Adrian Tanase, CEO Bucharest Stock Exchange, speaker of MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2022

Adrian Tanase, CEO of the Bucharest Stock Exchange, is one of the speakers of MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2022. He was appointed CEO in January 2018.

As of November 2019, Mr. Tanase is Chairman of CCP.RO Bucharest, the company that will provide de central counter party services on the Romanian capital and energy market.

As well, between 2018 and 2021  he was member of the Board of Central Securities Depositary. With a CFA Institute title, Mr. Tanase entire experience is in the financial industry. 

Prior to joining Bucharest Stock Exchange, Adrian Tanase was part of the ING Group team in Romania for 12 years. He joined the ING team in 2006 as Equity Portfolio Manager for ING Insurance, later in 2008 he was appointed Equity Portfolio Manager in ING Asset Management, and after three years Mr. Tanase was promoted to CEO of ING Asset Management.

In 2013, Mr. Tanase was appointed Chief Investment Officer in NN Pensions, the largest Pilar II Private Pension Manager in the Romanian Market, till 2018, when he joined Bucharest Stock Exchange team. Mr. Tanase started his career in 1998, as financial analyst.

The agenda of this event will be as follows:

08.30 – 08.55 (EEST/GMT+2) Registration & Networking
08.55 – 09.00 Welcome message from Adrian Mirsanu, Founder of the transaction journal MIRSANU.RO

09.00 – 09.40 Panel on international macro trends and local trends that will shape the major corporate deals

09.40 – 10.20 Panel on the mergers & acquisitions (M&A) market

10.20 – 11.00 Panel on financing

11.00 – 11.40 Deals on the capital markets

11.40 – 12.10 Coffee Break

12.10 – 12.50 Developments on the real estate market

12.50 – 13.30 Fundraising and trends in Private Equity & Venture Capital

13.30 – 14.10 Panel Buyers v Sellers

14.10 – 14.15 Final notes

14.15 – 15.30 Networking & Lunch

The event’s partners are Mazars, Schoenherr, Raiffeisen Bank Romania and Adrem. Hydrating Partner is La Fantana and Supporting Partner is Vetimex Capital.

If you are interested in attending this event or making a partnership, please contact us at:


MIRSANU.RO is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions. MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and founders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and overall the dealmakers community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.

Sursa foto: Bursa de Valori Bucuresti.

Adrian Tanase, Bursa de Valori Bucuresti: Ne asteptam ca acest pipeline de tranzactii pe piata principala sa continue, antreprenorii descopera piata de capital ca o posibilitate de finantare a proiectelor . Facem un demers prin care sa avem scoruri ESG pentru toate companiile din Romania. Agenda BVB pentru 2022

“A fost un an record din punct de vedere al tranzactionarii pe secondary market (piata secundara – n.r.), iar din punct de vedere al numarului de listari pe care l-am avut, am avut pana acum 22 de listari de actiuni in acest an si vreo 30 de listari de obligatiuni corporate pe langa listarile de titluri de stat. Valoarea deal-urilor pe corporate a fost de peste 800 mil. euro, pe equity (listari actiuni ale companiilor – n.r.) a fost de circa 230 mil. euro, din cele 22 de listari 3 au fost pe piata reglementata – TTS, One si Aquila cu o valoare a acestor listari de aproape 190 mil. euro, iar restul de 40 mil. euro pe Aero. Ca numar este un an record, s-au facut listari anul acesta mai multe decat in ultimii 6 -7 ani. Piata noastra are nevoie de mai mult“, a declarat Adrian Tanase, CEO Bursa de Valori Bucuresti la MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2021, eveniment organizat de jurnalul de tranzactii MIRSANU.RO.

“Speram ca pipeline-ul sa continue, eu sunt foarte optimist, ca acest pipeline pe primary market (piata principala – n.r.) o sa continue. Din ce in ce mai multi antreprenori descopera piata de capital ca o posibilitate de finantare a proiectelor.  Cred ca pipeline-ul va continua si cred ca se va accelera. Piata este populata de investitorii institutionali puternici, atat locali cat si straini ,care asteapta deal-uri din ce in ce mai mari pe piata“, afirma seful Bursei de Valori Bucuresti.

Daca sentimentul pietei se mentine sau chiar se imbunatateste si se mai clarifica lucrurile cu criza pandemica, premisele sunt foarte bune ca atat pe actiuni cat si pe obligatiuni sa continue. 

“Sper ca deal-urile sa fie din ce in ce mai mari si mai multe. E obligatoriu pentru a multumi cel putin nevoia de investitie pe care fondurile de pensii o au in piata locala. Ne dorim ca fondurile de pensii sa investeasca in Romania si sa le cream aici oportunitati pentru a investi. Si investitorii straini sunt cu ochii pe piata de capital din Romania, mai ales de cand am fost upgradati la statutul de piata emergenta, avem investitori straini de un calibru foarte mare care se uita dupa orice oportunitate de un anumit nivel pentru a investi“, a mai spus Adrian Tanase in cadrul panelului de piete de capital al evenimentului.

“Pana acum, ca numar de investitori, lucrurile se misca foarte bine, avem o crestere a numarului de investitori individuali de 30% atat in ultimii doi ani, cred ca procentul este acelasi si in piata fondurilor deschise de investitii. Pentru investitiile directe avem acum 75.000 de investitori fata de peste 50,000 invesittori la sfarsitul lui 2019. Evolutia ne bucura, cifra nu ne bucura inca pentru ca ar trebui sa fie una mai ridicata avand in vedere populatia activa din Romania“, a precizat reprezentantul BVB.

