a mai spus Horia Braun-Erdei, CEO Erste Asset Management Romania, in cadrul panelului de deschidere dedicat tendintelor ESG al evenimentului THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022.

Partenerii THE SUSTAINABLE CHALLENGE 2022 sunt Erste Asset Management Romania, ING Bank Romania, ROCA Investments, Suciu Popa, Colliers, Bursa de Valori Bucuresti, Dentons. Partener strategic este CCIFER, iar Suporting Partner Banca Transilvania.

Sursa: Erste Asset Management.

First View to THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022. Horia Braun-Erdei, CEO Erste Asset Management Romania: Sustainable finance will merge with traditional finance, in the sense that many of the sustainability standards will become, so to speak, mainstream

“The financial system is a capital intermediation system, but today I would say that it is also an information intermediation system. In the case of sustainable finance, there is therefore a role for mediating information on the environmental impact and the social and institutional externalities of economic activity, from the scientific community and from the public to the business community or to other „capital users”. At the end of this exercise, however, I believe that sustainable finance will merge with traditional finance, in the sense that many of the sustainability standards will become, so to speak, mainstream”,  said Horia Braun-Erdei, General Manager and President of the Board of Directors of Erste Asset Management Romania.

“In Romania and in other places, it seems to me that we still look at sustainability as a „fashion”, as a business opportunity or, on the contrary, as a bureaucratic burden, but in reality my opinion is that this trend is a natural and inevitable one in the current climate change conditions, one that will radically change the way we think and act as economic actors. That is why, within the asset management industry and particularly within Erste Asset Management, the concern for sustainable investments becomes a constant for the agenda of any department, starting from sales, product management, legal & compliance, risk management, marketing and of course portfolio management”, he added.

Horia Braun-Erdei, CEO Erste Asset Management Romania, is one of the speakers of THE SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGE 2022 in the opening panel Trends.

On October 25, 2022, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting an OFFLINE event for business leaders, entrepreneurs, bankers, investors, advisors and other important stakeholders involved in the sustainability chain.

The agenda of this event will be as follows:

08.30 – 09.00 (EEST/GMT+2) Registration & Networking
09.00 – 09.05 Welcome message from Adrian Mirsanu, Founding Editor of transaction journal MIRSANU.RO
09.05 – 09.50 Trends
09.50 – 10.35 Transport, Mobility & Logistic
10.35 – 11.20 Industry & Energy
11.20 – 11.50 Coffee break
11.50 – 12.35 Finance
12.35 – 13.20 Agriculture & Food
13.20 – 14.05 Retail & Services
14.05 – 14.10 Final notes
14.10 – 15.00 Lunch & Networking

The event’s partners are Erste Asset Management Romania, ING Bank Romania, ROCA Investments, Suciu Popa, Colliers, Bucharest Stock Exchange and Dentons. The supporting Partner for this event is Banca Transilvania.

If you are interested in attending this event, please contact us at:


MIRSANU.RO is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions. MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and founders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and overall the dealmakers community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.