Arhive etichete: BlackPeak Capital MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT

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Ivailo Gospodinov, Managing Partner BlackPeak Capital, speaker of MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2022

Ivailo Gospodinov, Managing Partner of BlackPeak Capital, is one of the speakers of MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2022.

Together with Rossen Ivanov, Ivailo founded BlackPeak Capital in 2014 with the ambition to invest in innovative business models and to support the most dynamic small and mid-size enterprises. Currently BlackPeak Capital has Eur 150m under management and is recognised as one of the leading providers of growth equity in the region.

Ivailo’s responsibility is to build and execute deals in Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia and to support the investee companies in their growth strategy. Within its mandate the fund has executed 16 deals in the region for the past 8 years. Being a hands-on investor Ivailo and his team take the lead in all aspects of the in-organic growth strategy of the companies.

Ivailo brings a wealth of experience to the fund in his various capacities over the last 25 years. He has been an audit and corporate finance manager with Andersen and E&Y and was the managing partner in Raiffeisen Investment for Bulgaria, executing numerous M&A transactions in CEE.

The agenda of this event will be as follows:

08.30 – 08.55 (EEST/GMT+2) Registration & Networking
08.55 – 09.00 Welcome message from Adrian Mirsanu, Founder of the transaction journal MIRSANU.RO

09.00 – 09.40 Panel on international macro trends and local trends that will shape the major corporate deals

09.40 – 10.20 Panel on the mergers & acquisitions (M&A) market

10.20 – 11.00 Panel on financing

11.00 – 11.40 Deals on the capital markets

11.40 – 12.10 Coffee Break

12.10 – 12.50 Developments on the real estate market

12.50 – 13.30 Fundraising and trends in Private Equity & Venture Capital

13.30 – 14.10 Panel Buyers v Sellers

14.10 – 14.15 Final notes

14.15 – 15.30 Networking & Lunch

The event’s partners are Mazars, Schoenherr and Adrem.

If you are interested in attending this event or making a partnership, please contact us at:


MIRSANU.RO is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions. MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and founders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and overall the dealmakers community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.

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Dorian Macovei, BlackPeak Capital: In urmatoarele 12 luni, vom semna una-doua tranzactii in Romania. Verdino, prima investitie locala a BlackPeak Capital, se adreseaza unei piete globale estimata sa creasca in 20 de ani de la 2 mld. euro la 400 mld. euro

“Am reusit sa inchidem prima runda de capitalizare a noului fond la aproape 70 mil. euro, acum suntem in faza a doua de ridicare a capitalului si atingem tinta de 100 mil. euro.  Asta ne-a modificat un pic in sus si tichetele pentru a investi in diferite proiecte“, a declarat Dorian Macovei, Managing Director Romania BlackPeak Capital.

“Ca si sectoare ne uitam nu doar in Romania ci si in regiune – companiile de fintech ca solutii inovative si disruptive pe partea de finantare, companiile care actioneaza in zona de digitalizare si prezenta online, partea de logistica, sectoarele de telemedicina si sectorul novel food – food care urmaresc trendurile de consum din randul populatiei tinere“, afirma Dorian Macovei.

“Avem un pipeline destul de interesant. In Romania, suntem in discutii mai avansate pe cateva oportunitati. Ne uitam foarte mult pe partea de sustenabilitate, de economie circulara si partea de fintech“, a spus reprezentantul BlackPeak Capital.

“In urmatoarele 12 luni, vom semna una-doua tranzactii in Romania“, estimeaza Dorian Macovei.

“Credem foarte mult ca resursele de capital trebuie sa fie locale. Ne-am putea uita in Polonia unde majoritatea fondurilor au inceput sa isi finanteze activitatea din resurse locale de la fonduri de pensii si firme de asigurari. Noi, ca un activ diferit fata de alte clase de active in care investesc fondurile de pensii, oferim diversitate asupra portofoliului, cat si o dinamica diferita fata de investitiile pe bursele de valori sau alte instrumente de investitii pe termen scurt“, precizeaza reprezentantul BlackPeak Capital, manager de fonduri de Private Equity cu focus in regiune.

“Am inchis o tranzactie frumoasa, o investitie in Verdino, cred ca investitia in Verdino este un exemplu tipic de companie la care se uita fondurile pentru ca am trecut de la epoca de industrializare la epoca de digitalizare atunci sunt foarte multe resetari pe ceea ce inseamna modelele de business, felul in care lumea consuma si ce consuma astfel incat proiectiile tale pe 5 ani sa pui pe modele de business care vor fi de viitor cu un potential mare de crestere“, puncteaza Macovei.

Verdino este una dintre afacerile fondate recent in industria alimentara de catre antreprenorul in serie Raul Ciurtin, care si-a facut un nume in antreprenoriatul local dupa ce a reusit sa dezvolte anterior Albalact pana la statutul de lider de piata in industria laptelui, pe care apoi l-a vandut catre investitorul strategic Lactalis.

“Verdino se adreseaza unei piete care se dubleaza de la an la an,proiectiile sunt ca aceasta piata sa creasca de la 2 mld. euro la peste 400 mld. euro in urmatorii 20 de ani. Sunt foarte putini jucatori“, a subliniat potentialul noii afaceri in care a intrat BlackPeak Capital in cadrul panelului Cumparatori vs Vanzatori al evenimentului.

Partenerii MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2021 sunt Immofinanz, Dentons, Bursa de Valori București, ING Bank România, Prefera Foods, Alro, Mazars, Schoenherr și DLA Piper România.

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Dorian Macovei, Managing Director BlackPeak Capital, speaker of MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2021

Dorian Macovei, Managing Director BlackPeak Capital, is one of the speakers of MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2021 in the debate Buyers v Sellers.

BlackPeak Capital is a regional private equity fund targeting growth equity investments of €5-10 million in the fastest growing SMEs across SEE countries.

With over 20 years of private equity experience across CEE, Baltics, CIS and Western Europe, Dorian sourced, and managed complex transactions implemented turnaround plans and executed exits for strained investments. Currently Dorian focuses on partnering with entrepreneurs on adding value to portfolio companies through operational improvements, growth strategies and ESG initiatives.

On December 10, 2021, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting MIRSANU DEALMAKERS SUMMIT 2021, an event dedicated to the community of corporate transactions – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, capital market transactions and real estate transactions.

The agenda of the event will be as follows:

09:50 – 10:00 Introduction by the event moderator

10.00 – 10.10 Keynote speaker

10.10 – 11.00 Panel on international macro trends and local trends that will shape the major corporate deals

11.00 – 11.50 Panel on the mergers & acquisitions (M&A) market

11.50 – 12.10 Study Case

12.10 – 13.00 Panel on corporate financing

13.00 – 13.20 Developments on the real estate market

13.20 – 14.20 Break

14.20 – 15.10 Roundtable panel on private equity & venture capital

15.10 – 15.30 Q&A ESG

15.30 – 16.20 Deals on the capital markets

16.20 – 16.30 Opportunities room

16.30 – 17.20 Debate: Buyers v Sellers

17.20 – 17.30 Event conclusions

The event’s partners are Immofinanz, Dentons, Bucharest Stock Exchange, ING Bank Romania, Prefera Foods, Alro, Mazars, Schoenherr and DLA Piper Romania.

If you are interested in attending this event, please contact us at:



MIRSANU.RO is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions. MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and funders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional merger & acquisition (M&A) and overall deal making community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.