publicat la: 26.06.2024  09:06

Dan Lupu, Partner at Earlybird, speaker of MIRSANU INVESTORS SUMMIT 2024

Sursa foto: Earlybird.

Dan Lupu, Partner at Earlybird, is one of the speakers of MIRSANU INVESTORS SUMMIT 2024.

Dan Lupu is a Partner in the Earlybird, a veture capital investment fund focused on European technology innovators and one of the most successful venture capital firms in Europe. Dan has significant experience as an equity research analyst in Romania, Egypt, and the UK with a particular focus on telecommunications, pharmaceuticals and white goods.

As a partner at Earlybird, Dan was one of the early backers of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) provider Romanian-born unicorn UiPath, which, he argues, is poised to become Romania’s first decacorn. He believes in startups that have a ‘global DNA’ and have found a match with foreign markets rather than their local one.

During his career, Dan has been the Investment Director at Intel Capital, the investment giant of the Intel giant and an Investment Executive at SigmaBleyzer, a private equity fund focused on South-East Europe. Currently, Dan Lupu holds 3 board and advisor roles including Board Member at UiPath, Board Member at DCS FAST LINK (dcs plus), and Board Member at FITE.

On June 27, 2024, MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is hosting MIRSANU INVESTORS SUMMIT 2024, an exclusively ONLINE event for strategic investors, IFIs, Private Equity managers, Venture Capital and corporate venture capital managers, pension funds, asset managers, real estate investors, NPL investors, entrepreneurs and other corporative investors.


The agenda of this event will be as follows:

09:00 (EEST) – 09:05 Welcome message from Adrian Mirsanu, Founder of MIRSANU.RO transaction journal

09:05 – 09:45 Investment trends panel

09:45 – 10:30 Venture capital & Corporate venture capital panel

10:30 – 11:30 Private equity & Private credit panel

11:30 – 12:00 Break

12:00 – 12:20 NPL & distressed assets investors panel

12:20 – 13:00 International financial institutions (IFI) panel

13:00 – 13:30 Q&A 1:1 with Raiffeisen Bank about pension funds, asset management and investments

13:30 – 13:55 Real estate investors panel

13:55 – 14:00 Conclusions


The event’s partners are Raiffeisen Bank and NNDKP.

If you are interested in attending this event please contact us at: office@mirsanu.ro.



MIRSANU.RO transaction journal is the first Romanian media product consisting of news, analyses, interviews and opinions exclusively addressing transactions and industry professionals. We provide information on three main areas – mergers & acquisitions (M&A), financing, and capital market transactions. MIRSANU.RO is a B2B (BUSINESS TO BUSINESS) media product exclusively targeting executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and founders, as well as a B2P (BUSINESS TO PROFESSIONALS) product, with information addressing the activity of the professional mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and overall the dealmakers community, consisting of investment fund managers, lawyers, investment bankers, bankers, strategy consultants, auditors, as well as other transaction-related professional service providers.


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