“Am fost upgradati pe piata emergenta din 2019, promovati in 2020, s-a produs si aici o consolidare. Sunt companii care au intrat in indicii FTSE Russell.  Cred ca trendul de consolidare a Romaniei in acesti indici va continua“, estimeaza Adrian Tanase.

Pe agenda pentru 2022 a Directorului General al Bursei de Valori Bucuresti figureaza mai multe proiecte si demersuri legislative.

“Ca si proiecte, avem proiectul de contraparte centrala pentru care 2022 va fi un an foarte important pentru acest proiect, ni-l dorim autorizat si implementat. La sfarsitul anului viitor, ne dorim sa avem instrumentele pietei financiare de derivate  functionale, in consecinta si contrapartea centrala sa fie autorizata si functionala si ea. Acest proiect va domina cel putin activitatea mea in anul ce urmeaza. Mai avem si alte proiecte pe frontul legislativ, probabil stiti de acest demers care exista in Parlament cu simplificarea procedurilor fiscale pentru investitorii individuali.  Pe piata de capital, ne dorim sa introducem sistemul de retinere la sursa a taxelor pentru castigurile de capital atat pentru investitiile directe, cat si pentru investitiile in fonduri deschise de investitii“, a spus Adrian Tanase.

“Mai avem si un alt demers pe care vrem sa punem mult accent la anul – reglementarea Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT), sa le avem reglementate si listate, acest instrument da acces din punct de vedere fiscal si mai facil catre sectorul de real estate atat pentru investitorii institutionali, cat si pentru cei de retail“, adauga acesta.

In acest moment, investitorii de pe piata de capital au acces la actiunile a doua companii din sectorul imobiliar – Impact si One United Properties, ultima listata in 2021 si proaspat intrata in mai multi indici bursieri.

“ESG este din ce in ce mai important, avem un demers prin care vrem sa avem scoruri ESG pentru toate companiile din Romania. Exista deja scoruri ESG calculate de Sustainalytics pentru toate companiile din Romania, la care companiile au acces si ne dorim sa fie publice cat mai repede pentru ca vrem sa oferim o vizibilitate cat mai mare catre investitori, cel putin pentru investitorii institutionali care cer sa fie accesibile pentru decizia lor de investitii. Se pot crea in viitor si produse, ma refer la indici de ESG, creati pe baza acestor scoruri“, subliniaza Adrian Tanase de la Bursa de Valori Bucuresti.

Partenerii MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2021 sunt Immofinanz, Dentons, Bursa de Valori București, ING Bank România, Prefera Foods, Alro, Mazars, Schoenherr și DLA Piper România.

VIZUAL MDS 2020 cu parteneri main

Adrian Tanase, CEO of the Bucharest Stock Exchange, speaker of MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2020

Adrian Tanase, CEO of the Bucharest Stock Exchange, is one of the speakers of MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2020. He will bring to the table a top view in a capital markets panel.

Adrian Tanase was appointed CEO in January 2018.

As of November 2019, Mr. Tanase is Chairman of CCP.RO Bucharest, the company that will provide de central counter party services on the Romanian capital and energy market.

As well, as of 2018 he is member of the Board of Central Securities Depositary.
With a CFA Institute title, Mr. Tanase entire experience is in the financial industry.

Prior to joining Bucharest Stock Exchange, Adrian Tanase was part of the ING Group team in Romania for 12 years. He joined the ING team in 2006 as Equity Portfolio Manager for ING Insurance, later in 2008 he was appointed Equity Portfolio Manager in ING Asset Management, and after three years Mr. Tanase was promoted to CEO of ING Asset Management. In 2013, Mr. Tanase was appointed Chief Investment Officer in NN Pensions, the largest Pilar II Private Pension Manager in the Romanian Market, till 2018, when he joined Bucharest Stock Exchange team. Mr. Tanase started his career in 1998, as financial analyst.

On December 10, 2020, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2020, an event dedicated to the community of corporate transactions – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, capital market transactions and real estate transactions.

The agenda of the event will be as follows:

11:00 – 11:05 Introduction by the event moderator

11.05 – 11.50 Panel on international macro trends and local trends that will shape the major corporate deals

11.50 – 12.35 Panel on the mergers & acquisitions (M&A) market

12.35 – 13.20 Panel on corporate financing

13.20 – 14.25 Roundtable panel on private equity

14.25 – 15.00 Break

15.00 – 15.45 Deals on the capital markets

15.45 – 16.30 Developments on the real estate market

16.30 – 17.15 Debate: Entrepreneurs v Investors

17.15 – 17.30 Event conclusions

The event’s partners are:

Event partners:ING Bank Romania, Bucharest Stock Exchange, NNDKP, Oresa, Mazars, Dentons, Reff & Asociații | Deloitte Legal,Ioana FilipescuStamboli, DLA Piper Romania, DeloitteRomânia.

Content partners: Colliers International Romania, WOOD & Co.

If you are interested in attending this event, please contact us at:,


MIRSANU.RO is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions.

MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and funders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional merger & acquisition (M&A) and overall deal making community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.